






a + b = c a plus b equals (is, are, makes) c. 2 plus 5 is seven

a – b = c a minus b equals c. (b from a is c). 4 minus 2 is 2

(2 from 4 is 2)

a x b = c a multiplied by b equals c. Once 2 is 2. Twice 2 is 4.

Three times 2 is 6.

a : b = c a divided by b is c. 9 divided by 3 equals 3.


Ordinal numerals (порядковые числительные)


One – first (1st); two – second (2nd); three – third (3rd).


4th = fourth 20th = twentieth

5th = fifth25th = twenty-fifth

6th = sixth 40th = fortieth


7th = seventh 90th = ninetieth

8th = eighth 99th = ninety-ninth


9th = ninth 100th = hundredth

10th = tenth 200th = two hundredth

11th = eleventh 375th = three hundred and

12th = twelfth seventy-fifth

13th = thirteenth 5,000th = five thousandth

14th = fourteenth 1,000,000th = millionth

15th = fifteenth

16th = sixteenth

17th = seventeenth

18th = eighteenth

19th = nineteenth


21st – twenty-first; 32nd – thirty-second; 63rd – sixty-third.


Часто номера страниц, параграфов, глав, частей и т. п. обозначаются количественным числительным (после существительного). Артикль перед существительным не ставится.


the thirty-second page – Page 32 – page thirty-two

the fifth lesson – Lesson 5 – lesson five


Количественные числительные употребляются при обозначении номеров домов, комнат, автобусов и других видов транспорта, размеров обуви, одежды.


He lives in Flat No. 10. (number ten)

Take Tram 5. (five)

I wear size thirty-six shoes.



Multiciphered – многозначный


The Category of Number (Категория числа)

Plural nouns (множественное число существительного)


-S-inflexion (окончание –S)


book – books - [s] – после глухих согласных

bag - bags - [z] – после звонких согласных и гласных

box – boxes - [ız] – после s, ss, ch, x, z

body – bodies - [ız] – “y” после согласной переходит в – i (+es)

wife – wives - [z] – “f” меняется на “v”


Words of old English origin:


a) homonyms or the same form – deer, sheep, fish, species …;


This deer is strong. – Этот олень сильный.; These deer are old. – Эти олени старые.;

That species is rare. – Тот вид – редкий.; Those species are common. – Те виды распространены.


b) form their plural by means of -en-ending – ox – oxen, child – children;

c) by changing the root-vowel – man – men, foot – feet, tooth – teeth, mouse – mice, louse – lice …;


Words of Greek and Latin origin:

Datum – data, phenomenon – phenomena, formula – formulae, memorandum – memoranda, criterion – criteria … .

Наблюдается тенденция к –s или – es (formulas, memorandas).