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Russian Holidays
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1. Where does the vast territory of Russia lie?
2. What oceans and seas is Russia washed by?
3. What countries does Russia border on?
4. What are the main mountain chains, rivers and lakes in Russia?
5. What mineral resources are there in Russia?
6. What is the population of Russia?
7. The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow, isn’t it?
8. What is the form of government in Russia?
Largest, eastern, northern, longest, deepest, purest, natural, population, peopled, presidential, leading, independent,continental, windy, snowy, especially, usually, active, political, scientific, industrial, cultural.
Our country is ____ country of great culture. Russians has ____ lot of holidays and customs. ___ most important of them are New Year’s Day, ____ Women’s Day, ___May Day, ___Victory Day, and ___Independence Day.
New Year is celebrated on ___ 31st of December. There are some ___ traditions on ___New Year. People decorate ___ New Year tree and wait for ___ Father Frost to bring them ___presents.
Independence Day is ___ new holiday. It’s only been celebrated since June ___ 12th 1992 when ___ first president of ___Russia was elected.
On such days as ___ New Year’s Day, ____ Women’s Day, ___Victory Day, and so on ___ people do not work.
Russians have some ___ holidays that are of religion origin. They are ___Christmas and ___Easter. ___Christmas is celebrated on ___ 7th of ___January. On ___ day people celebrate ___ birthday of ___ Jesus Christ. ___Easter symbolizes ____ resurrection of ___Jesus Christ. On ___ holiday we have ___ traditional ___brightly painted boiled eggs and ___special ___cakes.
___ the midth ___ a thinly populated wildness lies the foremost natural wonder - lake Baikal. It’s the oldest lake ___ the world - its age is about 25-30 million years. Scientists estimated that more than 1500 life forms live ___ and ___ this lake, which can be found nowhere else ___ the Earth. It’s the world's largest reservoir ____ drinking water. It occupies the territory ___ 12000 m2 and 400 km long. It contains 1/6 ___ fresh water found ___ the planet and ___ spite ___ the vast pollution ___ the nearby industry the most ____ it still remains unspoilt. ___ 30 uninhabited isles are scattered throughout the lake.
Most ___ the coastline lies ___ an environmentally protected area. A feeling ___ tranquility settles ____ the coastal village ____ long summer afternoons. A vehicle driving ____ the village’s main street is a rare sight. A motorcycle ____ a sidecar is the most popular civil transport; and a passenger car still remains an object ____ curiosity ____ children.
Россия - самая большая страна в мире. Ее площадь составляет 17 млн кв.км. Население России около 150 млн. Россия омывается Белым, Баренцевым, Охотским, Черным, Балтийским и другими морями. Россия граничит со многими странами: Норвегией, Финляндией, Эстонией, Латвией, Беларусью, Украиной, Грузией, Азербайджаном, Казахстаном, Монголией, Китаем и др. Территория России очень разнообразна. На юге – степи, в центральной части - равнины и леса, на севере – тундра и тайга, на востоке – горы и пустыни. Наиболее известные горные цепи в России - Урал, Кавказ и Алтай. Самые длинные реки - Волга в Европе и Обь, Енисей и Лена в Азии. Наиболее крупные озера - Ладога и Байкал. Россия богата полезными ископаемыми. Россия - одна из ведущих держав в мире.