Texts and Dialogues
At the Chemist’s
There are two departments in the chemist’s shop. At the chemist’s department one can have the medicine right away (immediately), other drugs have to be ordered at the prescription department. At the chemist’s all drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle, a tube or a box of medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs used for injections. The dose to be taken is usually indicated on a signature or a label. It is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing different remedies because some of them are poisonous and their overdosage may cause untoward reactions and sometimes even death.
In the drug cabinets one can see small parcels of different powders, ampoules of glucose and other drugs used for intravenous and intramuscular injections, tubes of healing ointments which are rubbed in to relieve pain or skin irritation, different pills for internal use: sedatives and tonics, vitamins, sleeping-draughts, laxatives, cardiovascular drugs, bottles of iodine and so on.
At the prescription department there are two drug cabinets with the big letters A and B. Poisonous medicines are kept in the drug cabinet marked with the letter A, and all strong-effective drugs are kept in the drug cabinet having the letter B. At the prescription department one can get tablets for headache, cough mixtures, alcohol to sponge the skin and rinse one’s hands.
At the chemist's one can get not only any medicine he needs but also a good piece of advice such as: to keep the drug in a cool place and shake it before using, to take a tablespoonful of the mixture three times a day to relieve one's cough and to be well again soon.
Medicines and Medical Commodities
Doctors cannot treat sick people without medicines. Chemist’s assistants make up (prepare) and sell ready-made medicines of all kinds. According to their medical effect they are classified as following: antibiotics, antiseptics, antitussive drugs, chemotherapeutic agents, analgetics, anaesthetics, laxatives, sleeping draughts, sedatives, diuretics, vitamin preparations, antihistamines.
As to their form they may be: pills, tablets, powders, globules, ointments, suppositories, gargles, ear-, eye-, nose-drops, tinctures, mixtures, infusions, decoctions, suspensions, emulsions. Tablets, pills, globules, suppositories, ointments, tinctures, emulsions, vitamins, injection preparations, some drops and others are usually sold ready-made. Such medicines as infusions, decoctions, mixtures, powders, suspensions, some emulsions, gargles, drops are made (prepared) by chemist’s assistants. Some drugs are sold only in accordance with the prescriptions of the doctors at the prescription department. Only medicines which are practically harmless may be sold without prescription at the ready-made medicine department (at a special counter).
Various commodities are on stock at the chemist’s too: hot water bags, cups, mustard plasters, soap, dressing material, cotton-wool, medicine droppers, gause and gause bandage and what not are on sale at the special counter (manual department). The number of chemist’s shops as well as chemist’s stalls is growing from year to year.
Antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, analgetic
Active substance – Sodium(o-(2,6-dichlorphenyl)-amilo)-phenyl)-acetate(=diclofenac sodium), a phenylacetic acid derivative
Pharmaceutical form and quantity of active substance per unit
Enteric coated tablets of 25 mg, and 50 mg
Suppositories of 12,5 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg
Drops of 15 mg/mL (1 drop = 0,5 mg)
- inflammatory and degenerative forms of rheumatism: rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile;
- rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis and spondylarthritis;
- painful syndromes of the vertebral column;
- non-articular rheumatism;
- acute attacks of gout;
- painful post-traumatic and postoperative inflammation and swelling;
- painful and/or inflammatory conditions in gynaecology, e.g. primary dysmenorrhea or adnexitis;
- as an adjuvant in severe painful inflammatory infections of the ear, nose, or throat, e.g. pharyngotonsillitis, otitis, in accordance with general therapeutic principles, appropriate measures should be taken to treat underlying disease.
Fever alone is not an indication.
The initial dose is usually 100-150 mg. In milder cases, as well as in prolonged therapy, 75-100 mg daily is usually sufficient. The daily dosage is generally given in 2-3 divided doses.
Children from age of 1 year upwards should be given 0,5 to 2 mg/kg body weight daily,
In 2-3 divided doses, depending on the severity of the condition.
Restrictions on use
Peptic ulcer. Known hypersensitivity to the active substance.
Patients experiencing dizziness or other disturbances of the central nervous system during treatment with Voltaren should not drive or operate machinery.
Adverse reactions
Gastrointestinal tract
Occasional: epigastric pain, other gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, dyspepsia, flatulence, and anorexia; suppositories: local irritation
Central (and peripheral) nervous system
Occasional: headache, dizziness, vertigo
Rare: tiredness.
Management of acute poisoning with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents consists essentially in supportive and symptomatic measures. Overdosage of diclofenac produces no typical clinical picture.
At the Ready-Made Medicine Department
А - Good morning. What can I do for you?
В - Good morning, Madam. The matter is that my daughter is ill. She has a chill. Can you help her?
А - Of course, I can. Tell me, please, has she cough or tonsillitis?
В - Oh, she has both, but I’m worried about her cough most of all.
А - Could you tell me, is her cough dry or productive?
В - She has purulent sputum. I’d like to know whether you have any antitussive drugs.
