EXERCISE 1 Check that you know all the phrases in this list.
Stop immediately, flames coming from right main gear. | Остановитесь немедленно, языки пламени идут от правой основной стойки. |
*Executing emergency evacuation. | Осуществляем аварийную эвакуацию. |
Fire engines and ambulance will be available in a few minutes. | Пожарные машины и машина скорой помощи будут готовы через несколько минут. |
*Engine has partially disintegrated. | Двигатель частично разрушился. |
*The hydraulic pressure is dropping rapidly. | Стремительно падает давление в гидросистеме. |
*Unable to crank the gear down. | Не могу выпустить шасси. |
*We have to make a belly / gear up landing. | Мы вынуждены сделать посадку с убранными шасси. |
*Request foam the runway and dumping instructions. | Прошу покрыть ВПП пеной и указания по сливу топлива. |
*Take-off aborted due to engine failure. | Взлет прекратил из-за отказа двигателя. |
*Number 2 engine is overheating. | Перегрев двигателя номер два. |
*Number 2 engine flamed out. | Двигатель номер два заглох. |
*We have to dump 20 tons of fuel first. | Мы должны слить 20 тонн топлива сначала. |
*We have trouble with extending the landing gear. | У нас проблемы с выпуском шасси. |
*Nose gear does not appear to be down. | Похоже, что передняя опора шасси не вышла. |
*Request low pass for visual check. | Прошу пролет на низкой высоте для визуальной проверки. |
*Request foam carpet at the touchdown zone of the runway. | Прошу пенное покрытие в зоне приземления ВПП. |
Foam spraying will last twenty minute. | Распыление пены продлится 20 минут. |
*Warning light is on, reason unknown. | Горит лампа аварийной сигнализации, причина неизвестна. |
*Request priority landing. | Просим посадку вне очереди. |
*Flaps and slats are jammed, we can’t extend beyond 15°. | Закрылки и предкрылки заклинило, мы не можем их выпустить больше, чем на 15°. |
*We have a configuration problem. | У нас проблемы с конфигурацией. |
*Starboard engine low on power. | Правый двигатель теряет мощность. |
*Nose gear collapsed at the start of takeoff run. | Передняя опора шасси поломалась в начале разбега для взлета. |
*Port engine intake ingested birds during climb out. | В воздухозаборник левого двигателя попали птицы во время набора высоты. |
*First officer was wounded. | Второй пилот был ранен. |
*Request touch and go to jar the wheel down. | Прошу заход с уходом, чтобы вытряхнуть колесо. |
*We have manually cranked the main gear. | Мы выпустили основную опору шасси вручную. |
*We are having difficulties handling our aircraft. It tends to drift to the left. | У нас трудности с управлением воздушным судном. Его сносит влево. |
*Starboard engine EGT (exhaust gas temperature) is over limitation. | ТВГ (температура выходящих газов) правого двигателя выше допустимых значений. |
EXERCISE 2 Сheck that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary or ask your teacher.
gear extension | burst tyre |
jettison / dumping | a serious power loss |
upon completion | gear retraction |
bird strike | wheel well fire |
tyre blow out | windshield |
stopway | precaution |
to resolve | onwards clearance |
cabin crew | indicated airspeed |
rear galley | indication of smoke |
in attendance | AGL |
published missed approach | fly-by for visual inspection |
²EXERCISE 3 Listen to two recorded dialogues
Dialogue 1 | |
C: | CCA 981 cleared for take-off wind 340° 8 m/s. |
P: | Taking off CCA 981. |
C: | CCA 981 Stop immediately, I say again, stop immediately, flames coming from right main gear. |
P: | Stopping CCA 981. |
P: | CCA 981 we are standing at the stopway, executing emergency evacuation, request emergency services. |
C: | CCA 981 fire engines and ambulance will be available in a few minutes. |
Dialogue 2 | |
P: | Beijing Approach CCA 981 number three engine has partially disintegrated, request return for landing. |
C: | CCA 981 turn right proceed to QU, make straight-in ILS approach runway 36R. |
P: | Turning right to QU, runway 36R CCA 981. |
P: | CCA 981 we have another problem, the hydraulic pressure is dropping rapidly, we’ll check gear extension, call you back. |
C: | CCA 981 roger. |
P: | CCA 981unable to crank it down, we have to make a belly landing, request foam the runway and dumping instructions. |
C: | CCA 981 will you have trouble climbing? |
P: | We can manage. |
C: | CCA 981 climb and maintain 4800m to YV, after passing YV heading 350 to start jettison, when finished turn left heading 160 to YV. |
P: | Climbing to and maintain 4800m to YV, after YV heading 350 to start dumping, 160 to YV upon completion CCA 981 |
EXERCISE 4 Make the back translation of the dialogues in EXERCISE 3 and read them in two.
