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Текст A
A multi-storey building comprises a number of floors which are erected one above the other and which, in a framed structure, are supported at certain specific points. The vertical and horizontal forces acting upon the framework are transmitted to the foundations.
From the structural point of view, a floor in a framed building consists of a number of floor bays. The following shapes on plan may be distinguished:
Square concrete slab The simplest type of construction is the solid concrete slab. With long spans, such slabs tend to be very thick and heavy. To reduce weight, the slab may be formed with internal cavities or composed of a system of one-way or two-way ribs joined together by a relatively thin top layer of concrete, the latter being described as a waffle slab. The load transmission conditions being approximately the same in both directions, a planning grid with a square mesh is often adopted, this being typical of in-situ concrete construction.
Rectangular floor bay The structural steel floor comprises the floor slab and the beams that support it. It is characteristic of steel-framed buildings that the floor beams transmit the loads in one direction only and that the floor slabs are generally supported, on two sides. To construct a grillage for equal load transmission in both directions involves considerable effort in structural steelwork, as it is necessary to cut the intersecting beams at every junction and connect them again in a manner suitable to transmit the loads.
In general, the weight of the slab should be as low as possible. To achieve this, the supporting beams must be quite closely spaced, so that the actual slab spans only short distances. The typical component of the floor structure of a steel-framed building is the narrow elongated floor bay. The span of the floor beams is generally between 6.00 and 20.00 m, while the width of the bays varies from 1.50 to 3.00 m.
again adv. снова
waffle slab железобетонная плита с перекрёстными рёбрами
1. What does a multi-storey building comprise?
2. Where are floors supported?
3. What kinds of forces are transmitted to the foundations?
4. What is the simplest floor shape?
5. How can the weight of the floor slab be reduced?
6. What is typical of in-situ-concrete construction?
7. What does the structural steel floor comprise?
8. Why does construction of a grillage for equal load transmission in both directions involve considerable effort?
9. How can low weight of the slab be achieved?
10. What are the general dimensions of an elongated floor bay?