EXERCISE 1 Check that you know all the phrases in this list.
Be advised: thunderstorm southwest of SH, 30km, moving to the north. | Для вашей информации: гроза юго-западнее SH 30 км, смещается на север. |
Traffic avoided thunderstorm to the north (=north of the airway). | Самолеты обходили грозу севернее (севернее трассы). |
Thunderstorm in the vicinity of aerodrome, slowly moving to the west. | В районе аэродрома гроза, медленно смещается на запад. |
*Thunderstorm observed. | Грозу наблюдаю. |
*Is thunderstorm over? | Гроза закончилась? |
*Radar indicates weather. | Наблюдаю засветки облачности на локаторе. |
Thunderstorm is over. Descend to FL 220 to ABD. | Гроза закончилась. Снижайтесь до ЭП 220 на АВD. |
Front thunderstorm in the vicinity of SH, crossing airway west to east. | В районе привода SH фронтальная гроза, пересекает трассу с запада на восток. |
Top cloud 8000 metres. Are you able to climb to FL 330 to avoid thunderstorm on top? | Верхняя граница облачности 8000 метров. Сможете набрать ЭП 330, чтобы пройти грозу верхом? |
Be advised: thunderstorm en route. | Для вашей информации гроза на маршруте. |
Caution! Marginal weather en route. | Предупреждение! Опасные метеоусловия на маршруте. |
*Request FL change due heavy clear air turbulence. | Прошу смену эшелона из-за сильной турбулентности ясного неба. |
Avoid CB at your discretion. | Обходите грозу на свое усмотрение. |
At (your) own discretion. | На (ваше) собственное усмотрение. |
Avoid the thunderstorm only within the route. | Обходите грозу только в пределах маршрута. |
Avoid the thunderstorm 20 km south of the route. | Обходите грозу 20 км южнее маршрута. |
*Request rerouting after BO. | Прошу изменение маршрута после ВО. |
Turn left / right 45° to avoid thunderstorm activity. | Выполните разворот влево / вправо на 45°, чтобы обойти грозовую деятельность. |
Avoid the thunderstorm on your radar. | Обходите грозу по бортовому радиолокатору. |
Cleared to circumnavigate the build up at you own discretion. | Разрешается обойти грозовые образования на собственное усмотрение. |
We have been struck by lightning. | В нас ударила молния. |
Mountain waves. | Горные волны. |
Report flight conditions. | Доложите условия полета. |
Light turbulence. | Слабая турбулентность. |
Moderate turbulence. | Умеренная турбулентность. |
Heavy / severe turbulence. | Сильная турбулентность. |
Clear air turbulence (CAT). | Турбулентность ясного неба. |
Heavy / severe icing in clouds. | В облаках сильное обледенение. |
Jet stream. | Струйное течение. |
Build-ups. | Грозовые образования. |
Rain clutters. | Засветка от дождя. |
In and out (of clouds). | Временами в облаках. |
Report your decision. | Доложите ваше решение. |
Report your intentions. | Доложите ваши намерения. |
Above clouds. | Выше облаков. |
Below clouds. | Ниже облаков. |
To break clouds. | Пробивать облачность. |
EXERCISE 2 Сheck that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary or ask your teacher.
anti-ice system | moderate chop |
de-ice system | drift |
an indication of weather | to go round CBs |
rear fuselage damaged | to assist |
elevator | to detour |
yaw damper | to injure |
first aid | to deviate |
ambulance | deviation |
inoperative / unserviceable | offset |
military movement | experiencing moderate icing |
aileron |
²EXERCISE 3 Listen to the recorded dialogue.
P: | Wuhan Control CSN 309. |
C: | CSN 309 go ahead. |
P: | CSN 309 we have an indication of weather about 40km ahead of us, request turn right to go round it. |
C: | CSN 309 negative due prohibited area, turn left 30° and track out 35km, report clear of the build-up. |
P: | Turning 30° left with 35km CSN 309. |
P: | Wuhan Control CSN 309 now cleared of CB and closing back to the course. |
C: | CSN 309 roger, report joining. |
P: | CSN 309. |
C: | CSN 309 now on course at 10200m ETO OBLIK 45. |
P: | CSN 309 contact Zhengzhou on 122.20. |
C: | 122.20 CSN 309 good-day. |
P: | Zhengzhou Control CSN 309 10200m estimating OBLIK 45. |
C: | CSN 309 maintain 10200m, next ZHO. |
P: | Maintaining 10200m, CSN 309. |
C: | CSN 309 report flight conditions. |
P: | CSN 309 B767 at 10200m 80km to ZHO, encountering moderate icing. |
C: | Roger, CSN 309 keep us advised if conditions continue or get worse. |
P: | CSN 309. |
P: | Zhengzhou CSN 309 request descent, our anti-ice system is inoperative. |
C: | CSN 309 descend to 7000m, we had a Pilot report 10 minutes ago, there was moderate turbulence at 8000m over ZHO. |
P: | Down to 7000m, thanks for alert CSN 309. |
P: | CSN 309 we’ve just been caught in severe turbulence, 30 passengers have been injured, five are serious, we have to divert to Zhengzhou, request ambulance and first aid on our arrival. |
C: | CSN 309 cleared to Zhengzhou, ambulances will be ready on your arrival. |
EXERCISE 4 Make the back translation of the dialogue in EXERCISE 3 and read it in two.
