CThe Centre controller wanted Pacific 82 to report after leaving the holding pattern / when about to leave the holding pattern / when entering the holding pattern / while maintaining the holding pattern.
BWhen the pilot of Pacific 82 refers to a ‘problem … which we are unable to resolve’ he means they cannot identify the problem / understand the problem / fix the problem / see the problem.
²EXERCISE 10 Listen to the Tower respond to a request for a visual inspection and complete the sentences.
a | Qantas 10, landing gear appears ________. |
b | Qantas 10, ________ wheel does not appear ________. |
c | Qantas 10, ________ wheel does not appear ________. |
d | Qantas 10, ________ wheel appears ________. |
e | Qantas 10, all of your wheels appear ________. |
f | Qantas 10, gear does not appear to have fully ________. |
g | Qantas 10, nose wheel only appears ________. |
²EXERCISE 11 Listen to an aircraft on approach and choose the best answer to complete sentences a and b.
a | Ibisair 77’s problem was that: |
i. the left main gear was jammed. ii. the left main gear was not locked down. iii. the right main gear would not retract. iv. the right main gear would not extend. | |
b | The controller asked the pilot to : |
i. climb before flying past the tower. ii. climb after flying past the tower. iii. Maintain the same altitude. iv. climb as it went past the tower. |
EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the phrases in this list.
*Passenger with suspected heart attack. | Пассажир с подозреваемым сердечным приступом. |
*Intercepted urgency call from DLH 720. | Перехватил срочный вызов от DLH 720. |
*First officer has been seriously injured after bird strike. | Второй пилот получил серьезные ушибы после удара птицы. |
*Request medical assistance. | Прошу медицинскую помощь. |
Relay this message to DLH 720. | Передайте это сообщение DLH 720. |
*Unsure of my position. | Неуверен в своем местоположении. |
*Transmitting blind due to receiver failure. | Передаю без ответа из-за отказа приемника. |
Radio contact lost, if you read, squawk 7600, I say again, 7600. | Радиоконтакт утерян, если слышите, наберите на ответчике 7600, я повторяю, 7600. |
Squawk observed, will continue to pas instructions. | Сигнал ответчика наблюдаю, буду продолжать передавать указания. |
*There seems to be a bomb on board. | Кажется на борту бомба. |
*An old passenger has fainted. | Пожилой пассажир потерял сознание. |
*A pregnant woman is about / ready to give birth. | У беременной женщины начались роды. |
*A young lady has a breath problem. | У молодой женщины проблемы с дыханием. |
EXERCISE 2 Сheck that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary or ask your teacher.
traffic congestion | preceding traffic |
ground accident | desired speed |
security problem | sequence |
anonymous call | unintelligible |
faulty engine |
²EXERCISE 3 Listen to two recorded dialogues.
Dialogue 1 | |
P: | Hong Kong Approach CSN 305 TAMOT 22 at FL 150. |
C: | CSN 305 Hong Kong after passing TAMOT track to Mike at FL 150. |
P: | Roger, FL 150 to Mike CSN 305. |
P: | CSN 305 Mike in two minutes. |
C: | CSN 305 proceed to Charlie and hold at FL 150 due to traffic congestion, standard pattern. |
P: | Hold at Charlie FL 150 CSN 305. |
P: | Hong Kong Approach CSN 305, what are the delays like? We’ve been holding over 50 minutes. |
C: | CSN 305 expect another 10 minutes delay due ground accident. |
P: | CSN 305. |
P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Hong Kong Approach CSN 305. Passenger with suspected heart attack, request leave the holding and landing priority. |
C: | CSN 305 Hong Kong Approach, roger, turn left heading 030 and descend to 6000 feet QNH 1010, you’ll be number one. |
P: | Left heading 030 and down to 6000 feet QNH 1010 CSN 305. |
Dialogue 2 | |
P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Beijing Approach CCA 892, intercepted urgency call from DLH 720, I say again DLH 720. First officer has been seriously injured after bird strike, request priority landing and medical assistance. The aircraft position is north of VYK at 6000m. |
C: | CCA 892 Beijing Approach, roger. |
C: | DLH 720. make straight-in approach ILS runway 36R, wind 340° 10m/s, QFE 1001. [No answer from DLH 720]. |
C: | CCA 892 Beijing Approach. |
P: | Beijing Approach CCA 892 go ahead. |
C: | CCA 892 please relay this message to DLH 720. |
P: | Ready to copy CCA 892. |
C: | DLH 720. is cleared to make straight-in approach ILS runway 36R, wind 340° 10m/s, QFE 1001, ambulance will be ready on arrival. |
P: | DLH 720, CCA 892, Beijing Approach clears you a straight-in approach ILS runway 36R, wind 340° 10m/s, QFE 1001, ambulance will be ready for you. |
P: | Straight-in approach ILS runway 36R, QFE 1001, thank you very much, DLH 720. |
EXERCISE 4 Make the back translation of the dialogues in EXERCISE 3 and read them in two.
