Summarizing Exercise
Exercise 231. Translate into English using your Active Grammar and Active Vocabulary.
1. Как ты смеешь наговаривать на людей! Лучше займись своим делом! 2. Ты не должен пить даже пиво, если собираешься садиться за руль! 3. Поверь мне, тебе не нужно распрямлять волосы, твои естественные кудри тебе так идут. 4. Вы должны порвать с этим человеком, он недостоин вашего внимания. 5. Спортивная обувь должна быть прежде всего удобной. 6. Мне придется сбегать в булочную во время перемены. 7. Ты должен был купить альбом для наклеек для Стива! Теперь он расстроится. 8. Вы не должны были ехать на такой скорости! Теперь мне придется вас оштрафовать. 9. Я заметил, что она постоянно кивала головой, пока слушала его. Должно быть она делала это, чтобы показать одобрение. 10. Тебе не нужно было делать столько пауз во время чтения. 11. Тебе придется идти за подмогой, иначе наша машина завязнет в грязи.
Unit 7
Exercise 232. Answer the questions. Mind the use of Active Vocabulary.
1. How do you vary your diet?
2. Can you think of various reasons for being late for classes?
3. What rare varieties of animals live in our country?
4. Can you give an example of a word with two variants of pronunciation?
5. What scene from the film you’ve watched lately impressed you most?
6. What people usually make scenes?
7. What scenery do you prefer while travelling by train?
8. Do you always like the scenery in modern plays?
9. Are you supplied with books by the University library?
10. Where do you store your food supplies?
11. What does the shape of the Apennine peninsular remind you of?
12. Are the outlines of objects distinct when you dive with your eyes open?
13. Are you in a good shape?
14. Why do teenagers not often realize the value of their parents’ advice?
15. What features of character do you value?
16. What is the most valuable thing in the world?
Exercise 233. Find the difference between the synonyms. Make up illustrative examples.
scene, view, outlook
Exercise 234. Give an example of a channel and a canal. Use a map.
Exercise 235. Read the proverb. Find the Russian equivalent. Illustrate it.
We never know the value of water till the well is dry.
Exercise 236. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.
1. Во время экскурсии мы увидели разнообразие представителей фауны этого парка. 2. Разве ты не знаешь, что первая сцена происходит на даче? 3. Я не собираюсь быть свидетельницей того, как ты устраиваешь сцену! 4. Он такой поверхностный человек, тебе скоро наскучит общаться с ним. 5. Мелкий песок не подходит для бетонирования. 6. Что заставило его впасть в такую крайность? 7. У нас все еще остается большой запас дистиллированной воды для проведения эксперимента. 8. Она заставила купить его дорогое кольцо в форме подковы. 9. Мы высоко ценим ваш вклад в развитие экологического образования в России. 10. Конечно, эта картина приобретет большую ценность после смерти художника.
1. На корабле началась паника из-за того, что запас пресной воды практически иссяк. 2. Декорации к пьесе были очень красочными, очертания замка были переданы с мельчайшими подробностями, но это не спасло спектакль. 3. Я не понимаю, зачем Мэри купила это платье, оно совсем бесформенное. 4. На территории нашей страны климат изменяется как с севера на юг, так и с запада на восток. 5. 6. Они были знакомы со школы и очень дорожили своей дружбой. 7. Только в этих чрезвычайно тяжелых условиях он начал понимать ценность
человеческой жизни. 8. Канал был довольно мелким, и большие корабли не могли пройти по нему. 9. Снабжение армии было чрезвычайно плохим, и командующий не видел другого выхода, кроме отступления. 10. Прекрати устраивать сцены, ты же не маленький ребенок!
Exercise 237. Read Studies of Written English in your textbook. Then read the text below. What organizational patterns are supposed to be followed while writing an essay? What layout and peculiarities are typical for a Russian writer of essays?
Writing compositions for an English speaking academic audience
Writing compositions for an English speaking academic audience requires writing well at the sentence level, the paragraph level, and at the organizational level. At the sentence level, students should be able to identify and write simple, compound, and complex sentences, and sentences containing adjective clauses and appositives. At the paragraph level, students should be able to identify and write paragraphs including topic sentences and supporting details. At the organizational level, students should learn how to write essays of the following genres: Giving Instructions, Cause/Effect, Comparison/Contrast, Persuasion, and Writing a Research Paper.
The classic organizational pattern that readers of English expect is a straight line of development which includes introductions, main ideas, topic sentences, supporting details, conclusions, etc. This organizational pattern can be stated simply: “Tell your audience what you are going to tell them; then tell them; then tell them what you told them.” Although the organizational patterns of the cultures such as those identified above are all valid, in order to succeed when writing for an English speaking academic audience, it is necessary to adapt to their expectations.
