Текст B
Грамматические упражнения
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию причастие II в предложении.
1. Deformation means a change in the outside dimensions of an object caused by a force.
2. The term unit strain, also called strain, means the total change in dimensions divided by the original dimension.
3. The most interesting of all cast-iron (чугунный) buildings was the Crystal Palace built in 1851.
4. The safety factor equals the failure unit stress divided by the allowable unit stress.
5. Important factors considered in deciding on a safety factor are listed here.
6. The description of new building materials was given in the article written by our specialist.
7. The bridge built over the river in1980 needed reconstruction.
8. The material is not efficiently used, and stresses are high.
9. Since the structures designed by engineers are planned to be stable, horizontal and vertical forces must be balanced.
10. Prestressed concrete is an improved form of reinforcement.
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания.
soil strata, surface temperature, glass fibre reinforcement, cross section dimension, climate and soil conditions, concrete structure design, basement floor, moisture content, shrinkage and temperature stresses
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, определите их главные и второстепенные члены.
1. With no basement these walls are not actually walls.
2. A sample subjected to a compressive force becomes shorter and wider.
3. The designer prepares plans consisting of drawings
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на причастие I.
1. In practice the most serious changes causing failure of floors and roofs are dimensional ones.
2. Some structural materials having low thermal conductivity serve as insulation.
3. Various kinds of cement are available, for example, those having rapid hardening properties.
4. Forces acting at an angle are a combination of horizontal and vertical forces.
5. Stress is the force or pressure tending to strain or deform a structure or its various parts.
6. Heat movement takes place by conduction through any solid object separating areas of different temperatures.
Foundation walls provide a ground-level edge for the building and support for elements of the building. In addition to these usual functions they often serve a number of functions for the building foundation system. Some of these are as follows:
Walls of some length and height typically form stiff beamlike elements. Their structural potential in these cases is often used for additional purposes: they distribute or equalize the load.
Walls may be used as spanning members, carrying their own weight as well as some supported loads. This is often the case in buildings with deep foundations and a column structure. Deep foundation elements are placed under the columns, and walls are used in order to span from column to column. This can also be the case with bearing foundations if the column footings are quite large and reasonably closely spaced; the stiff wall then is actually bearing not on its own footing but tends to span between the larger footings.
When columns occur in the same plane as a foundation wall, many different relationships for the structural action of the walls, columns, and column foundations are possible. If the walls and columns are monolithically constructed, the walls generally share the load to some extent.
beamlike adj. похожий на балку
spanning member ригель рамы