Speak about Seasons and Weather.
Unit 21
Nature Cataclysms
1. Learn the words and phrases:
natural disasters - природнє лихо
to include-включати
earthquake-землетрус, поштовх
meteor strikes-метеоритний дощ
'focus' - центр,очаг
subsequent - наступний
famine - голод
to hurt-боліти
intense-напружений, інтенсивний
unpredictable feelings-непередбачувані почуття
trouble concentrating-проблеми з концентрацією
making decisions-прийняття рішень
disrupted eating-проблеми з травленням
sleeping patterns-безсоння
eruption - виверження
ash- зола
to inhale - вдихати
displacement- переміщення
imminent - неминучий, близький
avalanche- лавина
triggered - виклик
2. Read and translate the text:
Natural disasters include such events as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires and tsunamis. Often these events are unexpected, sudden and overwhelming.
Even when you’re not hurt physically, disasters can take a serious emotional toll. Normal reactions includeintense, unpredictable feelings; trouble concentrating or making decisions; disrupted eating and sleeping patterns; emotional upsets on anniversaries or other reminders.
3. Try to say what kind of disaster is :
Choose from: flood, severe weather, tornadoes, drought, tsunamis, winter storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, space-weather, thunderstorms, wildfire, and volcanoes.
4. Read and translate the text:
Natural disasters are varied and widespread. A few examples of natural disasters are: earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, heat waves, ice ages, meteor strikes, drought, wild fires, epidemics, famines, weather disasters and others.
An earthquake occurs due to underground activity such as the movement of tectonic plates. The underground origin of the earthquake is called the 'focus', and the point directly above the focus on the surface of the earth is called the 'epicenter'. The Richter scale is most commonly used system of measurement of earthquakes. It measures the magnitude of an earthquake on a scale of 0-10.
An earthquake of magnitude 10 has ever been recorded. The largest earthquake in recorded history occurred in Chile in 1960 (9.5). The second most powerful earthquake in recorded history occurred in 2004 in the Indian Ocean. Although the earthquake itself caused little damage, the subsequent tsunami killed thousands. An earthquake of less than 2.0 on the Richter scale is known as a microearthquake and is not felt. There are approximately 8,000 microearthquakes every day!
Volcanic eruptions are dangerous because of the hot lava which flows from the volcano after eruption and the volcanic ash which is released into the atmosphere. The
ash is dangerous for animals to inhale and can cause damage to moving
parts in machinery.
A tsunami (also known as a tidal wave) is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water. They are usually caused by underwater earthquakes. After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the DART system (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis) was established internationally. The DART system consists of a surface buoy and a seafloor device which measures pressure. Using these tools, scientists monitor the situation and can help to warn seaside communities of imminent danger.
An avalanche is the rapid flow of snow down a hill or mountain. They are often triggered by human activities, such as constructions or even simply skiing. During World War One, almost 50,000 solders were killed as a result of avalanches during the mountain campaign in the Alps on the Austrian-Italian front. Most of the avalanches were caused by artillery fire.
5. Answer the questions:
1. Which natural disasters occur in Ukraine? How often?
2. What type of natural disaster is the scariest to you? Why?
3. What is the worst natural disaster that you can remember?
4. What do you think is worse – natural disasters or manmade disasters?
6. Fill in the missing words:
1. Natural disasters are …………..
2. An earthquake occurs due to ………… such as the movement of tectonic plates.
3. The underground origin of the earthquake is called the “....…”and the point directly above the focus on the surface of the earth is called “…………”.
4. The largest earthquake in recorded history occurred in ………..
5. Volcanic eruptions are dangerous because of the hot …. which flows from the volcano after eruption and the volcanic …… which is released into the atmosphere.
6. A tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the ………….. of a body of water.
7. An avalanche is …………. down a hill or mountain.
7. Work in pairs. Make up a dialoque using the next questions and answers:
1. What do you think are the most destructive natural disasters?
I think that all natural disasters are destructive. They all wreak havoc on the places they hit and cause damage to property and people. There's a reason that they are called disasters.
2. Do natural disasters divide or unite people?
I believe that natural disasters unite people more than they divide them. I think that many people are good at heart and when they see others in need they come together to help in whatever way they can.
3. What is the best way to prepare for a natural disaster?
One of the best ways to prepare for a natural disaster is to listen to the professionals. These are people that have been trained for these kinds of situations. They have been in these situations and know how to help. Listening to them saves lives and time. It is the most important thing you can do when preparing for a natural disaster.
4. How does one prepare for a natural disaster?
Once again, listen to officials but also be sure you have supplies. Have food and water but also have a backpack ready to go with all of your essentials. If you have to evacuate that backpack will be your best friend.
5. What are your must-have items?
I think the only must- have item for me would be a few family pictures. Everything else is material and can be replaced but memories like the ones in the picture can't be. So if I had the opportunity I would grab those pictures because they're important to me. But in the long run the only thing you really need is yourself; your life is the one thing that can't be replaced.
8. Ask your groupmates and then say what they answered:
Model: Ask your classmate if he speaks English. — Do уou speak English?— Yes, I do. I speak English.— He said that he spoke English.
Ask your classmate:
1. if he studies mathematics; 2. if he goes in for sports; 3. if he will go to the cinema this evening; 4. if he is tired; 5. if he likes to play volley-ball; 6. if he drank tea for breakfast; 7. if he will go skiing today; 8. when he does his homework; 9. if he played chess with his friend; 10. where he bought his bag; 11. at what time he gets up;12.if he has brought his English textbook to school; 13. if he рlays the piano; 14. if he is hungry; 15. if he has read the novel.
9. Circle the correct item:
1. Julia won’t translate this text if/unless you give her the dictionary.
2. I wish I can/could, go scuba diving.
3. We will/would find the way easily if we buy a map.
4. If I were you, I will/would ask the boss for a day off.
5. Max will walk the dog if/unless it doesn’t rain.
6. If Sam doesn’t/didn’t hurt his leg, our team would win.
7. You will/would have an accident if you drove so carelessly.
8. I wish my father took/would take me fishing next weekend.
9. If I didn’t like this pizza, I won’t/wouldn’t eat it.
10. Den wouldn’t find this job if he doesn’t/didn’t read the advertisement.
10. Speak about Natural disasters .
Unit 22
Environmental Protection
1. Learn the words and phrases:
protection - захист
environment- навколишнє середовище (оточення)
by-product- побічний (проміжний) продукт
to pollute- забруднювати
harmful substances- шкідливі речовини
to suffer - страждати
to upset- порушувати
disappearance - зникнення
species- види
destruction- руйнація; руйнування
careless interaction - недбала взаємодія
a sign - знак