Текст B
Грамматические упражнения
Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения с объектным инфинитивным оборотом.
1. The frame does not have a space-enclosing function to perform, although it provides support for walls, floors and partitions.
2. The various features enable the design of a multi-storey building to make full use of the constructional material.
3. The system showed the structural steel frame to perform the load-bearing function.
4. The design includes thin-walled slender elements to possess high load-bearing capacity.
5. They expected the space-enclosing system to be designed successfully.
6. We want load-bearing structures to be slender.
7. The soil not being adequate caused the designers to use piles for foundation.
8. The builders rely (полагаться на, рассчитывать на) on construction joints to reduce the effects of shrinkage.
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите форму и функцию инфинитива.
1. The usual design technique is to estimate a required footing thickness.
2. Walls are used to span from column to column.
3. To fix wood is not difficult if we use nails, screws, bolts, etc.
4. The pedestal reinforcing may be done with smaller bars.
5. The building material to be used should be porous.
6. Materials have to function under different conditions.
7. The high-rise buildings are to be constructed as very rigid tubes.
8. All buildings have to be stiff for resistance to loads.
9. The structure to be built will be a steel-framed one.
10. It is necessary to start with the properties of the supporting structural system.
Упражнение 3. Задайте пять общих вопросов к тексту А.
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.
1. Construction joints provided, the effects of shrinkage can be reduced.
2. Cast-in-place concrete requires much time before the removal of the formwork, the concrete having to gain sufficient strength before it can support itself.
3. Carbon steels are cheap and convenient to use, the class including steels which have not more than 0.25 % carbon.
4. The design having been approved (одобрять) the construction began.
5. The dimensional stability of a coated fabric depends mainly on the fibre, the light transmission depending mainly on the coating in use.
6. Glass having low thermal conductivity, significant temperature differences can be found within any glass in general use.
All buildings have to be stiffened for resistance to wind loads, but in certain parts of the world they have to be given additional bracing so as to withstand earthquake and other horizontal forces.
The decision on the adequate method of bracing affects:
Use of building Stiffening with the help of lattice bracing results in fixed points in the building thus restricting the possibilities of internal layout and arrangement of the circulation system. The methods of stiffening and their arrangement within the structure are of major importance for the design.
Economy A building can be stiffened by means of steel bracing or by concrete walls or cores. Cores are heavy, require more elaborate foundations, and, for tall buildings, have to be constructed with thicker walls and more reinforcement than necessary for the fire protection of the services. Vertical steel bracing is therefore usually the less expensive solution, especially when arranged in large bays or panels.
Effect on appearance If the bracing is placed in the external walls of the building and takes the form of rigid frames or systems with externally exposed diagonal members the pattern of force transmission is clearly shown: but the building may have an appearance which is not usual. This method allows those high-rise buildings which are square, rectangular or circular on plan to be constructed as very rigid tubes.
elaborate adj. сложный