1. Traditionally, most names of companies (corporations, firms, etc.) are transcribed or transliterated and shortly explicated at the same time.
ü the names of publishinghouses,
ü titles of most newspapers and magazines or journals,
ü of some public bodies.
Associated Biscuit Manufacturers - англійська компанія з випуску хрустких коржиків
„Ессошіейтед біскіт менюфекчерерз”;
T.Wall & Sons Co. Ltd. англійська компанія з виробництва м'ясомолочних
продуктів і морозива
«Т. Волл енд санз компані лімітед»
British-American Tobacco Co. об'єднана англо-американська компанія
тютюнових виробів
«Брітіш-американ тобекко компані»;
2. Translation of the names of British/American publishing houses is performed according to the same rules. Nevertheless in Ukrainian translation the identifying noun видавництвоshould necessarily be added:
Associated Book Publishers лондонська книжково-видавнича фірма
«Ассошіейтід бук паблішерз»;
Cambridge University Press англійське видавництво наукової та довідкової
літератури при Кембріджському університеті
«Кембрідж юніверсіті прес»
3. Transcribed or transliterated and mostly shortly explicated in the target language are also the names of news agencies:
(the British) Reuters (News Agency) англійське інформаційне аґентство «Рейтер»;
UPl/France Presse інформаційне агентство ЮПІ (США)
4. Names of theatres, cinemas, hotels are also mostly reproduced through transcription or transliteration and explication at the same time:
Comedy Theatre театр «Комеді»;
Drury Lane музичний театр «Драрі/Друрі-Лейн»
5. Names of hotels are translated in the same way as the names of cinema halls. When the names originate from common nouns (or word-combinations) they may be transcribed, transliterated and expli cated or translated:
the Royal Court Hotel готель «Роял корт»;
the Mitre Hotel лондонський готель «Майтер» (Митра)
The same way of translating is employed when dealing with the names of restaurants:
the Banff Springs Restaurant – ресторан «Бенф Спрінґс»
6. Names of newspapers, journals, and magazines require a special approach on the part of the translator. The thing is that in English some more extended explication may be needed for a particular foreign newspaper (magazine, journal) than in Ukrainian:
газета «Голос України» the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada Holos Ukrainy newspaper
«Вечірній Київ» the Kyiv city Verchirniy Kyiv evening newspaper
Names of Ukrainian journals (magazines) are translated in the same way as the titles of newspapers:
журнал «Перець» Ukrainian humorous and satirical Perets (Pepper) weekly magazine
The titles of English newspapers, journals and magazines are traditionally less explicated in Ukrainian (like in Russian) translation:
the New York Times газета «Нью-Йорк таймз»
The Teacher «Тічер» (щотижнева газета вчителів Великобританії);
Several titles of foreign newspapers and journals may also be translated into English.
«Красная звезда» The Russian Army paper The Red Star (in Russia's English press, however, only Krasnaia Zvezda)
7. Translation of the names of streets, avenues and squares is predetermined by several factors. Alongside the established tradition, the most important of these factors is the meaning of the component parts making up the name. When used in contextual environment, the names of streets, avenues, roads, and squares may often be simply transcribed or transliterated, since the nouns «street», «avenue», «road» or «square» are familiar to many Ukrainians:
Dean Street Дін-Стріт; Milton Street/Oxford Street Мільтон Стріт/Оксфорд-Стріт;
Wall Street/Fleet Street Волл-Стріт/Фліт-Стріт; Farringdon Road Фаррінгдон-Роуд.
When used out of context, however, the names of streets, avenues and roads require in Ukrainian an additional explanatory noun вулиця (бульвар, провулок):
Midland Park Road вул. Мідланд-парк роуд;
Narrow Lane вул. (пров.) Нерроу-лейн
The streets (avenues) with numbers instead of the proper names always have the number translated and not given in figures: Sixth/Seventh Street Шоста/Сьома вулиця (Нью-Йорк)
The names of streets with no appositional «street/avenue» nouns in Eng must be added вул. in Ukr translation: Cheyne Walk вул. Чейні-вок (у районі Челсі);
8. Names of public bodies, however, are mostly translated. These include political parties, trade unions, national and international bodies of different rank and functions:
the British Conservative party консервативна партія Великої Британії;
the Democratic (Republican) party демократична (республіканська) партія
Similarly treated are also various names of English/American trade unions which may sometimes go under the names «association», «society», «organization», «brotherhood» or simply «union», which should always be translated as профспілка:
the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labour- Congress of Industrial Organizations) АФП-КВП (Американська Федерація Праці - Конгрес Виробничих Профспілок)
9. Special attention should be paid to the translation of the names of institutions, enterprises, geographical objects, etc., bearing honorary names. In English the honorary name precedes the enterprise/body which bears it, whereas in Ukrainian/Russian it always follows the name of the enterprise/body:
Humboldt State College Державний коледж ім. Гумбольдта;
George Washington Library Бібліотека ім. Джорджа Вашинґтона
Note. Names of literary and scientific/peace prizes are mainly translated in two ways - with the preservation of the name which the prize bears or with the transformation of the noun into a corresponding relative adjective:
Nobel Prize Нобелівська премія (премія імені Нобеля);
Pulitzer Prize Пулітцерівска премія (премія ім. Пулітцера);
Taras Shevchenko Prize Шевченківська премія (премія ім. Т.Г. Шевченка)
English honorary names, therefore, are mostly transformed into relative adjectives in Ukrainian, whereas Ukrainian relative adjectives must be translated, where possible, as corresponding English nouns. This rule should also be observed when translating the names which contain the often used adjective державний. The latter, however, may sometimes be omitted in English, which should not be treated as a translator's mistake. The thing is that belonging of important institutions to state property in all countries is considered self-evident. As a result, two faithful translations of this kind of names are possible:
Київська державна кіностудія ім. О.Довженка – Kyiv State Dovzhenko Film Studio or the Kyiv Dovzhenko Film Studio