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Answer the questions
1. Do the banks play an important role in our life?
2. What qualities should a bank clerk acquire?
3. What are the employees of a bank?
4. What are the duties of a clerk?
Tellers Bank consultants
- helps clients to pay every day bills
- exchanges currency
- opens accounts
- gives instructions how to use bank dispensers
- provides consultant services about different services of a bank
- deposits money in the customer's accounts
- helps with electronic queue
-exchanges shabby notes
Консультант консультирует клиентов о возможностях использования банкоматов и терминалов. Кассир осуществляет операции по приему, учету, выдаче и хранению денежных средств и ценных бумаг. Кассир обеспечивает обслуживание клиентов по счетам, вкладам, переводам, банковским картам. Кассир ведет валютно-обменные операции. Кассир осуществляет продажу банковских продуктов.
а) Му future profession is...
Ь) I wouldlike to work with. . .
с) I would like to work in. . .
d) In college I will have many practical courses in...
е) А good clerk must bе...
t) А good clerk must know. . .
g) After finishing college I'm going to...
Напишите не менее 10 предложений о своей будущей профессии
Bank system, regional bank system
The bank system of the Russian Federation consists of 2 levels: the Central bank of the Russian Federation and the credit organizations (commercial banks and the non-bank credit organizations). Commercial banks offer a wide range of corporate financial services that address the specific needs of private enterprise. They provide deposit, loan and trading facilities but will not service investment activities in financial markets.
They process payments through a variety of means including telegraphic transfer, internet banking and electronic funds transfers. Commercial banks issue bank checks and drafts, as well as accept money on term deposits.
Commercial banks also act as moneylenders, by way of installment loans and overdrafts. Commercial banks provide a number of import financial and trading documents such as letters of credit, bonds and various other types of balance sheet guarantees. They also take responsibility for safeguarding such documents and other valuables by providing safe deposit boxes. Currency exchange functions and the provision of unit trusts and commercial insurance are typically provided by the relevant departments in larger commercial banks. Most of the commercial banks offer their customers savings deposit accounts, and the more established banks provide foreign-exchange services, investment services, and corporate services. Bank checks are still rarely used in Russia because check clearance is a long process. Some banks offer debit cards that allow customers to have payments for goods and services deducted directly from their bank balances.
New words:
installment-очередной взнос, частичный платеж
trust-кредит, расчет, давать в кредит
check clearance-чековый безналичный расчет, клиринг
1. Read the text and answer the questions:
1. What rights do commercial banks have?
2. What is a commercial bank?
3. How do they process payments ?
4. Name the functions of the commercial banks.
5. What else is provided by the relevant departments in larger commercial banks?
6. What banks form the foundation of the current commercial banking system in Russia?