However, adapting to the cultural expectations of the US academic audience is not an easy task. A Japanese writer, for example, will often begin by writing about a variety of items surrounding a topic before arriving at the main point which is stated in the conclusion. A typical comment that a reader of an essay written by a Japanese writer might be: “When is he/she going to get to the point?” and the Japanese writer might respond: “But I do not like to be so direct; it is not the Japanese nature to be so direct.” Likewise, a Mexican writer will often begin with a brief introduction and then write about one side of an issue and then another – often with much adornment – before coming to the main point in the conclusion. A typical comment that a reader of an essay written by a Mexican writer might be: “But I don’t understand his/her main point; it’s never really stated, and it’s not clear.” The Mexican writer might respond: “But I would like you to understand all the possibilities and the context so you can get involved in what I have to say.”
An important reason for writing, especially for non-native speakers of English, is to influence one’s social, economic, or political environment. Thus, meaningful writing often challenges the existing power structures. Students should understand the power realities, and that teachers should teach the “communicative codes of the powerful” including ways of writing.
Only by adapting to the communicative codes of the powerful will writers strengthen their capacity to be heard. Perhaps through writing that meets the expectations of the US
academic audience, non-native speakers of English can influence social, economic, and political developments to conform to their vision of a better world.
Exercise 238. Read the tips to writing an essay. Can you add some items?
1. Brainstorm and plan your essay in advance.
2. Do not write straight away. Plan before you begin.
3. Analyze the subject.
4. Collect and organize the necessary information. Jot down the main ideas, supporting paragraphs and points.
5. Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning. Use simple words.
6. Stay focused on the main idea of your essay.
7. Ensure the conclusion of the essay touches upon the main concepts of your essay.
8. Re-read your essay.
9. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Exercise 239. Study the note on Parts of an Essay.
Parts of an Essay:
1) Introduction Paragraph
The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of your essay. It introduces the main idea of your essay. A good opening paragraph captures the interest of your reader and tells why your topic is important.
1. Write the thesis statement. The main idea of the essay is stated in a single sentence called the thesis statement. You must limit your entire essay to the topic you have introduced in your thesis statement.
2. Provide some background information about your topic. You can use interesting facts, quotations, or definitions of important terms you will use later in the essay.
2) Supporting Paragraphs
Supporting Paragraphs develop the main idea of your essay.
1. List the points that develop the main idea of your essay.
2. Place each supporting point in its own paragraph.
3. Develop each supporting point with facts, details, and examples.
To connect your supporting paragraphs, you should use special transition words. Transition words link your paragraphs together and make your essay easier to read. Use them at the beginning and end of your paragraphs.
Examples of transition words that can help you to link your paragraphs together:
For listing different points | For counter examples | For additional ideas | To show cause and effect |
First | However | Another | Therefore |
Second | Even though | In addition to | Thus |
Third | On the other hand | Related to | As a result of |
Nevertheless | Furthermore | Consequently | |
Also |
Like all good paragraphs, each supporting paragraph should have a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a summary sentence.
3) Summary Paragraph
The summary paragraph comes at the end of your essay after you have finished developing your ideas. The summary paragraph is often called a “conclusion”.
It summarizes or restates the main idea of the essay. You want to leave the reader with a sense that your essay is complete.
1. Restate the strongest points of your essay that support your main idea.
2. Conclude your essay by restating the main idea in different words.
3. Give your personal opinion or suggest a plan of action.
Exercise 240. Read the essay. The author of it got A+ when the paper was graded. Write an essay on one of W.S. Maugham’s stories you have read for your home reading classes.
Animal Farm
“Animal Farm” is not just about a story about animals it is about human nature and behaviour.
“Animal Farm” by George Orwell is a novel based on the lives of a society of animals living on the Manor Farm. Although the title of the book suggests the book is merely about animals, the story is a much more in depth analysis of the workings of society in Communist Russia. The animals are used as puppets to illustrate how the communist class system operated, and how Russian citizens responded to this, and how propaganda was used by early Russian leaders such as Stalin, and the effect this type of leadership had on the behaviour of the people of Russia.
One thing which relates to the topic is how the pigs are favoured on Animal Farm. The main source for this was because their leader Napolean was a pig, the pigs were subject to favouritism by Napolean, and were given privileges that other animals were not given, such as sleeping in beds, wearing clothes and drinking beer. The pigs were also the only animals involved in making the vital decisions on Animal Farm.
