Speak about benefits and dangers of television.
Unit 18
My favourite TV programme
1. Learn the words and phrases:
a powerful source- потужне джерело
entertainment - розвага
the whole world - цілий світ
to enter- заходити,поступати
to prefer- надавати перевагу перегляду
to decrease- зменшення
censorship - цензура
in my opinion- на мою думку
events - події
abroad- за кордоном
to get through- пройти через
bad mood- поганий настрій
enjoyable - приємний
entertaining - розважальний
to attract attention- привертати увагу
adventure - подорож
psychological thriller- психологічний трилер
horror film - фільм жахів
cheerful - веселий
2. Read and translate the text :
Television plays a very important role in our life. It is a powerful source of entertainment and information, a door through which the whole world can enter our homes. There is practically no family that does not have a TV set.
Some people prefer to spend their free time watching light TV programmes while others prefer watching political and educational programmes. After the decrease of television censorship we can watch many really interesting programmes: informational, political, musical, educational, for children and for old people, sporting, and many different games. It is difficult to say what TV programmes one likes most of all.
Among different types of films (that is comedy, romantic drama, western, adventure film, police drama or detective film, psychological thriller, horror film, historical film) best of all I like comedy and romantic drama, because such films are very cheerful and full of life.
From the informational and political programmes I prefer "Night News" and "Podrobytsi", because in my opinion, they discuss different important events of our country and abroad.
Many people like such musical programmes as "Melorama", "Chance", and some others because music helps them to get through difficult times or to get over bad mood.
New programmes, such as "Dancing with the Stars" and "The First Million" are enjoyable and entertaining ones. Schoolchildren can learn better geography, zoology, and biology by watching regular TV programmes such as "The Traveller's Club" and "The World of Animals". Such Programmes as"What? Where? When?" attract the attention of many people, too. It is rich in many facts taken from everyday life, history of the country, literature and science.
3. Translate into English:
На мою думку, надавати перевагу, потужне джерело, розвага, вільний час.
4. Correct the mistakes:
1. Television play a very important role in our life.
2. Any people prefer to spend their free time watching light TV programmes.
3. It is difficult to say what TV programmes one like most of all.
4. Schoolchildrens can learn better geography, zoology, and biology by watching regular TV programmes such as "The Traveller's Club" and "The World of Animals".
5. It is rich in many facts took from everyday life, history of the country, literature and science.
5. Put the correct word:
1. Television plays a very ……… role in our life.
a) useful;
b) important;
c) difficult;
d) beautiful.
2. Television is a door through which the whole world can ………..
a) inform us;
b) enter my life;
c) enter our homes;
d) get into our homes.
3. After the decrease of television censorship we can watch many ……………
a) beautiful landscapes;
b) political programmes;
c) cultural news;
d) really interesting programmes.
4. Among different types of films best of all I like ……….., because such films are very cheerful and full of life.
a) western and adventure films;
b) comedy and romantic drama;
c) psychological thriller and horror films;
d) historical films.
5. Music helps people to get through …………. or to get over bad mood.
a) happy times;
b) difficult jobs;
c) difficult times;
d) bad mood.
Unit 19
Newspapers and Magazines
1. Learn the words and phrases:
a newspaper- газета
a magazine- журнал
to mean - мати значення
mass media- засоби масової інформації(ЗМІ)
print - друкувати
advantages - переваги
disadvantages - надоліки
an audience - аудиторія
to prefer- надавати перевагу
either… or- чи то…чи то, або…або
to subscribe to - підписуватися
a newsstand- газетна ятка
advertising - реклама
small areas- маленька площа
a wedding- весілля
birth - народження
death - смерть
main - головний
fire or traffic accident - пожежа чи дорожня пригода
in addition - на доданок
2. Read and translate the text :
Mass mediameans all the people and organizations that provide information and news for public. There are two forms of mass media: print and electronic. Newspapers and magazines are print media. Radio, television and the Internet are electronic media. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Each of these forms has its own audience.Some people prefer to get information from newspapers or magazines. They eithersubscribe tothem or buy them at newsstands. Others listen to radio broadcastswhich are always free. Still others subscribe to cable TV or Internet services: they want to get as much information as possible.
