General Dental Practice
Fill the blanks with the words below. You may need to change the form о the words. Each word can be used only once.
Choose the right form
Match the columns to form word combinations
Language focus
Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use in situations of your own:
1. to pluck up one’s courage
2. waiting-room
3. to poke about
4. syringe
5. to feel a prick on the gum
6. forceps
7. to grip
8. to give a twist
9. to spit
1O. disinfectant
4. Translate into English:
Зібратися з духом, приймальня, кабінет лікаря, сісти в крісло, дати пораду,шукати навпомацки, шприц, відчувати гострий біль від уколу в ясна, хірургічні щипці, затискувати зуб, повертати, видалити зуб, дезінфікуючий засіб.
1. to protect a. visits
2. to pluck up b. a tooth
3. to get c. space
4. regular d. medicine
5. to keep e. tooth
6. to pull out f.on the gum
7. a false g. courage
8. unsightly h. an injection
9. to fill i. teeth
10. to give j. on the doorstep
11. preventive k. an appointment
12. to feel l. a syringe
1. Dentists recommend brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to…… them from decay.
a) arm b) defend c) guard d) protect
2. Have you got toothache? Your face looks ……
a) big b) enlarged c) expanded d) swollen
3. I had to have two ….. when I went to the dentist last week.
a) cavities b) fillings c) paddings d) refills
4. She always pays ….. visits to the dentist.
a) customary b) habitual c) normal d) regular
5. The dentist told him to open his mouth ….. .
a) broad b) greatly c) much d) wide
6. He ….. when the dentist touched the bad tooth.
a) alarmed b) dreaded c) laughed d) winced
7. Robert is very ….. about the cost of his dental treatment.
a) ashamed b) pained c) sorry d) worried
8. I'm ….. having to pay yet another visit to the dentist.
a) afraid b) dreading c) frightened d) terrified
9. The ….. in one of my teeth has come out, so I'm going to the dentist.
a) cover b) completion c) filling d) replacement
10. He made a note of the appointment with his dentist in his ….. .
a) diary b) directory c) journal d) register
11. She phoned her dentist to say she was unable to ….. her appointment.
a) arrive b) hold c) keep d) stand
12. She put ….. going to the dentist although her teeth needed attention.
a) away b) in c) off d) out
13. The small girl had to have four teeth ...... because they were so bad.
a) broken b) pulled c) taken away d) taken out
14. The loss of a front tooth has left an unsightly … her teeth.
a) gap b) hole c) slot d) space
15. In some countries more and more young people now need ….. teeth.
a) false b) spare c) unnatural d) untrue
cavity cement dentist dentures disease equipment
examine fill gums interval lose nerve
pain practice preventive tooth treat treatment
General dental ….. includes mouth examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of…… .There ….. frequently uses X-rays and other ….. to ensure correct diagnosis and ….. .
Treatment may include filling ….., removing the ….. of teeth, treating diseases оf the ….., removing ….., and replacing ….. teeth with bridges and….. .
Anesthesia іs often used in any treatment that might cause….. . Teeth may be …..with amalgam, or….. .
Perhaps one of the most important parts of a dentist's work is ….. dentistry. If a dentist ….. a patient's teeth at regular …., he may find and …..a disease before іt becomes serious.
? 6. Give English equivalents for:
запломбований зуб, хворий/уражений зуб, догляд за зубами,знімок зуба, зуб мудрості, корінь зуба, лікування зубів, порожнина в зубі, зубна емаль, зубний камінь, зберегти зуб, лікувати зуби, оглядати зуби, карієс зуба, пломбування зуба.