The Sales Process
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Personal Selling
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The Heart of Business
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It’s been said that nothing happens in business until somebody sells something. The significance of this is that for a business to be successful, it has to get its products or services into the hands of its customers. A business can have the best products or the finest services, but unless they find their way to customers in sufficient quantities, the business won’t have a chance of succeeding.
That’s why the process of getting your product or service to the ultimate consumer plays such a crucial role in your marketing mix. Sales and distribution is the “place” in the four Ps mentioned, it’s where customer buys the product or service, and includes all the steps involved in getting the product from where it originates to where it finally becomes available for purchase by the customer.
Every business owner is a salesperson whether they realize it or not. In order to create a successful business, it’s necessary for a business owner to know how to sell – not only their product or service, but themselves and their business as well. You may have to sell your business idea to a banker to get a loan, or to a prospective employee.
Though few would deny the importance of sales ability to business success, many small business owners find personal selling either distasteful or downright frightening. It doesn’t have to be either if you understand the important role that sales plays in any business, and learn the selling skills necessary to be a good salesperson.
Just remember this: to be a successful business owner you’re going to be a salesperson whether you want to be or not. What you have to decide is whether you’re going to be a good salesperson or a mediocre one.
Regardless of your type of business, it is important for you and any sales employees you hire to understand the selling process. This process consists of a series of steps, each one of which is the foundation for the following step. When each is done correctly and in the proper order, the result-is another sale for your business. The following overview will introduce you to the basic selling process, which you can adapt for your business:
Preparation. Make sure you have as complete a knowledge of your product or service as possible. Think of yourself as a problem solver or consultant to your customers, and prepare to be an expert for them. At the minimum you should be aware of all the features, benefits, and prices of your product or service. No less important is to have the most thorough knowledge of your customers you can. It’s also necessary to know ahead of time what your company sales policies and procedures are, and how to correctly fill out order forms or use the cash register. Every one of your employees should also be familiar with, and comfortable about, these mechanics too.