3. Read the encyclopedia article and match the words in bold type with their Ukrainian equivalents given below:
A newspaper is a publication containing news, information and advertising.
Daily newspapersare produced every day, except Sundays and national holidays. Most of them are published in the morning. Daily newspapers print world, national, and local news. They also publish advice, a sport section, critic reviews of movies, plays or restaurants, weather news and forecasts, a humour section, comic strips and other entertainment, such as crosswords, Sudoku and horoscopes, advertisements, etc. The front page usually has the news stories and the back page has the less important news, and news about sport.
Weekly newspapersare usually published in small areas where most people know one another. Weddings, births, and deaths are main news. A fire or traffic accident gets to the front page of a weekly newspaper. Weeklies also report news of local business and politics. Most weekly newspapers do not print state, national or world news.
Most countries have at least one national newspaper,as contrasted with a local newspaperserving a city or region. In addition, there are numerous special-interest newspapers .Special-interest papers may focus on specific topics, such as sports or the arts. Many high schools and most colleges also have a newspaper of their own.
There are two main sizes of newspapers - standard (or broadsheet)and tabloid,which is much smaller. The standard and tabloid sizes are both used in publishing all types of newspapers. Broadsheets are generally associated with more intellectual newspapers, but there is a change now towards compact newspapers. Tabloids are often seen as sensationalist.
With the introduction of the internet web-based newspapers have also started to be produced.
4. Translate the words:
Електронні газета, місцева газета, національна газета, повноформатна газета, галузева газета, табло їд, щоденна, щотижнева газета
5. Discuss the following questions:
1. Which kind of Mass Media do you most often use? What do you use them for? Why do you choose these media?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of mass media?
3. Which of the functions given below do mass media perform? Give arguments.
Advertise, attract attention, be a friend, educate, form opinions, inform, sell products, punish, , support in difficult situations, provide sources of research, entertain. |
6. Match the parts of the words:
organiza | ence |
inform | words |
adver | ation |
tele | stands |
audi | interest |
cross | papers |
fore | sheet |
news | tising |
news | tions |
special- | casts |
broad | alist |
sensation | vision |
7. Read and translate the text:
1. Newspapers started being published in Ukraine in the 18 th century.
2. There was, for example, the "Lviv Courier", in Polish, 1749.
3. But Ukrainian periodicals began with the "Kharkiv Weekly" 1812 and "Kharkiv News", 1817.
4. After the World War II the Russian language periodicals began to dominate.
5. Since Ukraine gained its independence the proportion of newspapers and magazines in Ukrainian increased again.
6. A total of 2,659 newspapers were published in Ukraine in 1998 with annual circulation of 3,096 mln copies plus 1,009 magazines with the annual circulation of 57 mln copies.
7. The main national newspapers are "Holos Ukrainy" ("The Voice of Ukraine"), "The Courier", "Pravda Ukrainy", "Robitnicha Gazeta", etc.
8. Very popular newspapers are "Fakty" ("The Facts”), "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia" ("The Mirror of the Week") and some others.
9. They report national and international news very thoroughly.
10. Very popular magazines among the readers are the magazines "Berehynya", "Vitchyzna", "Viche*, "Dilovyi Visnik", "Lyudyna i Svit", etc.
11. So there are magazines and periodicals for many trades, professions, interests.
12. They can say what they like about anyone and anything: the army, top officials, private individuals, policy and so on.
13. At present Ukraine numbers over 4,000 editions varying in forms of ownership, genre, type and periodicity.
14. Today's Ukrainian periodicals are independent and censorship-free.
15. The state guarantees their economic independence.
16. But in daily practice these freedoms are implemented in a hard way; editors and journalists are faced with the problem of keeping their publications alive .
