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Грамматика: сп?жени?глагол?to be

Видо-временны?форм?глагол??группе Indefinite ?Continuous


Текс?English As A World Language


Раздел 1.1.


Прочитайте предложения ?глаголом to be ?видо-временно?форм?Present Indefinite, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



She is his good friend. Is she his good friend? No, she isn’t his good friend.


We are ready to start. 2. You are good at maths. 3. He is very intelligent. 4. She is angry with me. 5. They are in Europe now. 6. We are hungry. 7. She is very tired. 8. He is very busy now. 9. They are thirsty after a long walk. 10. He is always polite.


Прочитайте предложения c глаголом to be ?видо-временно?форм?Past Indefinite, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



She was his good friend. Was she his good friend? No, she wasn’t his good friend.


I was at work yesterday. 2. He was in France last spring. 3. She was in the office an hour ago. 4. We were late for the performance yesterday. 5. Granny was in the country last summer. 6. They were at home last Sunday. 7. Dad was angry with me yesterday. 8. He was very polite with me last time. 9. He was busy half an hour ago. 10. It was very windy the day before yesterday.


1.1.3. Прочитайте предложения c глаголом to be ?видо-временно?форм?Future Indefinite, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



She will be his friend. Will she be his friend? No, she won’t be his friend.


She will be ready in five minutes. 2. They will be at home in half an hour. 3. We will be late for the next lesson. 4. You will be an accountant in a year. 5. They will be tired after a long walk. 6. I will be back soon. 7. It will be warm tomorrow. 8. The weather will be nice next week. 9. She will be our new teacher next term. 10. We will be out of town tomorrow.


1.1.4. Прочитайте предложения ?видо-временно?форм?Present Indefinite, Задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



She likes ice cream. Does she like ice cream? No, she doesn’t like ice cream.


He usually comes in time. 2. You always work hard. 3. Don seldom gets up early. 4. I often go to the university by car. 5. He always comes to the office in time. 6. She usually feels well. 7. They know a lot about art. 8. You always work hard. 9. He speaks English well. 10. He does with people well.


Прочитайте предложения ?видо-временно?форм?Past Indefinite, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



They traveled much last year. Did they travel much last year? No, they didn’t travel much last year.


1. They went to London by plane yesterday 2. My friend traveled a lot last year. 3. He worked hard yesterday. 4. They bought a new car last week. 5. The train arrived an hour ago. 6. We changed trains in Berlin yesterday evening. 7. His family sold the house a year ago. 8. She felt well yesterday. 9. Dan arrived late for the class last Monday. 10. She saw this film on TV a week ago.


1.1.6. Прочитайте предложения ?видо-временно?форм?Future Indefinite, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?




You will ski tomorrow. Will you ski tomorrow? No, you won’t ski tomorrow.


1. I will phone you tomorrow. 2. He will meet us at the station next Friday. 3. She will learn a great deal next term. 4. We will pass the exam soon. 5. I will come back in two days. 6. She will get married next month. 7. My friends will leave for Italy in a week. 8. My brother will help me with this work next Tuesday. 9. He will pay the bill tomorrow. 10. We will sign the contract next week.


1.1.7. Переведите данные предложения на английский язы?


1. Он обычно встречае?её посл?работы. 2. Мы обычно приходим на за?тия вовремя. 3. Он?вчер?приготовил?вкусны?сала? 4. Он?встретя?на?на станци?чере?ча? 5. Он?уеде??Италию чере?неделю. 6. Он?обычно платя?наличным? 7. Он приня?ду?утро? 8. Он?подписал?контракт на прошло?неделе. 9. Он?оплатили счет?вчер? 10. Почему он ушёл ?вечеринк?та?рано вчер?


1.1.8. Прочитайте предложения ?видо-временно?форм?Present Continious, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



You are watching TV now. Are you watching TV now? No, I am not watching TV now.


1. He is working in the lab now. 2. She is listening to you with interest at the moment. 3. It is raining in the South now. 4. We are working at this problem right now. 5. They are doing shopping at the moment. 6. The children are playing computer games at present. 7. Ann is cooking dinner in the kitchen now. 8. Don is having a shower just now. 9. They are going to Spain tomorrow. 10. He is meeting them next Friday.


