Pair work. Role-play
Read the following dialogue in pairs, paying attention to the underlined words.
Before ordering the meal describe the food you want to have to your dining companion, you can also want to know how something may taste. There are a number of words that can be used to describe food. Look at these examples
Words used to describe food
bland – ніжний, м’який spicy – гострий, пряний, пікантний
sweet – солодкий bitter – гіркий
rich – жирний, здобний salty – солоний
sour – кислий hot – гострий, пряний, пікантний
Ways to prepare food
to pickle – маринувати
to grill / broil – смажити на відкритому вогні, грилі
to bake – запікати
to fry – смажити
to boil – варити
to sauté ['səuteì] – пасерувати
Words to describe the taste of food
delicious – дуже смачний
awful – жахливий
tasty – смачний
yummy (розм.) – смачний, апетитний
yucky (розм.) – несмачний
disgusting – відразливий
Waiter: Welcome to Kasey’s Kitchen. Do you have a reservation?
Customer: Yes, the name is Johnson, Paul.
Waiter: Oh, yes, here you are. That was a party for one, correct?
Customer: Yes, that’s right.
Waiter: This way, please. Here’s the menu, sir. I’ll return in a minute to take your order.
Waiter: (a few minutes later). Are you ready to order, sir?
Customer: Yes, I’ll have the T-bone steak.
Waiter: How would you like it cooked?
Customer: Well-done, please.
Waiter: We have a choice of potatoes: French fried, mashed or baked.
Customer: I’ll have baked potatoes.
Waiter: Would you like them with butter or sour cream, or both?
Customer: I’m on a diet, so only butter.
Waiter: The vegetables today are corn on the cob, peas and carrots or broccoli.
Customer: I’ll take corn on the cob.
Waiter: And what would you like for dessert?
Customer: What do you have?
Waiter: We have an apple, cherry and lemon meringue pie, a chocolate and vanilla cake and chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice-cream.
Customer: I’ll take a cherry pie, please.
Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Customer: I’ll take a large iced tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee with dessert.
Waiter: Very good, sir. Enjoy your meal.
Customer: Thanks.
The situation: At a Restaurant.
Working with a partner, role play the situation, using the information below. Use the menu to order a meal.
The roles: a waiter, a customer.
Kasey’s Kitchen menu
Oysters (each) – £ 2.40
Ham and cheese – £ 3.99
Whole crab and mayonnaise – £ 10.80
BLT – £ 4.59
Brown crab meat on toast – £ 8.50
Bacon and Eggs – £ 4.95
Main courses
Pig’s head and potato pie – £ 22.70
Shepherd’s Pie – £ 19.20
Whole baked fish on green and white vegetables – £ 15.70
Turnips and bacon – £ 19.20
T-bone steak – £ 17.30
(rare, medium, well-done)
Side Orders
Potatoes – £ 4.50
(fried, baked, mashed)
Corn on the cob – £ 3.40
Peas, carrots and broccoli – £ 5.10
Green salad – £ 4.50
Cheese – £ 9.00
Apple, cherry, lemon meringue pie – £ 6.80
Apple cake – £ 5.30
Chocolate, vanilla cake – £ 5.70
Almond cake – £ 7.80
Baked cheese cake – £ 7.00
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry ice-cream – £ 3.40
Iced tea – £ 1.20
Tea – £ 1.20
Coffee – £ 2.10
(black, white)
Coke – 60 p.
Juice – £ 1.80
(orange, tomato, apple)
Mineral water – 80 p.
Beer – £ 2.50
Wine (glass) – £ 3.50