Part 2. Oceans
Igacu Falls
Exercise 9. Using the map and the information given below describe orally geographical position of Brazil with a help of the following key-word plan:
Area: 3 286 488 sq. miles
(8 511 965 km2)
Population: 150 368 000
Capital: Brasilia (pop. with suburbs
1 568 000)
Other cities: Sâo Paulo 16 832 000;
Rio de Janeiro 11 141 000;
Belo Horizonte 3 446 000
Highest point: Neblina 9 888 ft. (3 014 m)
Official language: Portuguese
Religion: Christianity
Currency: Cruzeiro
Main exports: Coffee, soya beans,
fruit, iron, and steel, vehicles
Government: Multiparty federal republic
Per capita GNP: U.S. $2550
Key-word plan:
1. ... is situated on ...
2. ... is washed by ... from ...
3... borders on ... in ...
4. The area of the country is ... square kilometers.
5. The capital of the country is ...
6. The state language(s) is (are) ...
7. The highlands are in the ...
The highest mountain is ...
It is ... meters high.
8. The lowlands are ...
a. along the coast
b. in the west/south/east/north
c. in the central part of the country
9. There are many/a few/no rivers in the country.
The longest river is ...
It is … km long.
It flows into the ...
10. There are many/a few/no lakes in ...
The biggest lake is ...
It is ... square kilometers.
The water in it is warm/cold/fresh/salt.
11. For exporting abroad the country produces the following goods:
12. Under the rule of its … government the country’s GNP is … US dollars per capita.
Exercise 10. Using the geographical map and the information given about a country describe orally geographical position of it with a help of the key-word plan given above (See Student’s Individual Task: Unit 1., Part 1., Ex. 1.)
Exercise 11. In a form of a round table ask each other questions about geographical position of the following countries:
Belgium [’beldჳəm], China [’t∫ainə], Egypt [’i:dჳipt], Finland [’finlənd], Greece [gri:s], Libya [’libiə], the Netherlands [ðə ’neðələndz], Poland [’pəulənd], Pakistan [‚pa:ki’sta:n], Spain [spein], Sweden [’swi:dn], Tanzania [‚tænzə’niə]
1. Where is … situated in/on?
2. What seas … is washed by?
3. What countries does … border on?
4. What is the area of …?
5. What is the population of …?
6. What is the capital of …?
7. Are there any lowlands in …? Where are they?
8. Are there any highlands in …? Where are they?
9. What is the highest mountain in …?
10. Are there any deserts in …? Where are they?
11. Are there any rivers in …? What river is the longest?
12. Are there any lakes in …? What lake is the biggest?
13. What are the main exports of …?
14. What is the amount of GNP per capita in …?
Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:
monsoon [mɔn’su:n] – муссон, дождливый сезон
violent [’vaiələnt] – сильный
trade route [ru:t] – торговый маршрут
ancient times [’ein∫(ə)nt] – давние времена
trench [trent∫] – впадина
volcanic mountains [vɔ’lkænik] – вулканические горы
coral reefs – коралловые рифы
submarine – подводный
moisture [’mɔist∫ə] – влажность, сырость, влага
ultimate site [’ лltimit sait] – самый отдалённый место
deposition [‚depə’zi∫(ə)n] – отложение, осадок, месторождение
sediment [’sedimənt] – осадочная порода
shallow [’∫æləu] – мелкий, мелководный
gently sloping – плавно склоняющийся
shelf – риф, отмель, шельф
trench [trent∫] – впадина, углубление
ridge [ridჳ] – гребень горы, горный хребет
submarine [‚sлbmə’ri:n] – подводный
earthquake [’ə:θkweik] – землетрясение
offset [’ɔfset] – ответвление; течение, текущее прочь от берега
transform fault [træns’fɔ:m fɔ:lt] – изменённый разлом
formation [fɔ:’mei∫(ə)n] – образование, формирование
crust [krлst] – кора Земли
crustal [’krлstl] – относящийся к коре Земли
submerged [səb’mə:dჳd] – погружённый в воду, затопленный
density [’densiti] – густота, плотность
salinity [sə’liniti] –солёность
saline [’seilain] – солёный
dense [dens] – плотный, сжатый
circulation [‚sə:kju’lei∫(ə)n] – круговорот, циркуляция
rotation [rəu’tei∫(ə)n] – вращение
current [’kлrənt] – струя, поток, течение
route [ru:t] – курс, направление
similar [’similə] – подобный, похожий
throughout [’θru:aut] – через, по всему,
на всём протяжении
depth [depθ] – глубина
corresponding [‚kɔres’pɔndiŋ] – соответствующий
bulge [bлldჳ] – пузыри/ круги на воде
attraction of the moon [ə’træk∫(ə)n əv ðə mu:n] –
притяжение луны
outward [’autwəd] – внешний, наружный, поверхностный
motion [’məu∫(ə)n] – движение, процесс
uppermost part [’ лpəməust pa:t] – самая верхняя часть
bottom [’bɔtəm] – дно
to diffuse [tə di’fju:z] – распространять, рассеивать
ditch [dit∫] – выемка, котлован, траншея
scientist – учёный
to discover [tə dis’kлvə] – делать открытие
grave [greiv] – могила
perfect condition – отличное состояние
sample [’sæmpl] – образец
skin – кожа
incredible discovery – невероятное открытие
lead poisoning [led ’pɔizəniŋ] – отравление
food tin – банка консервов
to affect – оказывать влияние
brain [brein] – мозг
decision [di’siჳ(ə)n] – решение
Exercise 1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:
A. Nouns:
1. moisture a. movement on the surface of water
2. shelf b. chosen way
3. trench c. liquid diffused as vapour or condensed in drops
4. earthquake d. flow of water or air in one direction
5. current e. distance downwards, length to the bottom
6. route f. violent vibration of the earth’s surface
7. depth g. gravitation
8. bulge h. coastal shallow line of the ocean
9. attraction i. the lowest or the deepest part of something
10. bottom j. long narrow deep ditch or part of the ocean
B. Adjectives:
2. shallow b. being salty
3. crustal c. being in the highest position
1. ultimate a. not deep
4. saline d. being the part of the Earth’s surface
5. outward e. the furthest
6. uppermost f. being on the surface
Exercise 2. Practice the reading of the following expressions and translate them into Russian:
a major role, over 70 percent of the earth’s surface, gently sloping continental shelves, the average ocean depth, ocean floor, dry land, submarine mountain chains, earthquake activity, crustal rocks, volcanic islands, sea level
Exercise 3. Read the text “The Oceans” and find in it the words according to their definitions given below to fill in the crossword:
O | ||||||||
C | ||||||||
E | ||||||||
A | ||||||||
N |
- a lower surface of a room or any other site
- connected series of things
- a group of plants or animals related closely
- something hidden under water
- a piece of land surrounded by water
Exercise 4. Read the text once again and decide true or false are the statements given below: