Top 10 High-prestige Professions in Ukraine


1. to realize more fully their human potential – повніше реалізувати людський потенціал

2. to enrich their understanding of life – збагатити їхнє розуміння життя

3. in various fields – в різних сферах

4. regardless of – незважаючи на

5. apart from – поряд з

6. a great deal of scientific work – великий обсяг наукової роботи

7. to provide excellent facilities – забезпечувати відмінні умови

8. higher educational establishment – вищий навчальний заклад

9. full-time students – студенти стаціонару

10. to receive state grants – одержувати державні пільги

11. to combine work with studies – поєднувати роботу з навчанням

12. to take correspondence courses – навчатися заочно

13. to receive a leave – отримувати відпустку


As is known, as high-prestige are those professions which have not only a good salary, but also a high public status, are respected in the community and have influence. The prestige of the profession, on the one hand, depends on the degree of responsibility and complexity, but on the other – on the great demand for specialists in the labor market, which in turn depends on the macroeconomic situation in the region and the socio-political situation. But still more often prestige of the profession is determined precisely by its payment.

According to a survey, conducted by the experts of the portal HeadHunter, now in Ukraine the most prestigious is the profession of IT-specialist, because it is extremely IT specialists demand in the domestic labor market. Thus, in 2012 for one open vacancy claim only one candidate. In addition, work of software developer is well paid: average salary here is about 15 thousand UAH.

On the second place in the rating of the most prestigious professions – top management. Expressly the senior officers and managers have overtaken by one position of lawyers, prosecutors and defense lawyers. Despite considerable competition (8 specialist for the vacancy in Kiev), the position of the head is desirable for the Ukrainians.

According to 18% of the respondents to be a businessman – is also not less prestigious. On the fifth place in the ranking were the architectural engineers.

The TOP 10 of the most prestigious professions also included bankers, doctors, pilots and astronauts, engineers in various fields, as well as economists and financial officials.

What are Career Ladders?


Career ladders are structures that relate occupations in an organization or industry based upon skill progressions and increased earnings.

Specific Organization Career Ladders

Traditionally, career ladders have been occupational structures that encourage, recognize, and reward capable employee performance in a specific organization. Successful performance and acquisition of additional skills through education or training prepare individuals for the next job level, or rung, on the career ladder. Formal career ladder programs have existed primarily in organizations large enough to have a hierarchy of related occupations plus enough growth and turnover to allow for movement up the ladders. Moving up a career ladder requires more than simply accumulating time in an organization; employees must demonstrate competence and the readiness to take on new responsibilities. In smaller organizations, career ladders may be informal and depend upon the ability of employees to identify potential opportunities, and position or prepare themselves for advancement. Mentoring from experienced employees directs employees toward possible career paths within the organization or field.

Industry-wide Career Ladders

Industry-wide career ladders are emerging as employers face increased difficulty in finding skilled workers and identify strategies to move workers up, while new employees move into entry level. The workforce investment system supports this movement as it examines how to provide additional employment opportunities that pay a living wage for those moving from welfare to work. Shared Prosperity and the California Economy, Implications for California’s Workforce Investment System advocates industry sector career ladder skill- building programs as the first step “to help existing workers move up to better jobs and higher pay.”1 Highly visible industry-based career ladders open up entry-level jobs and provide an incentive for individuals to enter a field and develop their skills for upward mobility.