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Прочитайте текст и расскажите, где и как вы обычно делаете покупки.
How I went shopping
Today I must do some shopping. My mother wrote a special shopping list for me not to forget something that we will need. There are a lot of shops not far from our house, so shopping doesn’t usually take much time. I prefer to go to a big shop where there are many counters for different products. First I buy some groceries, which we need at home: sugar, salt, cheese, pasta and so on. Then I go to the dairy counter to buy some butter and a bottle of milk.
I don’t smoke myself, but my father does, so I buy a few packets of cigarettes for him. Then I drop in at the bakery for a loaf of brown bread and some buns. I buy some pork at the butcher’s, and bananas, apples, cucumbers and oranges – at the greengrocer’s.
Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday, so I buy a bottle of champaign and a box of chocolates. Then I go to one of the biggest department stores in our town to choose a present for him. The store has several departments where one can buy ready-made clothes, footwear, jewellery, electric appliances and so on. At first I wanted to buy him a pair of leather gloves, but then I changed up my mind and decided to buy a CD with a new computer game and an interesting book. I’m sure my brother will like my presents.
1. The shops in my street.
2. Аt a self-service shop.
З. At the baker' s.
11. Составьте монологическое высказывание на тему «Покупки», используя активную лексику.
Topical Vocabulary:
shop, n — магазин
self-service shop, n — магазин самообслуживания
cheap, а — дешевый
expensive, а — дорогой
suit, n — костюм (мужской)
shop-assistant, n — продавец
trousers, n — брюки
shop window, n — витрина
sweater, n — свитер
do shopping — делать покупки
pullover, n — пуловер
department store — универсальный магазин
jacket, n — жакет
perfumery, n — парфюмерия
supermarket, n — большой магазин самообслуживания
face cream, n— крем для лица
powder, n — пудра
grocery, n — бакалея
lipstick, n — губная помада
greengrocery, n — овощной магазин
lotion, n — лосьон
bakery, n — булочная
shampoo, n — шампунь
butchery, n — мясная лавка
products, n — продукты питания
confectionery, n — кондитерская
sausage, n — колбаса
stationary — канцтовары
fish, n — рыба
sell, v — продавать
meat, n — мясо
tо be on sale — быть в продаже
poultry, n — птица
buy, v — покупать
sugar, n — сахар
pay, v — платить
macaroni, n — макаронные изделия
clothes, n — одежда
cereals, n — крупы
foot-wear — обувь
bread, n — хлеб
shoes, n — ботинки, туфли
roll, n — булочка
tоу, n — игрушка
biscuit, n — печенье
china, n — фарфоровая посуда
milk, n — молоко
appliance, n — прибор, приспособление
cream, n — сливки
soul cream, n — сметана
knit-wear, n — трикотаж
cheese, n — сыр
linen, n — белье
butter, n — масло
fabrics, n — ткани
customer, n — покупатель
cаmеrа, n — фотоаппарат
raincoat, n — плащ
dress, n — платье
counter, n — прилавок
costume, n — костюм (женский)
cashier, n — кассир
blouse, n — блуза
cash-desk, n — касса
skirt, n — юбка
purchase, n — покупка
underwear, n — нижнее белье
change, n — сдача
coat, n — пальто
serve, n — обслуживать
try on, v — примерять
price, n — цена
fitting-room, n — примерочная
basket, n — корзина
suit, v — быть к лицу
reduced prices — сниженные цены
fit, v — подходить (по размеру)
bargain sales, n — распродажа
match, v — подходить (по качеству, цвету)
to go shopping, v — ходить по магазинам
hi-fi (equipment), n — аудио-аппаратура
salary, n — зарплата
to go past, v — пройти мимо
to need badly, v — очень нуждаться
men’s clothing department, n — отдел мужской одежды
supermarket, n — универсам impressive — впечатляющий
completely, ad — совершенно
counter, n — прилавок
department store, n — универмаг
sausage — колбаса
to go through, v — зд. пройтись
bakery, n — хлебный отдел
on one’s way — по дороге, на пути
poultry, n — птица
choice, n — выбор
size, n — размер
suit, n — костюм
roll, n — булочка
slim, a — стройный
biscuits, n — печенье
to suit perfectly — быть в пору
dairy, n — молочные продукты
to try on, v — примерять
cream, n — сливки
right across the street — прямо через дорогу
huge, a — огромный
video equipment — видео-аппаратура nicely packed — красиво упакованный
to suggest, v — предлагать
cashier, n — кассир
separately, ad — отдельно
basket, n — корзина
to match, v — соответствовать, подходить
pin-striped (jacket) — пиджак в тонкую полоску
Запомните выражения:
How much is this (dress)? /What’s the price of this (dress)? /How much does this (dress) cost? – Сколько стоит это (платье)?
It costs... roubles. – Оно стоит... рублей
Can you help me? – Не могли бы мне помочь?
I would like to buy... – Я хочу купить...
What floor are the suits on? – Где продают костюмы?
Where can I buy...? – Где можно купить...?
It suits me. – Это меня устраивает (мне подходит).
I think it’s the wrong size. – Я думаю, это не мой размер.
I take it. – Я покупаю это.
My future profession
There are a lot of interesting and noble professions. And it’s not easy to decide what profession to choose. There are so many people who influence you in choosing your occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in your choice. But still it’s rather difficult to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world.
I would say it’s because a lot may change in our life in a moment. There are lucky people who chose their profession in childhood and since then have been doing everything possible to acquire proficiency. But they are few. If we are not indifferent to our future, while thinking about the future career we are to pay attention to a number of important things. We should determine our abilities and inclinations. Then we should analyse job perspectives. We must know whether the profession we have chosen will guarantee good living conditions and give promotion. We must be sure we’ll avoid unemployment or at least will be able to apply our knowledge and skills in other field of human activity. In short, we are to decide what we are going to do in our life and feel satisfied, but not bored or disappointed.
As for me I made my choice long ago. While choosing a job one should take into consideration: wages and salaries, job satisfaction, opportunities for travel and to see much, etc. For me, the most important criterion is job satisfaction and that’s why I’ve chosen the profession of an economist. It’s very responsible occupation. Our country is going through a difficult period now. Economic restructuring doesn’t lead everyone to success. A lot of people are unemployed. There are winners and losers. An economist (an accountant, a banker, a manager) deals mainly with people. He studies what is necessary to do that people worked better and were not offended. I understand the difficulties of this profession. But I believe this speciality is really needed and I hope that I can help a lot of people.
Isn’t that enough to be satisfied with your job?
1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты:
Интересная и благордная профессия, выбирать, решать, оказывать влияние на кого-либо/что-либо, в детстве, повышать квалификацию, карьера, обращать внимание, способности, склонности, профессиональные перспективы, гарантировать, продвижение, безработица, чувствовать удовлетворение, разочарованный, делать выбор, заработная плата, жалование (оклад), возможность, ответственный, вести к успеху, работать с (заниматься чем –либо), принимать во внимание, победители и побеждённые, экономист (бухгалтер, банкир, менеджер), специальность.
2. Закончите предложения:
1. It’s not easy to decide … .
2. There are lucky people who … .
3. We are to decide what … .
4. An economist studies what … .
5. I understand all the difficulties of this profession but … .
3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Why is it difficult to choose future profession?
2. What should you take into consideration while choosing a job?
3. What is the most important criterion for you?
4. What is the economic situation in our country?
5. What does an economist (a banker, a manager) deal with?
6. What is your future speciality? Why is it needed?
7. Do you think you will be satisfied with your job?
4. Расскажите о вашей будущей профессии, используя текст “ My future profession” в качестве основы для построения монологического высказывания.