IV. Информативное чтение. Направлено на развитие компетенции ОК-1, ОК-5, ОК-6, ПК- 47 (40 мин)
III. Работа над грамматическим материалом. Направлена на развитие компетенции ОК-6 (35 минут)
II. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-6 (40 мин)
I. Речевая разминка, устная речь. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-6 (20 мин).
Занятие 2.
Этапы занятий и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
- What is necessary to compound medicines?
- What is necessary to become a pharmacist?
- What is necessary for the pharmacist to know?
- What qualities must a pharmacist possess?
Текст стр. 5 “Practice of Pharmacy" (уч.пос "English for Pharmaceutists” )
Задание 1.Прочтите текст“Practice of Pharmacy ” стр. 5 (уч.пос. "English for Pharmaceutists" ). Выполните упр.3,8, 9 стр.6-7.
Упражнение 1.Изучите формы образования, значение и употребление Infinitive (грамматический справочник “ English for Pharmaceutists ”, стр. 88-90.).
Упражнение 2.Выполните упр. 7, стр. 7 (уч.пос. "English for Pharmaceutists").
Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте стр. 5 “Practice of Pharmacy" (уч.пос "English for Pharmaceutists” ) предложения с Infinitive, переведите их на русский язык, определите форму и функцию инфинитива.
How does tobacco affect health?
At one time people did not know that smoking damages the body. Doctors now know that tobacco and the smoke from tobacco contains substances that can poison the body. Some people smoke tobacco in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Some people chew or inhale tobacco instead of smoking it. Tobacco is harmful to health in any form.
How does cigarette smoking affect the body?
What happens in the body each time a person smokes a cigarette? In just three seconds the heart beats faster, the blood pressure rises, and some oxygen in die blood is replace with a harmful gas. Smoke also carries cancer-causing chemicals to the lungs.
The three most harmful substances that are inhaled in cigarette-smoke are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar.
Nicotine is a drag that causes the heart to beat faster and makes the blood vessels narrower. The heart must work harder to pump blood through the narrower vessels. This narrowing of the blood vessels reduces the flow of blood in the body.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that replaces some of the oxygen in the smoker's blood.
This means the blood can carry less oxygen.
Tar in cigarette smoke can harm lung tissue. Tar and smoke slow down the work of the cilia. Cilia are hair like parts of cells that line all of the breathing tubes. Cilia usually move back and forth and sweep dust and particles upward to the throat and mouth. The particles are then breathed or coughed out. When cilia slow down, tar and other chemicals reach the lungs and stay there in the form of a sticky brown mass.
Упражнение 1.Give a short summary of the text using the following phrases:
I believe that...
I am sure...
I do not think that...
I am not sure that...
As for as know...
It seems likely/unlikely that...
I’d like to note...
I’d like to stress the fact that...
I’d like to add in connection with...