Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на предложенные вопросы.
1. How long did you study English? Do you like it? Why?
2. Why is it useful to learn foreign languages?
3. What advantages does knowing a foreign language give you?
My English studies
Learning а foreign language is not an easy thing. It is а long and slow process that takes а lot of time and efforts.
We began studying English in the fourth form of the secondary school. We started with the АВС, transcription and sounds. Then we learnt some English words, conversational phrases and dialogues by heart, read and translated easy texts, did exercises, wrote dictations. Once а week we worked in the language laboratory listening to the recorded tapes and doing laboratory works.
From lesson to lesson we improved our knowledge, learnt more and more new words, grammatical structures and put then into practice of speaking. We enjoyed our English classes and prepared carefully for them. At home we tried to listen to different educational programmes over the radio, watched English films on TV. You can’t speak English well if you don’t know grammar rules, so we often revised them.
Soon we were able not only to read and translate texts but to discuss their contents in English, to communicate with one another making useful statements in real-life situations. I’m not а good speaker of English yet. It takes me long to read English book in the original. Adapted and abridged books are easier for me to read. But I hope that soon I shall know English well.
One should say that English is not an easy language to learn. There is а big problem of spelling, of the large number of exceptions to any rule. This language is very idiomatic and the prepositions are difficult to remember. English is one of those languages which may seem easy in the beginning, but then the bridge between basic knowledge and mastery takes а long time to cross. But if you do cross this bridge it will give you great satisfaction. You will be able to speak to people from other countries, to read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well-educated people know many foreign languages.
I want to know foreign languages because I have always been interested in foreign countries, their cultures and peoples. I want to learn English in particular not only because it is the language of such great countries as the USA and Great Britain, but also because it has become the international language, the language of progressive science and engineering. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.
the АВС — алфавит
transcription, n — транскрипция
sound, n — звук
conversation, n — беседа
phrase, n — фраза
dialogue, n — диалог
effort, n — усилие
tape-recorder, n — магнитофон
master, v — овладевать, изучать
practise, v — упражнять (ся)
contents, n — содержание
communicate, v — общаться
knowledge, n — знание
intellectual, n — интеллигент
teach, v — учить, обучать кого-л.
learn, v — учить, узнавать
study, v — учить(ся)
read, v — читать
translate, v — переводить
adapted, a — адаптированные
abridged, a — сокращенный
tongue, n — язык
statement, n — утверждение
outlook, n — кругозор
spelling, n — орфография
exception, n — исключение
idiom, n — идиома, устойчивое
preposition, n — предлог
cross, v — пересечь, перейти
8. Составьте монологическое высказывание на тему «Английский язык – язык межнационального общения», опираясь на следующие вопросы:
1. Is it easy to learn foreign languages?
2. Which language in the world is spoken by most people?
3. When did you begin learning English?
4. How long have you been learning it?
5. How long did it take you to prepare for your English lesson?
6. Was there а language laboratory at your school?
7. How often did you work there?
8. Can you speak English well?
9. How can you improve your English?
10. Is it difficult for you to learn English?
11. Why is English not an easy language to learn?
12. Can you read English books in the original?
13. Have you got any English books and dictionaries at home?
14. What advantages have the people who know foreign languages?
15. Why do you want to learn English?
About Myself
My name is Petrova Alla. I am Russian. I was born on May 5, 1989 in the village of Bakino, Slutsk district, Minsk region. Two years ago our family moved to Smolensk where I live now together with my parents. My father is a doctor, he works at a hospital. My mother is a housewife. She has much work to do about the house. We are five in the family. I have a younger sister and a brother. They are both pupils. Lucy is in the fifth form and Boris is a pupil of the ninth form. Our family is very united.
In May I finished school № 30 in Smolensk. I always did well at school and learned with great interest. I also took an active part in the social life, attended sport sections and subject circles.
My favourite subject at school was Literature. Maths and Physics came easy to me, too. I was on the top of the list in our class in these subjects but they were not so interesting to me. I also liked English. I’d like to learn some other European languages to communicate with people from different countries.
I’m quite sociable and easy to deal with. I have many friends with whom we spend much time together. I can also add that I’m energetic, rather intelligent, patient, calm and never lose my temper. I love animals and children. My hobby is collecting badges.
My ambition is to become a good economist. I like this profession. I think it is very interesting and responsible.
You see, my biography isn’t long. I can only add that I’m fond of reading books on history and I’m keen on sports. I’ve got the first category in volleyball and have many friends among sportsmen. I also like shaping.
Additional Vocabulary:
introduce oneself, v — представиться enter the institute — поступать в
surname, n — фамилия институт
patronymic – отчество sociable, a — общительный
nationality, n — национальность communicate, v — общаться
namesake – тёзка age – возраст
occupation, n — занятие, род first-year student, n — первокурсник
деятельности get acquainted, v — познакомиться
come from, v — происходить be born, v — родиться
be married, v — быть женатым die, v — умереть
be single, v — быть холостым character – характер
go to school — ходить в школу trait of character – черта характера
leave (finish) school — закончить merit – сильная черта характера
школу weakness – недостаток характера
1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты:
Меня зовут, я родился (-лась), область, переехать куда-либо, врач, домохозяйка, нас пятеро, школьник (ученик), сплочённый, оканчивать школу, хорошо учиться
в школе, принимать участие в общественной жизни, любимый школьный предмет, легко даваться, общительный, лёгкий в общении, умный, терпеливый, спокойный, выходить из себя, ответственный, нравиться делать что-либо, увлекаться чем-либо.
2. Закончите следующие предложения, пользуясь текстом:
1. Two years ago our family moved to … .
2. I always did well … .
3. I also took an active part in … .
4. I have many friends … .
5. I’m fond of … .
3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is your name? Who are you?
2. Where and when were you born?
3. How old are you?
4. Are you Russian?
5. Have you got a family?
6. What relatives do you have in your family (parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, etc.)?
7. Where do you live? / What’s your permanent address?
8. When did you finish school? Do you work? / What do you do?
9. Do you work? / What do you do?
10. How well do you do at the Institute?
11. Do you like to read?
12. What sport do you go in for?
13. Do you know about difficulties of your future profession?