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1. When was the Bryansk region formed?

2. What does the Emblem of the Bryansk region symbolize?

3. How does the Flag of the Bryansk region look like?

4. What is the Anthem of the Bryansk region?

5. How many districts does the region consist of?

6. What is the total area?

7. What is the population of the region?

8. What does the Bryansk region border on?

9. What are the longest rivers?

10. What climate has the region?

11. What factories are there in the region?

12. What do our plants produce?

13. What role does agriculture play?

14. What do our farms produce?

15. What is grown by farmers?

16. What environmental problems has the Bryansk region?

17. What are the main sources of pollution?

18. What is the most serious problem?

19. What is the main task of our time?

Slavonic, nation, spiritual, arable, settlement, temperate, fertilizer, consumer, agriculture, development, closely, favourable, environmental, pollution, erosion, extinction, critical, depletion, another, chemical, organic, substance, serious, nature, protection, reproduction polluted, destruction.


___ Bryansk region is ___ subject of ___ Russian Federation. It was organized in ___ 1944. ___ center of ___ region is ___ city of ___ Bryansk. ___ history of ___ Bryansk is longer than ___ millennium.

___ Bryansk region located in ___ central part of ___ East-European plain, on watershed of ___ Dnepr and ___ Volga. ___ Bryansk is 379 km ___ south-east from ___ Moscow. ___ region borders on ___ two independent states (___ Belarus and ___ Ukraine) and ___ four Russian regions (___ Kaluga, ___ Smolensk, ___ Oryol and ___ Kursk regions).

___ official symbols of ___ Bryansk region are Flag, Coat of Arms and Hymn. ___ Historical Coat of Arms of ___ Bryansk is ___ organic part of ___ Coat of Arms of ___ Bryansk region. ___ Flag of ___ Bryansk region is ___ red banner as red colour was ___ colour of ___ flags of ___ Bryansk Resistance in World War II and ___ colour of ___ Soviet Army, liberated ___ Bryansk region in ___ 1943. ___ Anthem of ___ Bryansk region is ___ song «Bryansk forest» by S. Katz and A.Sofronov. ___ song was ___ hymn of ___ Resistance of ___ Bryansk region in World War II.

Climate. ___ the Bryansk region winter is relatively tender and snowy, summer is warm. The average temperature ___ January is ___ 7 ___ 9 degrees centigrade ___ zero, ___ July is ___ 18 ___ 19 degrees centigrade. Average atmospheric precipitations ___ 560 ___ 600 mm ___ year.

Rivers and lakes. There are 125 rivers ___ the Bryansk region ___ a total length ___ 9000 km. The rivers ___ the Bryansk region belong ___ the Dnepr basin. The longest river is the Desna, an inflow ___ the Dnepr. Its source is ___ Nalety village (the Smolensk region). It flows ___ the Dnepr 6 km ___ Kiev (the Ukraine) 1187 km ___ length. The main inflows ___ the Desna ___ the region, the Bolva, the Navlya, the Nerussa, the Sudost, flow ___ the Desna ___ the boundaries ___ the region. The Besed and the Iput are inflows ___ the Sozh river ___ the west ___ the region. There are 49 large lakes ___ the region.

Forests. The Bryansk region is located ___ the forest zone, only the south-east ___ region is ___ the forest-steppe zone. The total area ___ the forests is ___ one million hectares. The largest forests are located ___ the left bank ___ the Desna. The forests ___ the Sudost and the Iput are not so large. The pine forests making ___ 42% are the most important ___ the timber industry. 23% are birch forests and 15% are aspen forests. Oak, alder, ash, maple, lime are also widespread ___ the Bryansk region.