1.1.9. .Прочитайте предложения ?видо-временно?форм?Past Continious, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



He was watching TV at this time yesterday. Was he watching TV at this time yesterday? No, he wasn’t watching TV at this time yesterday.  


He was watching TV at 7 o’clock yesterday. 2. She was reading for the exam from 3 to 10 p.m. yesterday. 3. It was raining all evening yesterday. 4. We were waiting at the station at that moment yesterday. 5. You were studying all night before your last exam. 6. They were traveling in Europe at this time last year. 7. I was reading from 5 till 7 o’clock yesterday evening. 8. My friends were waiting for me at the metro station when I saw them. 9. Father was reading a paper when I came. 10. She was cooking when her husband came.


1.1.10. .Прочитайте предложения ?видо-временно?форм?Future Continious, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



They will be watching TV at 7 o’clock tomorrow. Will they be watching TV at 7 o’clock tomorrow? No, they won’t be watching TV at 7 o’clock tomorrow.


At 3 o’clock tomorrow I will be going to Berlin. 2. At 7 o’clock this evening he will be having party. 3. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning she will be working in her office. 4. We will be enjoying ourselves at this time tomorrow. 5. You will be swimming in the sea at this time next week. 6. They will be studying all day tomorrow. 7. Ann will be reading for the exam all night tomorrow. 8. His parents will be flying to Spain at that time next Sunday. 9. He will be resting all through the weekend. 10. Her friends will be dancing all evening tomorrow.


1.1.11. Переведите данные предложения на английский язы?


1. Не беспокой ме?! ?сейчас работа? 2. Он?ст?ли окол?метр? когд?я их увидел. 3. ?буду готовить? ?экзамену весь день завтра. 4. Он?обедал? когд?я пришла. 5. Он?делала покупк? когд?я её встретил? 6. Он принимае?ду?сейчас. 7. Он?буде?обедат??эт?время. 8. Он сейчас разговаривае?по телефону. 9. Мы работали ?лаборатори??3 до 6 вчер? 10. ?буду отдыхать вс?выходные.


1.1.12. Вставьте недостающи?част?речи.


Существительно? Глагол Прилагательное Наречи?
note note notable notably
peace xxx    


Отработайт?произношение слов, уточни?транскрипцию по словар?


importance n native a native speaker science n scientific a trade n relation n numerous ? exceed v widely adv respect n in this respect acquire v frontier n development n manufacture n aid n mutual aid automation n considerable a a considerable degree literacy n major a frequent a establishment n mother tongue above above all assist v assist in settlement n   значение, важность, значительность родной носитель языка наук? научны? торгов? отношени? связь, зависимост? многочисленный превышат? превосходить широко, значительн? уважение, внимание, отношени? ?этом отношени? приобретат? получать, достигат? границ? предел, новы?возможност? развитие, рост, разработка производство, изготовление помощь, содействие, поддержк?взаимопомощь автоматизация значительный, большо? важный значительн? степен? грамотност? больши? важный, значительный обычны? пост?нный установление, создание, учреждение родной язы? вышеупомянуты? кром?всег?прочег? помогать, содействоват? принимат?участи? заселени? поселени?


Переведите данные словосочетан? на русски?язы?


In the course of, secondary importance, native speakers, in a number of speakers, nowadays, politics, science, trade, cultural relations, the official language, numerous countries, even more widely, a foreign language, in this respect, to acquire, an international status, listening to broadcasts, commerce, scientific literature, technological and economic development, international aid, automation, considerable degree, diplomacy, frequently, outside, mother tongue, exporting, above all, to assist, present standing.


Прочитайте текс??назовите, ?каки?страна?английский язы?являет?: ? единственным официальны?языко? ? одни?из официальны?языко? ? ?че?причин? по мнению автора статьи, становления английског??качестве мирового языка.




It is only in the course of the last few years that English has become a world language. In Shakespeare’s time it was a “provincial?language of secondary importance with only six million native speakers. Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. In a number of speakers (400 million) it is second only to Chinese. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa.

Even more widely English is studied and used as a foreign language. In this respect it acquired an international status. It is used for communication, listening to broadcasts, reading books and newspapers, in commerce and travel. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. English is associated with technological and economic development and it is the principal language of international aid. It is the language of automation and computer technology. It is not only the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sport, it is to a considerable degree the universal language of literacy and public communication. It is the major language of diplomacy, and is the most frequently used language both in the debates in the United Nations and in the general conduct of the UN business.

