Переведите подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания на русский язык и выучите их.

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Who does the shopping in your family?

2. What shops do you usually go to?

3. What do you buy at а grocery, butchery, perfumery?

4. What dairy products do you know?

5. Where do you go to buy fish?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of big supermarkets?

7. What departments are there in a Russian store?

8. What is sold at the butcher’s (baker’s, greengrocer's)?

9. Where do you buy tea, coffee and sugar?

10. Some people are fond of window-shopping (разглядывание витрин). Can you say that you belong to such people?

11. How often do you go shopping?

12. Which do you think is the most convenient time for shopping?

13. When did you last go shopping? What did you buy?

14. What ways of doing the shopping do you know? Which method of shopping do you like most of all?

3. Составьте предложения, употребив выделенные слова и cловосочетания:

1. I usually do shopping twice а week.

2. The things for sale are displayed on the counters.

З. Everything is sold ready-weighed here.

4. The selection of goods in the shops was very limited.

5. Before buying the suit you must try it on.

6. I prefer clothes made of wool and cotton.


4. Спросите своего друга:

• Любит ли он ходить в магазины;

• Как часто он делает дорогие покупки;

• Большой ли выбор товаров в магазинах ГУМ и ЦУМ;

• Сколько стоит телевизор (холодильник);

• Что он покупает ко дню рождения друга;

• Обращается ли он за помощью к продавцу;

• Какую одежду он предпочитает: спортивную или элегантную;

• Какие товары он покупает к началу учебного года;

• Какие магазины находятся рядом с его домом;

• Нравится ли ему профессия продавца.


5. Назовите одним словом:

1. What do we call а person who sells goods (does shopping, to whom you рау money in а store)?

2. What do we call а place where you do shopping (рау for your goods, try on clothes, the goods are displayed)?

З. What do we call the department (shop) where ready-made clothes (shoes, face creams, milk, meat, bread, vegetables) are sold?


6. Составьте ситуации, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

а) self-service shop, а shop window, to display goods, shop-assistant, to serve the customer, а basket, а counter, cashier, to cost, to give back the change;

б) а blouse, to fit, to suit, а fitting room, to try on, tight, loose, to be of the latest fashion and style (out of fashion);

в) а book-shop, to look for, be on sale, to be sold out, to recommend, а newspaper stall, to be lucky.

7. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Я хотел бы купить несколько новых сорочек и галстуков, которые бы к ним подходили.

2. Интересно, сколько может стоить такой костюм?

З. Покупатель попросил продавца показать ему сорочку 42 размера.

4. Сегодня в продаже есть сорочки всех цветов и размеров.

5. Аня любит носить модные туфли на высоком каблуке.

6. Обычно она делает покупки в небольшом магазине рядом с домом.

7. Этот костюм мне подходит по размеру, но я думаю, что он мне не совсем к лицу.

8. В нашем гастрономе можно купить все продукты, кроме овощей.

9. В отделе одежды имеется большой выбор товаров.

10. Покупатель оплачивает чек, кладет покупки в сумку и уходит из магазина.

11. Я предпочитаю делать покупки в больших магазинах самообслуживания.


8. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:


Shops in Britain

Most shops in Britain open at 9.00 a.m. and close at 5.00 or 5.30 in the evening. Small shops usually close for an hour at lunch time. On one or two days а week — usually Thursday/Fridау some large food shops stay open until about 8.00 р.m. for late night shopping.

Many shops are closed in the afternoon on one day а week. The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday and it is а different day in different towns.

Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. There are legal restrictions on selling many things on Sundays. Only such goods as newspapers, magazines and fresh food can be sold then. Nowadays many officials and the public demand that these Sunday trading rules should be abolished in the UK.

In general, overseas visitors don't have much difficulty knowing where to buy things. Most shops sell the things that you would not expect them to. One problem is stamps. In Great Britain you can only buy these at post-offices.

Many large food shops (supermarkets) are self-service. When you go into one of these shops you take а basket and you put the things you wish to buy into it. You queue up at а cash-desk and pay for everything just before you leave.

If someone tries to take things from а shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job catching shoplifters. Shoplifting is considered а serious crime by the police and the courts.

When you are waiting to be served in а shop it is important to wait your turn. It is important not to try to be served before people who arrived before you. Many people from overseas are astonished at the British habit of queuing.


1. How do British shops usually work?

2. Are all shops open on Saturdays and Sundays?

3. What goods can be sold on Sundays? What do you think of Sunday trading rules?

4. What is shoplifting?

5. Which do you think is better: а small shop with personal service or а big self-service shop?

6. Are there any differences between shops in Britain and in your country?