1. Nerves! You will probably be nervous at the beginning of your presentation. Don't worry -most people are nervous in this situation. Try not to speak too fast during the first couple of minutes -this is the time you establish your rapport with the audience and first impressions are very important. You may find it helpful to memorise your introduction.
2. Audience rapport. Try to be enthusiastic -your interest in the subject matter will carry your audience along. Look around your audience as you speak - eye contact is essential for maintaining a good rapport. You will also be able to pick up signals of boredom or disinterest, in which case you can cut your presentation short.
3. Body language . Stand rather than sit when you are delivering your presentation and try to be aware of any repetitive hand gestures or awkward mannerisms that might irritate your audience.
4. Voice quality . You must be clearly audible at all times -don't let your voice drop at the end of sentences. If you vary your intonation, your voice will be more interesting to listen to and you will be able to make your points more effectively.
5. Visual aids. Use your visual aids confidently, making sure you allow your audience time to absorb information from flipcharts and transparencies.
6. Audience reaction. Be ready to deal with any hostile questions. Polite, diplomatic answers are a good disarming tactic, but if you should find yourself 'under fire', suggest that the audience keeps any further questions until the end of the presentation and continue with your next point.
1. Simplicity. Use short words and sentences that you are comfortable with. There is no benefit in using difficult language.
2. Clarity. Active verbs and concrete words are much clearer and easier to understand than passive verbs and abstract concepts. Avoid jargon unless you are sure all your audience will understand it.
3. Signalling . Indicate when you've completed one point or section in your presentation and are moving on to the next. Give your audience clear signals as to the direction your presentation is taking.
There are three main reasons why people make presentations, and they can be divided quite separately, although they’re all linked together.
The first one will be a new product, when you’re trying to launch a new product to the sales force, into the UK, maybe to a group of sales managers from different companies. That would be a totally different approach to say, when you’re launching a sales campaign, which might be used to promote that new product. And then the third area would be an incentive to actually get the sales campaign underway. So they ‘re all linked but in themselves they’d all be different promotions. Sometimes they’d be made on the same day, but most of the time they’d be made separately.