Вашингтон, Округ Колумбия
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The White House (2)
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John Adams became the first president to take residence ___ the building ___ November 1, 1800. ___ 1814 ___ the War of 1812, much ___ Washington, D.C., was set alight ___ British troops, and the White House was gutted. Popular legend holds that ___ the rebuilding ___ the structure white paint was applied to mask the burn damage it had suffered, giving the building its namesake hue. This is, however, unfounded as the building had been painted white ___ 1798. ___ the numerous spoils taken ___ the White House when it was ransacked ___ British troops, only two have been recovered — a painting of George Washington, rescued by then-first lady Dolley Madison, and a jewelry box returned ___ President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ___ 1939 ___ a Canadian who said his grandfather had taken it ___ Washington. The majority ___ bounty was lost when a fleet ___ British ships en route ___ Halifax sank ___ Prospect during a storm
The White House was designated a National Historic Landmark ___ December 19, 1960.
Very few people realize the size ___ the White House, since much ___ it is ___ ground or otherwise minimized ___ landscaping. ___ fact, the White House has 6 stories, 132 rooms and 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases, 3 elevators, 5 full-time chefs, 5,000 visitors a day, a tennis court, a bowling lane, a movie theater, a jogging track, a swimming pool.
It is also one ___ the first government buildings in Washington that was made wheelchair-accessible, ___ modifications having been made ___ the presidency ___ Franklin D. Roosevelt, who needed to use a wheelchair as a result ___ polio. ___ the 1990s Hillary Rodham Clinton, ___ the suggestion ___ Visitors Office Director Melinda N. Bates, approved the addition ___ a ramp ___ the East Wing corridor. It allowed easy wheelchair access ___ the public tours and special events that enter through the secure entrance building ___ the east side.
Every presidential family has made changes ___ the decor ___ the White House, some subtle, others more profound and controversial. ___ the 1990s, ___ example, President and Mrs. Clinton had some ___ the rooms recast ___ Arkansas decorator Kaki Hockersmith; the result, though presumably inspired ___ the Kennedy years, was unveiled ___ general derision.
Столица США Вашингтон расположена в пределах (within) специально созданного Федерального округа Колумбия на реке Потомак между штатами Мэриленд и Вирджиния. Здесь находятся высшие органы власти страны, большая часть правительственных учреждений. Среди многочисленных достопримечательностей центральной части города - Белый дом, Капитолий (Capitol), Верховный суд США (Supreme Court, U.S.), Библиотека Конгресса (Library of Congress), обелиск Вашингтона (Washington Monument), мемориалы А. Линкольна (Lincoln Memorial) и Т. Джефферсона (Jefferson Memorial), Смитсоновский институт (Smithsonian Institution); в пригороде – Пентагон, комплекс Министерства обороны (Pentagon) и Арлингтонское национальное кладбище (Arlington National Cemetery). Здесь расположены посольства иностранных государств (Embassy Row), штаб-квартиры международных организаций, в том числе Всемирного Всемирный (Мирового) банка (the World Bank), Международного валютного фонда (the International Monetary Fund), Организации американских государств (the Organization of American States) и др. В Вашингтоне находятся также многочисленные общенациональные ассоциации, лоббистские и другие организации, исследовательские учреждения.
Город обслуживается тремя аэропортами: Национальным (National Airport), Балтиморско-Вашингтонским международным (Baltimore-Washington International Airport) и Международным аэропортом Даллеса (Dulles International Airport). Город известен своими колледжами и университетами, среди которых Джорджтаунский университет (Georgetown University), Университет Дж. Вашингтона (George Washington University), Университет Хауарда (Howard University), Католический университет Америки (Catholic University of America), Американский университет (American University). Здесь издается одна из ведущих газет страны - «Вашингтон пост» (the Washington Post).