Read a sentence and then write another sentence with the same meaning.

Use the correct form (Past, Future or Present Simple) of the verb in brackets.

Read a sentence about the present and then write a sentence about the past.

Decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct those which are wrong. The verb is underlined.

Example: I don’t know your telephone number. right

Don’t make so much noise. I study. wrong (am studying)


1. My elder brother works as an engineer. _______

2. Turn off the TV, please. I’m reading. ________

3. Her mother is working as a teacher. _______

4. I’m liking music and dancing. _______

5. The students usually have three double periods every day. _______

6. Look! Jane tries to open the window. _______

7. Can you hear the lecturer? What does he talk about? _______

8. I’m in a hurry. The lecture starts at eight. I go to the University. ______

9. My friends are taking exams three times a year: in winter, spring and summer.

10. I’m trying to study well at the faculty of natural sciences.


Example: Nick usually gets up at seven.

Yesterday he got up at six.


1. The first lecture starts at eight in the morning. Yesterday _______ .

2. In summer my sister works at a children’s camp. Last summer _______ .

3. In the evening John listens to the music. Last night _______ .

4. My mother goes out into her garden every morning. Two days ago _______.

5. Mary usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning _______ .

6. His brother usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening _______ .

7. My grandfather works on a farm. When he lived in the country _______ .

8. Her sister often goes to the theatre. A week ago _______ .

9. Jack is never late for work. Yesterday _______ .

10. Kate has many friends. When she studied at school _______ .


Example: Yesterday we_______ a composition (write).

Yesterday we wrote a composition.

1. Last summer they _______ their holidays working with children in a camp on the Black Sea cost (spend).

2. Next winter my younger sister _______ to the Carpathian mountains (go).

3. In a year we _______ second-year students (become).

4. When it rained students _______ for a walk and _______ in the hall (not to go, dance).

5. Tomorrow our group _______ an exam in History of Ukraine (take).

6. When he was a boy, my father _______ of collecting stamps (be fond).

7. During breaks students _______ with each other and _______ a snack in the canteen (talk, have).

8. Next summer my elder brother _______ on a farm (work).

9. When it was 9.20 students _______ a break (have).

10. In 2012 Ukraine _______ everyone to a football competition (invite).



Example: Students attend lectures.

Lectures are attended (by students).

1. John translates a difficult text.

2. Jane and Mary read an interesting book.

3. Yesterday pupils wrote a dictation.

4. On Monday we discussed an important problem.

5. Tomorrow Professor Smith will correct our tests.

6. Schoolchildren often write compositions.

7. They built that house in 1958.

8. Students will take exams in December.

9. They invited Ann to the party.

10. We shall complete the work in time.


10. When were these famous people born? Choose the right year for each person:

1940 1564 1856 1814 1722 1871 1929  

Example: Alexander Pushkin was born in 1799.

1. Ivan Franco _______ .

2. John Lennon _______ .

3. Martin Luther King _______ .

4. Grigory Skovoroda _______ .

5. William Shakespeare _______ .

6. Taras Shevchenko ________ .

7. Lesya Ukrainka _______ .


And now answer the following questions:

When was your mother born?

When was your best friend born?

When were you born?