VIII. Identify the names of different means of transportation by picking the right word in the box. Use them in the sentence.

VII. Read the dialogue and answer the questions


A: Hey, why don’t we take the bus tonight instead of driving? It takes forever to find a parking spot.

B: Oh, it’s not that bad.

A: Then after the dinner we can go for a walk, have a look around the city, then get the bus home.

B: Yeah. Well, we can go for a walk then drive home.

A: Oh, where are we going to park the car?

B: Well, if we don’t find a place on the street, we’ll use one of the parking stations.

A: On a Saturday night they’re all full. Oh, what about getting a taxi home?

B: Have you tried catching a taxi in city lately?

A: The problem is you’re just so used to travelling by car you hate to use public transport.

B: Yeah. Well, I just don’t enjoy it. It takes ages to get home. And you’re lucky if it comes on time.

A: Then you won’t be able to have many drinks.

B: You can drive!

A: Oh no. I hate driving at night.

B: Well… Look, I’ll have two drinks at most tonight.

A: Are you sure about that?

B: Yeah. You don’t have to drive. Is that okay?

A: Okay. Then we don’t have to leave now.


1. What were the two people talking about?

2. What did they decide to do finally?

3. What day was it?

4. What were they going to do that night?

5. Why did one of them want to go by bus?

6. Why did the other want to drive instead of taking bus?




1. I would like to rent a car - to buy a car. 1. Я хотів би взяти машину на прокат - купити машину
2. How much does it cost to rent a car per week? 2. Скільки коштує прокат машини на тиждень?
3. How do I get to the….highway? 3. Як потрапити на шосе…
4. Is this a toll road (bridge)? 4. Чи береться мито за проїзд по цій дорозі (по цьому мосту)?
5. Where is the nearest….? - technical service station - rest areas - motel - filling station 5. Де найближча….? - станція техобслуговування -автостоянка -мотель -автозаправка
6. Hello, officer, was I doing something wrong? 6. Добрий день, я чимось завинив?
7. Here is my international driver’s license. 7. Ось мої міжнародні права водія.
8. I need ….litres of petrol (diesel fuel). 8. Мені потрібно….літрів бензину (дизпалива).
9. How much is one litre of petrol? 9. Скільки коштує один літр бензину?
10. There is something wrong with my car. Would you look at it? 10. Щось трапилось з моєю машиною. Подивіться, будь-ласка.
11. Please, wash the car - fill up my car - change the oil - pump up the tyres 11. Помийте машину - заправте її - поміняйте мастило - накачайте шини
12. Do you have….? - motor oil - break fluid - distilled water - antifreeze 12. У вас є…..? - моторне мастило - гальмівна рідина - дистильована вода - антифриз
13. I have an accident along the way. 13. У мене була аварія по дорозі.
14. Where can I have this car fixed? 14. Де можна відремонтувати автомобіль?

Key words: park the car, to get out, the real joy of speed, means of transport, roads and highways, all vehicles, to fix a car, riding a bicycle, speed limit, wheel, traffic “jam”, international driver’s license,
Read the texts and do the assignments.  

As for me is nothing better than to travel by car – a good, fast car, I mean. When you are in an aeroplane, you have to be driven by someone else; travel by car is a more personal experience, for there you can drive yourself.

You just sit down at the wheel, switch on the motor, step on the pedal with your foot and off the car goes. You can go as slowly or as fast as you wish, stop when and where you choose; you park the car on the side of the road (street), get out and go where you like.

It is quite true that driving a car has some disadvantages. In town it is rather a nuisance with all these traffic “jams” or “hold-ups”, round-abouts, detours and so on. It is not altogether pleasant when you ride on a bumpy road or get a flat tyre, or still worse, when you get stuck in the mud.

But what can be better than a spin in a car on a week-end with your friend? As soon as you get out of the crowded town and see a long, wide road opening up before you, what a thrill it is to feel the wind in your face, to see houses, trees and people flash past, to feel the real joy of speed.

Then, of course, you see much more of the country than you do in a plane. Suppose you are on vacation and have decided to take a 700-800 mile trip in a car. What magnificent views you behold on your way – the cheerful fields, the road winding its way up the mountain with steep, grey cliffs on one side and a deep precipice on the other, the shining expanse of the sea wrapped in a blue noonday haze, the woods, the rows of acacia that stretch along the streets of the towns that you pass through.

Indeed your impressions are unforgettable.


Speak on:


· the fascination of travelling by car,

· the disadvantages of travelling by car

· your own attitude to travelling by car

· your or somebody else’s ‘travelling by car’ experience




Every day hundreds of people travel from one place to another. They travel to work, to school or on business. Many people travel for pleasure and travelling becomes one of the most popular hobbies. People can travel by these means of transport: by plane, by train, by bus, by coach, by car, by bicycle, by boat ship, by tram, by trolley-bus, by public transport, by balloons…

When people travel a long distance they usually travel by air. Travelling by air is exciting, fast, comfortable, relatively safe but rather expensive. In the 20. century it has become one of the most important means of transport. In countries like the USA where the people have to travel long distance travelling by air has become quite common. When people choose to travel by plane they usually go to or telephone to the airlines or travel agency to get information about flights as well as about reservations and cost of air tickets.

At the airport the passengers travelling abroad have to show their tickets and passports. An official weight of their luggage can be only 20 kg free of charge. The passengers must also go through the customs. For air traffic safety both people and luggage have to be checked and metal objects have to be detected. Then the passengers can go to the waiting room. When the aircraft is prepared for flight the announcer calls passengers to get ready and board the plane.

Travelling by train is the most common form of travelling. In our country trains are used daily by many people to and from work or school. They are cheap, less polluting, safe but not very clean and comfortable. This refers especially to slow trains that stop at every station. It can also be an advantage as the people have enough time to enjoy countryside. Fast trains are more comfortable for longer distances. They do not stop at every station. There are also a sleeping car and the dinning car in fast trains that make the travelling by train more pleasant. Our railway system urgently need reorganizing and modernizing as it is one of the most neglected and old-fashioned one in all Europe.

Coaches are buses for long distance travelling. They are fast, comfortable and the prices of ticket are quite reasonable. In our country many people prefer coaches to trains. During holidays the travel agencies offer many coach trips to the mountains or seaside resorts. There are regular coach lines connecting the capital of our country with most of European cities. Travelling by bus is relatively uncomfortable, because there are always many people and so you still have to stand and our buses are also dirty. Sometimes there are even pocket thieves, who steal money or homeless, who smell awfully. This means of transport is used by people who can not afford to buy their own car.

Travelling by car is more comfortable than travelling by bus, because you always sit. You can stop where you want and there is usually air-conditioning and heating. Form many people motoring is a pleasure. They enjoy driving a car at a high speed and do not think of the dangers of fast driving. It concerns especially the young drivers who contribute much to the accident rate that is very high in this country. The opinions on cars differ a lot. They range from positive to negative ones. The numbers of cars on our roads and highways grows higher and higher every year.

Many young people of all countries of the world like travelling by bike. Some go to school by bike, others prefer cycling as a sport or a hobby. In recent years many young people go for holiday trips by bike that is both healthy and exciting. This type of travelling depends much on weather and therefore summer is the best season for cycling tours.