А - Yes, we have some drugs. But I advise you to buy some expectorant drugs.
В - Are you sure?
A- Yes, I am. And I’d advise you to take some antibiotics. Could you tell me about the antibiotic sensitivity of your daughter?
B- It's been normal.
A - Well, there are such drugs as flemoxine, solutab, biseptol and others. I suppose flemoxine will be quite good for her.
В - I'm so grateful to you.
A - Don't mention it. And does she have a nasal cold, I wonder?
В - Unfortunately she does.
A - Here are some nasal drops and a menthol pencil.
В – Oh, thanks. You see, Madam, my daughter's high temperature troubles me as well.
A - Well, in this case you can give her panadol syrup.
В – I see. Well, now…Have you got any drugs for sore throat?
A - Yes, there is Lugol's solution. You must lubricate her throat about 6 times a day. Would you like anything else?
B - Yes, please. Could you possibly give me one gause bandage, valerian tincture and ten syringes?
A – Sure. Let me see…Here they are. Is that all?
В - Yes, it is. How much should I pay?
A - The price is ... .Would you like to pay cash?
В – Oh, no. I’d prefer to use my card. Here you are.
A - Take your cheque, please. I wish your daughter recover, ed as soon as possible and kept her health better.
В - I do appreciate your attention very much.
A - You are welcome. Good-bye.
At the Prescription Department
В - Good afternoon, Madam.
A - Good afternoon. Could I help you?
В - Yes, please. The doctor has prescribed me some pills and a cough mixture.
A - Will you kindly give me your prescriptions?
В - Here you are.
A - Let me see… Yes, we've got these tablets. Just a moment … They are kept in this drug cabinet. Here you are.
В - Is it a strong-effective drug?
A - Yes, it is. It is superior in the analgetic group.
В - Isn't it harmful? Can it cause any side effects?
A – Oh, no. It’s been clinically approved and it is practically harmless. It will relieve you of your headache in no time, believe me.
В - Thank you. But what about the cough mixture? When will it be ready?
A - Well, it'll be made up in an hour, I suppose. Here is a receipt for you. Will you please come back a bit later?
В - OK, How much is it?
A - The charge is…
В - Should 1 pay at the cash desk?
A - Sure. It's over there in the corner of the hall
В - (in a minute) Here's the cheque.
A - OK. Please, take the package of tablets.
(an hour later)
В - Good evening. I've come to take my cough mixture.
A - Good evening. I see. Will you give me your receipt (recipe)?
В - Sure, Here it is. Is the drug ready?
A - Certainly it is. You may take it. Should I remind you how the drug should be taken?
В - Do please.
A - Well, you should gargle your throat every two hours.
B - But how much mixture should I use every time?
A - Well, I suppose, two tablespoonfuls will do.
В - OK, thank you.
A - Just a moment. Two other things you should remember. You'd better cork the bottle tightly and keep it in a cool place protected from light.
В - All right. I'll do everything you've told me. Thanks again and good-bye.
A - Good-bye. I hope you'll recover soon.
At a Hospital Chemist’s
А - Hello. Haven't seen you for ages. It’s already five years after we graduated from the University.
В - Hi. Friends may meet, but mountains never greet. Where do you work now, I wonder?
A - Believe it or not, but I work in a hospital.
В - In a hospital? But you're a pharmacist!
A - Yes, I am. And I work at a hospital pharmacy.
В - Oh, really? And does it differ from an ordinary city pharmacy?
A - Of course, it does. First of all it's not a shop. Our pharmacy supplies the hospital with all necessary drugs and medical commodities.
В - I see. And how are the drugs kept in your pharmacy, I wonder?
A - You see… Our pharmacy occupies three large rooms. In two rooms you will see numerous drug cabinets, shelves and a couple of fridges with all possible drugs. Every bottle or box has a label with the name of the drug on it. Besides, the labels are of different colours.
В - Yes, I know that white ones are stuck to indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones - drugs for injections.
A - You're absolutely right. Besides, poisonous drugs are marked with the letter
A, and strong-effective ones - with the letter B.
В - And what are your responsibilities in this pharmacy?
A - Well…I control the doctors' indications, recommend analogues, and attend to the due supply of the pharmacy with drugs and medical goods.
В - I guess your work is very interesting.
A – It really is. You can come and see it with your own eyes.
В - Thank you. I'll come with pleasure.
At the University Chemist’s
Correspondent: Good morning. I am ... I am a correspondent of the magazine "Health".
Manager: I am glad to meet you at our University chemist's. Let me introduce myself. I'm Professor Pavlov, head of the Pharmacy Business Department. And here I am the manager.
C: As far as I know it is the first university chemist's in your town. My first question is: "How does it differ from other chemist's shops?"
M: The matter is that as a rule there are two departments at a chemist's shop but here you can see four of them.
C: Yes, I can see the traditional chemist's and prescription departments. And what is there on the second floor?
M: There we have an optic department and the so-called “green department”.
