Finde the odd word.
Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.
Circle the correct underlined word.
Find the words which match the definitions.
Complete these sentences.
The news
1. The famous couple have issued a press…………………………….explaining why the wedding is off.
2. The story is hot off the …………………………
3. Of all the newspapers, The Guardian devoted most column…………… the story.
4. If you order a back……………of the April 2003 issue of the magazine, you’ll have a complete set.
5. The Prime Minister is very good at producing a sound…………….for any occasion.
6. Te President was abroad when the story about him hit the newspaper……………….
7. The football match was delayed by a couple of hours so the results only made it to the…………….press column.
8. The Minister is going to sue the paper for defamation of………………….
9. The gutter…………….. goes in for a lot of………………..-raking in its quest for stories about celebrities and royalty. expensive magazine printed on shiny good-quality paper:
2.the crime of publishing an untrue negative story about someone:
3.the time by which material to be published has to be ready:
4.a special story which only one newspaper manages to publish:
5.material produced by journalists or advertisers for publication:
6.a colloquial and negative word for a tabloid newspaper: old issue of a magazine or newspaper:
8.people who work together to try to influence the government:
9.a brief memorable extract from a politician’s statement quoted on TV or radio:
10.a different expression for the crime in item 2:
1.The Prime Minister will be doing/making/having a statement later today.
2.Politicians love to get the chance to issue/provide/air their views in public.
3.All newspapers put/take/give their own spin on a story.
4.Journalists have to observe/notice/monitor news agencies for interesting stories for their papers.
5.The silly/stupid/foolish season is the time of year when politicians and other public figures are on holiday and there tends to be little serious news for newspapers to write about.
1. | A press conference was held at | a lot of coverage. |
2. | Inevitably the story receiver | gloss on events. |
3. | The newspaper has to go to | that you could tap for your story. |
4. | The actor collected all the press | the end of the summit meeting. |
5. | All politicians want to put their | when the story broke. |
6. | The Managing Director will issue | press by 9 p.m. |
7. | I know some useful sources | publicity for it’s fund-raising events. |
8. | The actor was out of the country | cuttings where he was mentioned. |
9. | The charity is seeking | a statement this afternoon. |
10. | I think the scandal will become |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. | Seek agencies story libel break cuttings exclusive issues headlines a scoop | look for inches item coverage issue deadline gutter press tap articles an exclusive | search column press defamation release copies glossy monitor editorials a statement | obtain line news misleading publish scoops rags air features hot off the press |
9. Fill in the missing letters:
press_ _ _ public_ _ _ _ monito_ _ _ _ col_ _ _ gut_ _ _ exclu_ _ _ _ | sco_ _ rece_ _ _ cove_ _ _ _ resea_ _ _ fol_ _ _ journa_ _ _ _ _ | relea_ _ particu_ _ _ _ _ agen_ _ _ _ percua_ _ _ _ persua_ _ _ _ |
?10. Translate into English:
1. Про сенсаційні новини можна дізнатися з екстрених повідомлень в газеті.
2. Для цієї статті редактор виділив декілька колонок на першій шпальті.
3. Про журналіста, який ревно розслідував та викривав темні махінації відомого банкіра, писали усі газети.
4. Робота бульварної преси побудована таким чином, щоб найсвіжіша інформація негайно йшла до друку.
5. Популярний співак зробив заяву на прес-конференції, що на нього надруковано наклеп, і звернувся до керівництва газети з проханням перевіряти інформацію і використовувати відповідні джерела.
6. Керівництво цього ілюстрованого журналу схвалює, коли репортери пропонують свою інтерпретацію сюжету.
7. Попередні видання не містили цікавої інформації, тому що це був мертвий сезон для політики.
8. Цей акт тероризму було широко висвітлено в усіх періодичних виданнях.