8. Match the two parts of the sentence:
| the Russian language periodicals began to dominate. |
2. The Ukrainian periodicals began with | "Fakty" ("The Facts”), "Dzerkalo Tyzhnia" ("The Mirror of the Week") and some others. |
3. The main national newspapers are | in Ukraine in the 18 th century. |
4. Very populars newspapers are | many trades, professions, interests. |
5. After the World War II | independent and censorship-free. |
6. So there are magazines and periodicals for | the "Kharkiv Weekly" 1812 and "Kharkiv News", 1817. |
7. Today's Ukrainian periodicals are independent and censorship-free. | "Holos Ukrainy", "The Courier", "Pravda Ukrainy", "Robitnicha Gazeta", etc. |
9. Translate into English:
ü периодичні видання
ü висвітлювати новини
ü міжнародні новини
ü популярні серед читачів
ü високопосадовці
ü приватні особистості
ü в даний час
ü випуск (газети)
ü вільний від цензури
ü держава гарантує
ü економічна незалежність
ü видавці
ü журналісти
10. Speak on the topic “Newspapers and Magazines”.
Unit 20
Seasons and Weather
1. Learn the words and phrases:
geographical position – географічне положення
moderate-continental– помірно-континентальний
rather damp – достатньо вологий
due to– завдяки
an effect– вплив
a current – течія
to be surrounded – бути охопленим
an insular climate – клімат, притаманний острову
equable – рівномірний
to consider – вважати
cloudy – хмарний
to hide – ховатися
strength– сила
moist – сирий, вологий
dull – похмурий
attractive– привабливий
as a matter of fact– до речі
to drizzle– мрячити
a spell – короткий відлік часу
Indian summer– бабине літо
cloudless – безхмарний
multicolored– кольоровий, різнобарвний
in any case – в будь-якому випадку
to fade away– в’янути
frost – мороз
to cover the ground– покривати землю
to remind– нагадувати
reverse – зворотній
a harvest – жатва, урожай
tobogganing – катання з гори(на салазках)
rarely – рідко
pale – блідий
hard frost– сильний мороз
a snowflake– сніжинка
slippery– слизький
to freeze – замерзати, мерзнути
an icicle – льодяна бурулька
to glitter – мерехтіти
to burn – горіти
bitterly cold – дуже холодно
to melt – танути
thaw – відлига
flood – повінь
to bud– пускати пагони, бруньки
a blade – лист, билинка
to blossom – розквітати
shower– злива
to till – працювати на землі
soil – ґрунт
to sow– сіяти
an advent – прихід
a mosquito – москит, комар
a fly– муха
oppressive – гнітючий, обтяжливий
to bask -насолоджуватися
thunderstorm– гроза
2. Read and translate the text, learn it by heart:
Everyone knows that there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autunm and winter. Each of them lasts 3 months.
Spring comes in March and ends in May. It often rains in spring, especially in April.
Summer is the hottest season in the year. It begins in June and ends in August. In summer the sky is clear and cloudless. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings fruits and vegetables. It is pleasant to spend this season by the seaside or somewhere in the country.
Autumn months are September, October and November. The days are becoming shorter, the sun loses its force. It often rains. It is the season of harvesting.
Winter lasts three month as well: December, January and February. It is getting colder day by day. The sun shines rarely and it snows often. But everything looks so pretty covered with snow.
So in every season there are bright and dark sides. But we must be thankful together whatever the weather.
3. Answer the questions:
1. What is your favourite season? Why? Give your reasons.
2. What are the four seasons of the year?
3. Why do some people like autumn? What about you?
4. Do you like rainy weather?
5. Why is autumn often called “golden”?
6. Do you like winter?
7. What is the coldest (hottest) season of the year?
8. When does nature awaken from its winter sleep?
9. What is the weather forecast for today?
4. Read and translate the text :
As we know the weather depends on the season and the climate of the country, and the latter depends on the geographical position of the country.Our country has a moderate-continental climate.The weather changes with the changing of the season.