²EXERCISE 5 Listen to the modal exchanges. Repeat the pilot’s words. Then practice the exchanges in two.
a | C: | CCA 981 hold at the holding point of runway 36L for a few minutes, the thunderstorm is rapidly approaching the far end of the runway. |
P: | Hold at holding point 36L, CCA981. | |
b | P: | Beijing Control CCA 982 request 30° 40 km offset left to avoid build up. |
C: | CCA 982 cleared to circumnavigate the build up at you own discretion report clear of CBs. | |
c | P: | CCA 102 thunderstorm moving in your direction, go round the CBs by turning 20° right, track out 30km from your present position. |
C: | Track out 20° right 30 km to avoid thunderstorm CCA 102. | |
d | P: | Beijing Control CCA 102 we have an indication of weather 50km ahead of us, request clearance to go round it. |
C: | CCA 102 turn left to detour the thunderstorm. | |
e | P: | Hong Kong Approach CSN 303 we have been struck by lightning, rear fuselage damaged, right elevator lost, request priority landing and radar vector to final approach. |
C: | CSN 303 you are number one, radar will assist you until landing. | |
: | ||
f | P: | Guangzhou Control CCA 102 we have just been caught in severe turbulence, passengers have been injured. We have to divert Changsha. |
C: | CCA 102 roger, cleared to divert to Changsha, call when ready to leave my frequency. | |
g | C: | CCA102 request flight conditions. |
P: | CCA 102 over WXI at 10800m, encountering moderate turbulence. | |
h | P: | Beijing Control CSN 309 our yaw damper is inoperative, are we likely to run into turbulence on our route ahead? |
C: | CSN 309 we have a preceding pilot report, there is moderate turbulence over WXI. | |
i | P: | Beijing Control 3470 we are encountering severe icing in cloud at 3600m, request climb. |
C: | 3470 climb to 4800m report reaching. | |
j | P: | Beijing Control CCA 982 our anti-ice system is unserviceable request descent. |
C: | CCA 982 descent and maintain 900m. |
²EXERCISE 6 Use the words or phrases below to replace the parts in italics in the sentences.
P: | CCA 982 request clearance to go round the thunderstorm. | |
Selection | ||
· deviate the thunderstorm from the right · 20° heading change right of track to avoid build-up · circumnavigate the CBs from left · 20° deviation to the right to go round the weather · offset to the right from present position to detour the CB · climb to FL 410 to overfly the thunderstorm | ||
C: | CCA 981 cleared to go round 20 miles to the left from your present position, report back on track. | |
Selection | ||
· cleared to deviate from the right · negative, turning right is not approved due traffic, turn left 25° to go round the build up · cleared drift to the left · negative due military movement, turn left 20° to go round · right offset approved · climb to FL 410 overfly the CB, if not possible go round it 30 miles to the left | ||
C: | JAL 219 request flight conditions. | |
P: | JAL 219 35 miles east of LTA FL 310, 1125 Zulu, continuous moderate chop between MEN and present position. | |
Selection | ||
· encountering light CAT (clear air turbulence) · moderate icing · experiencing moderate turbulence · severe turbulence was encountered 3 minutes ago, it was smoothed out now · have just gone through severe icing |
²EXERCISE 5 Fill in the blanks with what you hear from the recording.
Hold over ________ due to local ________, expect further clearance ________. | |
Request ________ to ________ the CBs ________ ahead of us. | |
Cleared to ________ the ________ at your own discretion. | |
Thunderstorm moving ________ ahead from ________, turn left ________ and track ________ will take you well ________. | |
We were ________ in the cloud, left ________ seems to have been ________, passengers are ________, request ________. | |
We have been ________ in ________ severe ________, number of passengers are ________, request ________ to your airport. | |
We have been ________ moderate ________, request ________ en route ahead. | |
We are encountering ________ in cloud at this ________, ________ system seems inoperative, request ________ descent. |
²EXERCISE 7 Listen and complete the following pilot-controller exchanges. Then practice them in two.
P: | ____________________________________________________. | |
C: | GBD can you detour the weather from the left? | |
P: | ____________________________________________________. | |
C: | GBD roger, cleared to circumnavigate the CBs by turning 40° right, track out 35 miles. | |
P: | ____________________________________________________. | |
C: | That’s correct. | |
P: | GBD cleared out of CBs now, closing back to the course, BKT 05. | |
C: | GBD roger, report BKT. | |
P: | ____________________________________________________. | |
P: | ____________________________________________________. | |
C: | GBD roger, cleared divert to WTX, any information I can relay to WTX? | |
P: | ____________________________________________________. | |
C: | Roger. |