Notes to the Text


self-motivated – самостійний, цілеспрямований, сумлінний

tutor [΄t j u : t ə] – керівник групи студентів

tutorial [t j u :΄ t ) r ı ə l] – заняття (індивідуальне або у малій групі)

to force – примушувати

to afford [ə΄ f ) : d] – дозволяти собі

to sit back – відпочивати, розслаблюватись

to fall behind – відставати

hall of residence – університетський гуртожиток

social place – місто для зустрічей

one-to-one teaching – індивідуальні заняття з викладачем

to lure [΄ l j u ə] – спокушати

to have fun – веселитися, розважатися

responsible – відповідальний

Jeremy Farrington: You need to be very self-motivated in your first year. The tutors are very good. They give you great ideas. But at the end of the day, they can’t force you to do the work. You can’t afford to sit back and not to do the work for a week. It’s very easy to fall behind.


Ben Wilcox: I’m living in a hall of residence. In the hall there are flats, with five people sharing a kitchen and a bathroom. The kitchen is probably the most social place. We’re all busy people but we don’t mind cooking for each other.

There’s a lot of one-to-one teaching. We have two tutorials a week but if you want to see your tutor for extra help you can arrange a tutorial any time. The lectures haven’t been so important in our first year.

Malin Paulsson: My advice to school leavers about to start their first year at university? You shouldn’t be lured by people who seem to be going out all the time and not doing any work. People do work, even if they don’t seem to. The first weeks are a party, having fun and meeting people. But you need to be responsible about your studies as well as having fun.


11. Find the answers to the following questions in the above text:

1) Why can’t a student sit back even for a week?

2) What, according to Ben Wilcox, is more important during the first year of university studies: lectures or tutorials?

3) How do British students live in a hall of residence?

4) What is the difference between tutorials and one-to-one teaching?

5) What is Malin Paulsson’s opinion of studies and social life?


12. Compare the life of British students with your own students’ life. What is similar and what is different between these two ways of life? The questions below will help you to make the comparison:


1) What is more important during your first-year studies: lectures or tutorials?

2) Do you have any one-to-one teaching?

3) How many students share a kitchen in your hall of residence?

4) What is the most important social place for the students of your faculty?

5) What is your own opinion of your first weeks at Kharkiv Pedagogical University?


13. Be ready to speak about your student’s life.