Consider autumn, for example. In autumn the sky is often cloudy; the sun hides behind the clouds and then appears again. Its rays have already lost their strength and the sun is not so bright now as it was in summer. The air is moist. Days get shorter and the nights longer. As autumn is a rainy season, the weather is mostly dull. And, of course, it is not attractive. As a matter of fact, I don’t like rain of any kind, even if it just drizzles. But there is a spell of sunny weather in late September, which we call Indian summer, when the sun shines brightly, the sky is cloudless and there is a carpet of multicolored leaves on the ground. It is really golden autumn, as the poets have sung it. But in any case, nature begins to fade away. Later the frost will cover the ground at night and remind us about winter coming. As for me, I am not fond of autumn, but there are a lot of people trying to look at the reverse side of the medal. Strange as it may seem, they prefer autumn to any other season. As they say, it is the time of harvest, tasty fruit and vegetables, the time of beautiful golden leaves, the time when nature is very attractive. But many men – many minds.
Some people are fond of winter. They consider winter to be the healthiest season. In winter we can go in for winter kinds of sports: skating, skiing, tobogganing. In winter the sun shines rarely, its rays are pale, it sets early and rises late. The air is frosty, hard frost sets in, large snowflakes slowly fall to the ground, the streets are slippery with ice. The rivers and lakes are covered with thick sheet of ice, they are frozen. The iciclesglitter in the sun, the temperature falls and the snow may fall thick. Going out in such weather is not pleasant and the old people prefer to stay at home. But children enjoy being out-of-doors. They like to make a snow man and to throw snowballs. Their cheeks are burning with frost. How bitterly cold it is!
By the end of the winter the temperature rises and the snow begins to melt. Thaw sets in ,the sun grows warmer and soon there won’t be any ice but plenty of water. The rivers are in flood. Nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The birds come back from the warm lands, the trees begin to bud and soon tiny green leaves will appear. Thin new blades of grass come up, the fruit trees begin to blossom. “April showers bring May flowers”, as the proverb goes. Everything looks magic covered with green carpet. The farmers till the soil and sow the seed. Nature looks full of promise. Spring is the season of hopes, it’s the season of revival of nature and people’s dreams. It’s my favourite season, I must admit.
After spring the summer comes. As the great Russian poet Pushkin said, “Oh, summer fine! I’d love you, but for the heat, the mosquitos and flies!” in fact, sometimes the heat is oppressive. But people usually like summer, because they have their holidays. It’s a good time for going to the seashore or a river beach, to bask in the sun, to become sunburnt, to swim, to pick berries and mushrooms, to gather flowers. We try to spend much time out-of-doors. But the weather is changeable in summer. It is the time of showers, rains and thunderstorms. The days become longer and the nights shorter. We can enjoy resting after hard work during the whole year.
To cut the long story short, it must be confessed that every season is beautiful and attractive in its own way. And as one of the famous poets says, “I see no reason to speak in prize of any season”.
5. Continue the sentences:
1. Our country has………….
2. In autumn the sky is often………; the sun ……. behind the clouds and then …….. again.
3. But there is a spell of sunny weather in late September, which we call ………………
4. But many men – many ……..
5. In winter we can go in for winter kinds of sports:…………….
6. The rivers and lakes are covered with ………, they are frozen.
7. Going out in such weather is not pleasant and …………. prefer to stay at home.
8. But children enjoy being …………...
9. By the end of the winter the temperature …….. and the snow begins ………….
10. The birds come back from …….., the trees begin ……. and soon tiny green leaves will …….
11. Spring is the season of ……., it’s the season of …….. of nature and people’s ………...
12. In summer the days become ………. and the nights ………..
6. Translate into English:
ü хмарне небо
ü найтепліша пора року
ü фрукти та овочі
ü сонце втрачає силу
ü сезон урожаю
ü гарно вкритий снігом
ü світлі та темні сторони
ü прогноз погоди