Match the words to form word combinations

Language focus

Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them in situations of your own:

1. to be at variance

2. to hinder

3. outside measurement

4. outside the jurisdiction

5. to be a small and intimate affair

6. rival

7. octagonal

8. to jut out

9. to come forward into the midst of their audience

10. to conceal

11. garment

12. to distract

13. subtlety

14. to be appreciated

15. to be sufficient

16. to distinguish oneself as

17. to be succeeded by


4. Translate the following words and word combination into English:

постійний театр,споруджувати/зводити театр, постійно сваритися/сперечатися, не підпадати під судочинство мера, заважати/перешкоджати чомусь, звикнути грати на різноманітних сценах, таємниче дійство, суперничати, яруси балконів,

амфітеатр, сцена, виступати (про сцену), виходити всередину глядацького залу, дійові особи, глядачі, гримерна, відкривати сцену,

закривати сцену, декорації, трагедія, визначати сцену в діалозі, одяг, відволікатися чимось, тонка відмінність голосу або жесту, відзначати себе в ролі, блазень, клоун, приходити на зміну комусь


1.intimate a. the stage

2.tiers b. curtain

3. the back of c. parts

4. fellowship d. house

5. general e. measurement

6. the slightest f. the jurisdiction

7. to reveal g. affair

8. tiring h. of galleries

9.tragic i. subtlety

10. outside j. stage

11. outside k. the inner stage

12. upper l. of players


6.Find meaningful words:



6. Fill in the letters:

er-ct, var—nce, au---rities, in—mate, af—r, gal---ies, meas---ment, re---l,

au---nce, conc—l, e—t, suff----nt, simpl---ty, adv---age, spect—or,se---ng,

g—ture, disti----sh, g—ment, v—se, prop—ty



6. Find the proper word for each definition.

_________ as much as is needed for a particular purpose; enough

_________ the quality of being simple

_________ to do something so well that people notice you and remember you

_________ a detail that is important but difficult to notice

_________ to show something that was previously hidden

_________ to hide something carefully

_________ the right to use the official power to do something

_________ to stick up er out further than the other things around it

_________ to compete with someone or something that is as good er important

_________ to be the next person to take a position er job after someone else

_________ to direct someone attention to someone or something to make it clear



7. Fill in the appropriate word to complete the sentence.

1. Theatres of Elizabethan time were built with the idea to allow everybody _________ of what was going on.

2. The most expensive seats were in covered _________ .

3. The cheapest seats were in the so-called _________ .

4. Violent behaviour among _________ was common.

5. The stage had no _________ .

6. One of the actors who was not in the _________ told the audience what it looked like.

7. _________ were used across certain parts of the stage to represent a bedroom, cave or an inner backroom.

8. All the seats here are placed in _________ .

9. Actors and playwrights were _________ to work together united beg a fellowship.

10. Nothing could _________ the spectators at that time because no scenery was used.

11.His career of an actor was _________ by his inability to show passion on the stage.

12. They had _________ experience to put on a new play.