The fact emulates in a way how our Government tends to operate. The Government Party members are paid an exuberant amount of money, with this money the members of the Government can purchase costly cars and houses, if they wish to do so. They make all the important decisions about the country where as the tax payers rarely have a say in it.
Another thing that “Animal Farm” and today’s society have in common is that the powerless people are subject to propaganda . In “Animal Farm” Squealer and Napolean used propaganda by telling the animals that Snowball was a traitor, and convincing them that he was a criminal. They threatened that if Napolean was not in leadership Jones may come back. This happens in our society during the election period, the opposing parties all warn the public of the consequences of voting the other party, and how bad it would be if they were in power.
The issue of Boxer the horse represents how people are used for their skills and talents. As soon as they are not needed they are disregarded. Boxer was the hardest worker on the farm, he contributed the most to the development of the windmill. As soon as Boxer was unable to continue working, Napolean got rid of him. “Boxer’s face disappeared at the window…Boxer was never seen again.” This scene illustrates that “Animal Farm” is a story about human nature, as it is a human tendency to use people to achieve certain means, but disregard them as soon as they are no longer needed.
Clover’s feelings for Boxer also illustrates how animal farm is about human nature and behaviour, Clover’s fondness for Boxer showed when Boxer confided in Clover admitting to her how much his split hoof hurt, Clover treated Boxer’s troubled hoof with poultices of herbs. After Boxer’s hoof had healed, he worked harder than ever, Clover tried to convince Boxer he shouldn’t be working so hard and he should be taking better care of his help , but Boxer paid no attention. When Boxer had his fall Clover was first to come to his aid, for the next two days Boxer had to stay in his stall, Clover would give Boxer medicine, In the evenings Clover would lay in his stall and talk to him. When the Knacker’s came to collect Boxer Clover did all in her power to stop the knackers taking Boxer away. This example of behaviour indicates the human quality of love and compassion towards others.
Although “Animal Farm” tells the story of Russian society using animals, the fact that it is a story about real people makes “Animal Farm” a story about human nature and behaviour.
Lauren Archibald
Word count: 627
Unit 8
Exercise 241. Consult the dictionary and find the meanings of the following phrasal verbs.
to do for someone
to do for something
to do something out/over
to do someone out of something (informal)
to do something up
to do with something
to do without someone/something
Exercise 242. Consult the dictionary and find the meanings of the following idiomatic expressions. Use them in the examples of your own.
to do one’s best
to do something by/in fits and starts
to do the food
to do one's hair npw
to do the honours
to do someone in (informal)
nothing doing (informal)
to do the room(s), the house etc
to do a subject
to do a sum
to do the trick (informal)
Exercise 243. Answer the questions. Mind the use of Active Vocabulary.
1. What is your attitude to army service?
2. Do you come back to the restaurant if the service is slow?
3. Who usually serves a festive table in your family?
4. Have you ever been to a marriage service?
5. Are you familiar with the majority of computer programs?
6. What do you do when you hear a familiar song on the radio?
7. What is your first impression of our department?
8. Do you always rely on the first impression?
9. What film has impressed you most by special effects?
10. What building in Moscow is the most impressive?
11. When a child, were you disobedient?
12. Do you always remember to turn off the light when you leave your flat?
13. What do you do to make your friend look at the matter in the right light?
14. When does it get light in summer?
15. What is more picturesque to your mind: sunlit or moonlit mountain scenery?
16. What can prevent you from going out?
17. Can you earn your own living at present?
18. What habits should you do away with?
19. Are you good at doing sums?
20. What subjects did you do well at school?
21. Who does your hair?
22. When do you advise to have nothing to do with a person?
Exercise 244. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.
1. Вы могли и не спрашивать у меня разрешения занять эту комнату. Она всегда в вашем распоряжении. 2. Я слышал, что ты провалилась на экзамене. Так тебе и надо. Не следовало пропускать так много занятий. 3. Нам очень понравилось
обслуживание в этом отеле, мы бы хотели вернуться сюда еще. 4. Его слова служат нам напоминанием о нашей ответственности. 5. Я знакома с творчеством этого автора, поверьте мне, эту книгу стоит прочитать. 6. Как ты можешь быть настолько фамильярен с почти незнакомым человеком? 7. Я бы не сказала, что этот фильм произвел на меня глубокое впечатление. 8. Улица была залита светом газовых фонарей. 9. Детектив был уверен, что новая улика поможет пролить свет на это запутанное дел. 10. Казалось, ничто не могло нарушить его планы по объединению двух фирм. 11. Своим поступком вы заслужили наше уважение. 12. Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы мы закончили работу над проектом во время.