English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century with the first settlements in North America. Above all it is the greatest growth of population in the United States assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that has given the English language its present standing in the world.


Укажит? каки?предложения соответствую?содержанию текста, подтвердит?свои ответы фактам?из текста:


1. English has become the world’s language in the course of the last decade.

2. Five million people spoke English as native language in Shakespeare’s time.

3. In a number of speakers it is the first language in the world.

It is one of the official languages in Canada.

English has got an international status because it is widely used as a foreign language.

Many people in different countries of Africa speak English as a second language.

One third of the world’s scientific literature is in English.

English is the major language of international aid.

French is the principal language for the debates in the United Nations.

English has become a world language only because it is widely studied as a foreign language.

It is used only as a foreign language outside Great Britain.

The exporting of English began in the sixteenth century.


Ответьте на следующи?вопрос?


When did English become a world language?

How many native speakers of English were there in Shakespeare’s time?

In what spheres is it the world’s most important language?

How many native speakers of English are there in the world now?

Where is it the only one official language?

Where is it used as one of the official languages?

Where is it spoken as a second language?

In what way is it used more widely?

What status did English acquire?

Where is it used nowadays?

How often is it used in scientific literature?

What is it associated with?

What is it the universal language of?

What is it the major language of?

How is it used in the United Nations?

Why has it become a world language?

When did the exporting of English begin?

What else has given English its present standing in the world?


Прочитайте текс? Найдит?английские эквивалент?следующи?слов ?словосочетаний:

Компьютерные технологии, иностраннй язы? культурные связи, экономическо?развитие, официальны?(государственны? язы? приобретат? торгов?, второстепенн? значимость, ?этом отношени? многочисленные страны, связь, международны?статус, современно?положени? научная литература, наук? международная помощь, слушат?радиопередач? даже боле?широко, помогать, значительн? степен? кром?всег?прочег? автоматизация, экспор? част? авиация, родной язы? снаруж?(вн?, ?наст?ще?время, ?течени? политика, по числ?гово?щи?


Переведите на английский язы?следующи?предложения, используя данные слов??словосочетан?:


Эт?было очен?важн?для ме?.

Он?развиваю?культурные связи (отношения) межд?двумя странами.

Мы не изучал?иностранны?язы??прошло?году.

?вы изучал?иностранны?язы??прошло?году?

Он пользует? английским ка?вторым языко?

Он слушал ради? когд?пришла сестра.

Чт?ты сейчас слушаешь?

Ты вчер?слушал музыку?

Он?читает научну?литературу на английском.

10. Лектор говори??быстро?экономическо?развитии Китая.

11. Когд?ты получишь степен?бакалавр?

12. Рост населения бы?очен?высоки?мног?ле?наза?

13. Он?экспортируют компьютеры во многие страны.

14.Чт?вы экспортирует??Италию?


Прочитайте текс??найдит?предложения, сказуемо?которы?выражено видо-временно?формой Present Perfect Tense.


Сократит?текс? опусти?несущественные детали.


Составьт?план ?передайт?содержание текста по ключевым словам:


In the course of, native speakers, in a number of speakers, official language, a second language, more widely, is used, scientific literature, technological and economic development, diplomacy, establishment, mother tongue, the growth of population.


Расскажите, ка??гд?изучаю?английский язы??наше?стране.


Раздел 1.2.


Отработайт?произношение слов, уточни?транскрипцию по словар?

matter n business matter small matter easy matter broaden v mind n absence of mind essential ? attitude n stock market incredibly adv arrogant a force v throat n hermit n share v we share everything share the room with smb. share in a firm bit n a little bit wait a bit every bit of although cj concern v as concerns immediately adv trick n appropriate a brain n skill n establish v accept v picky a own n on one’s own opportunity n дело, вопрос, сущность, предме? делово?вопрос пустяки просто?дело расширять, расширять? ум, рассудок, па?ть забывчивость, расс?нность непременны? обязательны? существенный позиция, отношени? положени? фондов? бирж? неправдоподобн? невероятн? высокомерный, надменны? наглый застав?ть, принуждать горл? гортан? горловин? отшельни? пустынни? странник делить, разделять, пользовать? совместн? ?на?вс?обще? жить совместн??одно?комнат? быть акционером фирм? кусоче? частиц? немног? чуть-чуть подожд?немног? вс? хо?, несмот? на то, чт? касать?, затрагиват? беспокоить чт?касает? немедленно, тотчас хитрость, шалост? трюк, глупость подходящи? уместный, присущий мозг, рассудок, разу? мастерство, опыт, умение основывать, создават? устраивать принимат? соглашаться, верить разборчивы? капризны? придирчивы? собственност? принадлежность самост?тельно, независимо удобны?случай, возможност? перспектив?


