Расскажите о вашем любимом времени года. Используйте следующий текст в качестве образца.

My Favourite Season


There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

I think that every season has its own charm. But still my favourite season is spring and I'm sure a lot of people share this opinion with me. Spring is the season of hope, happiness and love. It is the season when nature awakens from its winter sleep: the ice is broken, the grass is beginning to shoot, the trees are bursting into leaf. Spring comes in March and ends in May. It begins with the unique spring smell — the smell of fresh air, future rains and greenery, the smell of hope and joy of life. It often rains in spring especially in April. People say: «April showers bring May flowers». Birds comeback from the warm lands, build their nests and twitter in the trees.

I like spring not only because the weather is usually fine then but also because I was born in spring. I celebrate my birthday in April. I invite my friends and we have a lot of fun either indoors or in the open air.

I don't know anyone who wouldn't like spring.



share — разделять (мнение, радость)

opinion — мнение

to be sure – быть уверенным

shower (-s) — ливень

to twitter — щебетать


smell – запах, аромат

to burst — разрываться

invite – приглашать

to have a lot of fun – веселиться

greenery – зелень

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Seasons and Months

A year is the average time it takes for the Earth to go once round the Sun. There are 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days in a year. Every four years there is a leap year. It has 366 days. The names of the months are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. The days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There are 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and seconds in a minute.

There are four seasons in a year — spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The first month of the year is January. It is very cold in January. The second month is February. It has twenty-eight days. Every leap year February adds on a twenty-ninth day.

The third month — March is the first month of spring. In spring the days grow longer and the weather becomes warmer. Spring like any other season has three months: March, April and May.

June, July and August are the summer months of which July and August are the hottest ones.

In autumn the days grow shorter. The weather is bad. It often rains.

December is the twelfth and last month of the year. At the same time it is the first month of winter. There is usually much snow in winter. It's windy and frosty. But children can enjoy going skating, skiing, tobogganing, throwing snowballs and making a showman.


average — средний

leap year – високосный год

to set — садиться

to grow = to get — становиться

to enjoy — наслаждаться

at the same time – в то же время

tobogganing — катание на санях

to make a snowman – лепить снеговика