²EXERCISE 5 Listen to the modal exchanges. Repeat the pilot’s words. Then practice the exchanges in two.
a | P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Hong Kong Approach CSN 305 6000 feet heading 190 above cloud, unsure of my position, request heading to Hong Kong. |
C: | CSN 305 fly heading 040 | |
b | P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Hong Kong Approach CCA 101, 30 miles west of Hong Kong at 8000 feet, passenger with suspected heart attack, request priority landing. |
C: | CCA 101 Hong Kong Approach, radar vectors to runway 13 IGS approach, you’ll be number one. | |
c | P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Hong Kong Approach CSN 307, intercepted urgency call from CCA 101, passenger with suspected heart attack, request priority landing Hong Kong, the aircraft’s position is 30 miles west at 8000 feet. |
C: | CSN 307 roger. | |
d | P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Beijing Control CSN 310, we are cleared of the severe turbulence’ passengers and cabin crew are injured, request divert to Zhengzhou for landing, WXI 15 at 7200m. |
C: | CSN 310 Beijing Control roger, cleared divert to Zhengzhou, contact 122,20 for Zhengzhou Control. | |
e | P: | Zhengzhou Control CCA 102 transmitting blind, CCA 102 over ZHO at 10200m, estimating WXI 15. CCA 102 transmitting blind, CCA 102 over ZHO at 10200m, estimating WXI 15. |
f | P: | CCA 102 transmitting blind due to receiver failure, CCA 102 VYK 6000m descending for ILS runway 36R, CCA 102 6000m descending for ILS runway 36R, next transmission DALUE. |
g | C: | CSN 303 radio contact lost, if you read, squawk 7600, I say again, 7600. |
C: | CSN 303 squawk observed, will continue to pas instructions. |
²EXERCISE 6 Use the words or phrases below to replace the parts in italics in the sentences.
P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Hong Kong Approach HAD 929 we are coming back, there seems to be a bomb on board, position 10 miles south of VIKAP heading 040 FL 240. | |
Selection | ||
· engine flame out · bird ingestion · persons injured after severe turbulence · security problem | ||
P: | PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Beijing Control CCA 982 one passenger on board is seriously ill, we have to divert to Tianjing 50km east of VYK at 6000m. | |
Selection | ||
· an old passenger has fainted · a pregnant woman is about to give birth · a young lady has a breath problem, she is in immediate danger · severe icing |
²EXERCISE 7 Fill in the blanks with what you hear from the recording.
PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, Hong Kong Radar G-ABCD _________ heading _________ above cloud _________ of my position, request _________ to _________. | ||
PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, AFR 763 _________ miles north of _________ FL 210, we have shut down port _________ due to bird _________, we’re coming back, request _________ data and descent. | ||
PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, TWA 421 _________ descent to FL _________ due to severe _________, 30 miles _________ of DTP heading _________. | ||
PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN, BAW 250 we have to _________ to Lima due to a seriously ill _________, probably a _________ attack, position _________ miles south of ZHS FL _________. | ||
Transmitting _________ DLH 129 _________ DYL FL _________, _________ 05. | ||
Transmitting _________ due to receiver _________, JAL 761 _________ FL _________ for FL _________, estimating GLH _________, next _________ 45. | ||
C: | UAL 117 _________ not received, _________ left heading 270, I _________ again, left heading 270. | |
C: | UAL 117 _________ observed, will _________ to pass _________. | |
C: | HAD 293 we have just got an anonymous _________, saying you may have a _________ on board. | |
P: | Do you have any _________ about the _________? | |
C: | HAD 293 _________. | |
P: | HAD 293 we’re _________ request _________ services on landing. |
²EXERCISE 8 Listen to the following recording and answer the questions according to what you have just heard.
a | Why did BAW 346 call PAN PAN? | |
What action did the crew take after the vent? | ||
What was the crew’s intention? | ||
Where was BAW 346? | ||
b | What was the reason to make crew of JAL 217 declare urgency? | |
What was the crew’s decision? | ||
c | What happened to AFR 529? | |
What was AFR 529’s position? | ||
What flight level will AFR 529 maintain? | ||
When will AFR 529 transmit blind again? |
²EXERCISE 9 Listen to multiple aircraft on approach into Nelson International Airport and answer the following questions.
How many aircraft were mentioned? | |
What problem did Cargo 6 experience? | |
What did Ibisair 376 need to do? | |
For each of the referents below write down the subject from the typescript that each refers to. | |
a) following traffic b) converging traffic c) who d) present heading e) preceding traffic f) a 727 g) He’s |