Прочитайте текс??определите, каку?специальност?авто?этог?сообщения хоче?приобрести ?почему для него та?важн?знат?иностранны?языки.




I think it’s really important to learn any language no matter how few people speak it. It broadens your mind, you learn about other cultures and about other ways of thinking. A lot of people, I know, in England, when I said I was learning Hungarian, would say, “What’s the point? Nobody speaks it outside Hungary? I remember telling my mum I wanted to learn Swedish and she said, ‘Nobody speaks it outside Sweden? but what if I wanted to go and live there? It would be essential that I learn it. You can’t expect people to speak English.

People have the attitude in England that, you know, the whole world speaks English. They stop the American guy who works here in the stock market and he said, “Oh, in five years time everyone in Budapest will speak English. Budapest will be an English-speaking town? I think that’s incredibly arrogant. Of course, if people want to learn it as a second language that’s their right, but you can’t force them. You can’t force a language down somebody’s throat, you have to want to learn it.

I saw a film recently, called “Nell? about a hermit. Jody Foster played the hermit. She only shared her language with her mother, but then her mother died and she was left with no-one in the world who could understand her. There was quite a good line when someone said, “How are we going to communicate with her??and someone else replied “Well, someone’s going to have to learn her language? not “She’ll have to learn English? I quite liked that bit.

I think language learning is very important for literature, as there’s some literature that we cannot translate. Some works by Pushkin, for example, Eugene Onegin, they say are impossible to translate because Russian has very different endings, which can make very complex poetry which just doesn’t work in English.

When you’ve learnt how to learn a language, when you’ve learnt one language, I think you can easily learn more languages, although I don’t know how many languages I could keep in my head at the same time. I am not totally fluent any more, I think, in Russian, not having used it for a couple of years, because I am now concerning on Hungarian, but if I go to Russia I remember it immediately ?well it comes back after two or three days. If I meet a Russian man, it’s much more difficult. The Hungarian words come into my head.

Once you’ve learnt how to learn a language, I think you can learn others. You know the tricks, you know how to use the appropriate part of your brain. I know people who have parents from two different countries, half Russian, half Hungarian, or half English, half French and they’ve brought up bilingually. They can learn other languages, because they have that kind of skill already quite well-developed inside them.

I always try and get a phrase book if I go anywhere, because I think it really opens doors, it really helps to establish contact, if you know a few words like ‘thank you? ‘please? and ‘good-bye? It shows that you‘re interested and that you care about the country.

English people are so used to foreigners speaking English that they accept all accents, and understand even when foreigners speak English very poorly, but I think Hungarians are quite picky. I always find that there are a lot of people who try to correct every single word, which can make communication very difficult.

I’ve studied five foreign languages now, French, Russian, Spanish,, Czech and now Hungarian. Sometimes I have studied on my own, sometimes in a class. I think it’s definitely easier in a class. I tried to learn Hungarian on my own, but you really have to live in a place if you are going to have any idea about the language. For example, when I went to Spain, I could hardly understand anything at first, as people spoke ten times faster than anyone ever spoke at school.

I think it’s really interesting to meet people from other cultures and to communicate with them in their own language. I think of my best friends, only a few are native English speakers. I have good friends in Russia, France, Holland, Iceland, Czech, Slovakia and Slovenia, all over, and it really gives me the opportunity to travel and broaden my mind. I think I will probably learn another language at some point. I think it may be Swedish, but only because I’ve heard that it’s really easy, or may be Italian, I suppose.


Найдит??тексте ответы на следующи?вопрос?


Is it possible to learn a foreign language if you don’t want but you are forced to?

What opportunities does the knowledge of a foreign language give to anybody?

How is it easier to study a foreign language?

Will it be easier to learn the second foreign language after you’ve learnt the first one?

Is it difficult to study a foreign language?

Are there different compartments in brain where you store foreign languages?

Is it more difficult to learn similar or quite different languages?

Does the ability to speak a foreign language depend on your self-confidence?

Is it useful to learn a foreign language if it is spoken only in one small country?

What is the best way to study a foreign language?

Is it easy to speak a foreign language if you haven’t practiced it for a long time?

How is it better to establish contact in a foreign country?


?каждом абзаце найдит?предложени? выражающее ег?основную мысл? Озаглавьте каждый абза?


Составьт?план текста на русско?языке.


Переведите составленный план на английский язы?


Напишите кратко?изложени?текста на английском языке.


Раздел 1.3.


1.3.1. Прочитайте текс??определите ег?основную идею.



manage a lot better ?справить? ?этим горазд?лучш?/p>

to be up-to-date with progress ?идти ?ногу ?прогрессом

as well as - такж?ка?/p>


There are very many good reasons to learn other languages. Very little clear, detailed communication can occur between people who don’t have a common language. Learning the languages of others helps in talking to people, reading and writing things, and in understanding the TV and films from other countries, and opens up much a wider range of sources of information.

When traveling and when you want to see the world you can manage a lot better if you understand the signs around you, and if when you meet people and want to ask questions, if you can speak to them in their own language, they’re often a lot more friendly and helpful than if your first question is: “Do you speak English??If you are working in the field where interesting things are happening abroad, like science, business or medicine, and you want to be up-to-date with progress in that field, you can’t always wait for the latest reports to be translated into your own language, as this often doesn’t happen for some time, especially if you speak a language like Hungarian, where there are only a limited number of translators, who are often expensive, and so only selected information is translated.

I think it’s very valuable and helpful in learning languages if you start from an early age. Many people can learn the best up to about the age of 20, as they have a lot of time for it which later, with family and work, often isn’t possible. Somebody thinks that learning a language after the age of twenty or so needs a lot of enthusiasm, and more time, as the learning process is generally a little slower for older people than for people with young impressionable minds. After twenty, it’s very difficult to learn more languages if you’ve not already learnt one before, as it’s a special way of learning. It’s not like learning maths or science ?instead it involves a different way of thinking. You have to learn to think in another language. This is like music, maybe. You have to learn how to learn another language as well as learning the grammar and vocabulary involved, so if you’ve learnt one extra language already, it’s easier to learn more. I think that for many multilingual people, the second language is a lot easier than the first.

I think that the learning process really starts to work when you feel that it’s important and that you have a reason to learn it ?if you can find the language useful, not just part of school curriculum. For example, if you learn English and you are confronted with it on the radio, on TV, and if you listen to music with English words.


1.3.2. Письменн?переведите текс?со словарём.


1.3.3. Выберите заголово? наиболее соответствующи?содержанию текста:


Learning Foreign Language

The Best Way To Learn A Foreign Language

Make Your Learning Easy

Don’t Start Learning If You Are Over 20


1.3.4. Ролевая игра. ?вашу студенческую группу пришёл новы?студен? На урок?английског?языка вы выясняет? чт?он/он?свободно говори?на трёх иностранны?языка? Выяснит? ка?ем?ей удалос?научиться хорошо говорить на трёх иностранны?языка?




Грамматика: видо-временны?форм?глагол??группе Perfect ?Perfect Continuous


Текс?Life At College And University


Раздел 2.1.


Поставьт?глагол, данный ?скобка? ?видо-временну?форм?Present Perfect:


They just (to go out). They have just gone out.


1. I just (to speak) to him. 2. She never (to be) in Paris. 3. I (to be) very busy lately. 4. They (not to come) yet. 5. Sue already (to buy) a new house. 6. Mike (to meet) her today. 7. We (to watch) interesting programs on TV this week. 8. I (to see) this film three times. 9. He (to live) in this house for many years. 10.She (to be married) for three years.


Прочитайте предложения ?видо-временно?форм?Present Perfect, задайт?общи?вопрос ?дайт?отрицательны?отве?



The lesson has already begun. Has the lesson begun yet? No, the lesson hasn’t begun yet.


They have already bought a new house. 2. My parents have already returned from Spain. 3. He has already heard this news. 4. She has already read this story. 5. They have already paid all the bills. 6. They have just arrived from London. 7. We have had three lectures today. 8. You have studied some economic laws this month. 9. I have read this novel twice. 10. He has called you three times.