²EXERCISE 5 Listen to the modal exchanges. Repeat the pilot’s words. Then practice the exchanges in two.
a | P: | Tower CSN 306 take-off aborted due to engine failure. |
C: | CSN 306 vacate the runway next left. | |
b | P: | Beijing Tower CCA 101 we are coming back due to bird strike, number 2 engine is overheating. |
C: | CCA 101 join downwind 36R, left or right to suit you. | |
c | P: | Beijing Approach CCA 981 number 2 engine flamed out during climbing, we intend to return to land, but we have to dump 20 tons of fuel first. |
C: | CCA 981 set heading to YV, after passing YV heading 350 to start dumping, upon completion turn left heading 160 to YV, maintain 5100m. | |
d | P: | CSN 307 we have trouble with extending the landing gear, we’d like to go around and proceed to holding for check. |
C: | CSN 307 after going around turn left to Charlie and hold. | |
e | P: | CSN 307 nose gear does not appear to be down, request low pass for visual check. |
C: | CSN 307 cleared low pass runway 31 below 500 feet, report final. | |
f | P: | CSN 307 we can’t even crank down the nose gear, we’ll have to make a gear up landing, request foam carpet at the touchdown zone of the runway. |
C: | CSN 307 roger, foam spraying will last twenty minute. | |
g | P: | CSN 303 warning light is on, reason unknown, request priority landing. |
C: | CSN 303 you are number 1, turn left heading 270 and descend to 4500 feet. | |
h | P: | Guangzhou CSN 304 flaps and slats are jammed, we can’t extend beyond 15°, request divert to Zhuhai airport which has a longer runway.. |
C: | CSN 304 cleared to Zhuhai, I’ll inform Zhuhai you have a configuration problem. |
²EXERCISE 6 Use the words or phrases below to replace the parts in italics in the sentences.
P: | CSN 305 take-off aborted due undercarriage fire. | |
Selection | ||
· starboard engine low on power · tyre blow out · burst tyre · nose gear collapsed at the start of takeoff run | ||
P: | CCA 102 we’ve got to come back due to a serious power loss, request immediate landing. | |
Selection | ||
· burst tyre during gear retraction · wheel well fire · port engine intake ingested birds during climb out, engine flame out · bird strike, one came through the right windshield, first officer was wounded | ||
P: | CCA 982 we are unable to extend the nose gear, request touch and go to jar the wheel down. | |
Selection | ||
· having difficulty to put down · can’t lower · have trouble with |
EXERCISE 7 In each blank there are four selections, choose the best suitable answer.
P: | CSN 303 take-off (1) _________ due to (2) _________ blow out, we slid slightly off the runway. | |
C: | CSN 303 taxi off the (3) _________ next right. | |
P: | Negative, the right gear is (4) _________ down, request passenger (5) _________ and coaches to take the passengers to the terminal. | |
C: | CSN 303 roger, we’ll get a tug to come out to you as well. |
(1) | a | give up | (2) | a | gear | (3) | a | runway |
b | jettison | b | tyre | b | taxiway | |||
c | aborted | c | flap | c | overrun | |||
d | stop | d | slat | d | stop end | |||
(4) | a | skid | (5) | a | walks | |||
b | slid | b | foot | |||||
c | sup | c | stairs | |||||
d | bogged | d | cars |
P: | CCA 982 we have problem with (1) _________ they won’t (2)_________ further down than 10, we’ll check if the gears are OK. | |
C: | CCA 982 roger, advise check (3) _________. | |
P: | CCA 982 we are unable to (4) _________ the landing gear, request proceed to (5) _________ to have a complete check. | |
C: | CCA 982 set heading to LR and hold, report when ready to leave. | |
P: | CCA 982 flaps are still (6) _________. We have manually (7)_________ the main gear (8) _________ not the nose gear, request (9) _________ landing. |
(1) | a | gears | (2) | a | extend | (3) | a | OK |
b | flaps | b | go | b | completed | |||
c | slats | c | bog | c | over | |||
d | rudders | d | retract | d | alright | |||
(4) | a | put | (5) | a | hold | (6) | a | jammed |
b | make | b | go around | b | fixed | |||
c | jar | c | missed approach | c | positioned | |||
d | lower | d | land | d | OK | |||
(7) | a | fixed | (8) | a | and | (9) | a | normal |
b | tried | b | but | b | abnormal | |||
c | cranked | c | yet | c | immediate | |||
d | bogged | d | with | d | emergency |
²EXERCISE 8 Decide the instructions true or false in accordance with what you heard.
True | False | ||
The crew have steering problem. | |||
The crew intended to make a gear up landing. | |||
The number 2 engine was flamed out. | |||
Originally the aircraft was bound for Beijing. | |||
The crew wanted to be number 1 for landing. | |||
The nose gear remained in the well. | |||
The reason to abandon take-off is engine overheating. | |||
A hydraulic problem make the crew come back. |
²EXERCISE 9 Listen to an aircraft, Pacific 82, communicate with ATC during non-normal situation on descent and answer the following questions.
1What problem did Pacific 82 experience?
2What did the pilot want to do?
3What information do the following numbers refer to?
10,000 | ||||
4Circle the option which best completes statements a to c.
aWhen Pacific 82 requested a return for landing, the fire was starting / slowly burning / uncontrollable / out.