C: Green department? What is it?
M: You see... It is a special department where medicinal plants are sold. Here you can get qualified consultation from the teachers of Pharmacognosy department of our University.
C: I can see that all plants are kept in drug cabinets, just like medicines.
M: Of course, and there are labels with the name of the plant on each cabinet And now, Mr/Mrs ... I’d like to show you something special. This way,
please …
C: My God! This place looks like a bar!
M: Yes, this is our phyto-bar. Here customers may have herb cocktails, different decoctions and teas.
C: Fantastic! I believe it's possible to get necessary consultations here as well, isn’t it?
M: Sure. The leading specialists of our university give consultations to our customers here.
C:I think your chemist's shop should be extremely popular with the residents of your town. I wish you good luck.
M: Thanks a lot. Come again any time you like. It’s been nice meeting you.
C: The pleasure was mine.
I. Для успешного выполнения коммуникативных заданий, в которых обсуждается система здравоохранения в нашей стране, внимательно изучите перечень лечебных учреждений, прочитайте текст "Medical Service in Russia" и диалог-интервью с министром здравоохранения и социального развития России. Если Вы обнаружите в них какие-либо новые слова, проверьте их значение и произношение по словарю. Кроме того, в ходе подготовки этих коммуникативных заданий Вы можете использовать имеющуюся у Вас информацию о лечебных учреждениях Вашего города и области, проблемах российского здравоохранения и приоритетных направлениях его развития, которые обозначены в национальных российских проектах.
2. Для получения сведений об организации национальных служб здравоохранения в США и Великобритании внимательно изучите предлагаемые Вам тексты и диалоги. Рекомендуем Вам также воспользоваться фонограммами и видеоматериалами, имеющимися в кабинете самостоятельной работы студентов. Обратите внимание на вопросы, касающиеся разнообразных медицинских услуг, специфики работы "семейных врачей", участковых врачей и т.д. Выпишите новые слова и выражения, которые необходимо усвоить, в Ваши индивидуальные словари самостоятельно из всех рекомендуемых для чтения текстов.
З. Если в беседе Вы планируете затронуть вопросы подготовки и работы специалистов различного профиля, то рекомендуем Вам прочесть текст "Professional Training”, a также повторить материалы Раздела 1 настоящего пособия, а также разделов пособия, описывающих работу участкового врача и многопрофильной больницы.
4. Если Вам подходит такой порядок работы, то используйте его для овладения материалом раздела.
5. Вы можете воспользоваться и Вашим индивидуальным алгоритмом действий. Желаем Вам успешно освоить данную тему и свободно участвовать в общении с зарубежными коллегами по проблемам здравоохранения в разных странах, а также аутентичные иноязычные материалы “Modern Medicine in Developed and Developing Countries”, “The Work of a District Doctor and about Combined City Hospitals”.
Коммуникативные задания
1. Представьте себе, что Вы проходите стажировку в США. Ваши новые коллеги хотели бы больше узнать о системе здравоохранения в России. Они расспрашивали Вас, и Вы подробно отвечаете на их вопросы об учреждениях здравоохранения, о лечении в специализированных и санаторно-курортных учреждениях здравоохранения, о наличии бесплатных и платных медицинских услуг, о снабжении больниц и населения лекарствами и медицинскими товарами и т.д.
2. Вы возглавляете областной департамент здравоохранения и Вам необходимо дать интервью корреспонденту компании ВВС, освещающему визит делегации представителей британской национальной службы здравоохранения, которые привезли новое оборудование для больниц Вашей области. Корреспондента интересует, какие учреждения здравоохранения имеются в Вашей области, какие Вы планируете ввести в строй, куда необходимо направить новое оборудование.
3. Члены британской делегации медиков дают пресс-конференцию на телевидении. Они рассказывают о том, каковы цели их визита — установление партнерских связей с медиками области, обеспечение современным оборудованием учреждений здравоохранения и обучение специалистов работе с этим оборудованием, возможности стажировки российских врачей в Великобритании. Журналисты также задают им вопросы о подготовке врачей и организации службы здравоохранения в Соединенном Королевстве, о работе семейных, участковых врачей, а также узких специалистов.
4. Вы приехали в США на стажировку в одну из ведущих частных клиник. Ваш бывший однокурсник, работающий в городском департаменте здравоохранения, предложил Вам больше узнать об организации служб здравоохранения в США; о работе врачей разного профиля и о системе работы врачей, которая называется “групповая практика”; о возможностях получения бесплатной медицинской помощи в США и др. Все эти вопросы Вы должны обсудить с разными специалистами в США, чтобы получить как можно больше информации.
5. Два ”семейных врача” - из США и Великобритании - обсуждают организацию служб здравоохранения в своих странах, выясняют сходства и различия между ними, в том числе в вопросе специфики работы “семейного врача”, в организации бесплатного мед. обслуживания и др. Они также обсуждают наиболее актуальные проблемы в сфере медицинского обслуживания в обеих странах.