The Future of Television
In future, we probably won’t watch television at all.
I think television (1)….will disappear. We’ll use a computer and choose the programs that we want to watch. (2)… will then get the program from another computer, probably on the other side of the world. We‘ll be able to tell the computer what type of (3) ….we like (for example, types of films, (4)…., documentaries, etc.) and the computer will search for those programs and then give us a (5)… to choose from. The pictures that we see will also be different. They will be (6)….. We will be able to look around the pictures that we see.
The computer, channels, ‘holographic’, programs, music, ‘menu’. |
6. Your task is to match the words and their definitions:
• Television • Newspaper • The Internet • Radio
1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;
2. broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;
3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to
watch on their television sets;
4. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using
the computer (e-mails).
7. Give the English equivalents:
Одне з найбільших досягнень; люди всього світу; загальне місце; засіб реклами; джерело розваг; користь та загроза; важкий день; світ фантастики; ексклюзивні фільми; відомі особистості; вибрати програму.
8. Answer the questions:
· Do you like watching TV?
· Do you think it is useful for you?
· What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?
9. Learn new words and read the text below:
· useful or harmfulкорисне чи шкідливе
· a confusing arrayзаплутанийнабір
· to digestзасвоїти, вкласти в систему
· violence насильство
· animatedмультиплікаційний
· adultдорослий
· researchдослідження
· to increaseзбільшувати
· to be portrayedбути зображеним
· to desensitizeзнижувати чутливість
· addictiveтой, що викликає схильність до чогось
· It takes a strong will... Це потребує значних зусиль
· dedicationвіддача
· to nurtureвиховувати
· growthзріст
· developmentрозвиток
· behaviorповедінка
· excessive надмірний, надлишковий
· cooperative здатний до співпраці
· imaginative здатний уявляти
· wholesome корисний
· to come up with придумати, справитися з чимось
· to acknowledgeвизнати
· routeшлях
Is television useful or harmful?
So much television programming is aimed at youngsters. Much of it appears to be educational: teaching about the world and developing life skills. But there is a question to discuss: is television useful or harmful for us?
A great deal of research has been done on the effects of television on children’s lives. Nearly all of us have one or more TV sets in our home, and since most of us watch some TV nearly every day, we may not want to hear what research tells us, but these are the things we need to know.
Experts suspect that babies younger than two years old view TV as a confusingarray of colours, images, and noises. They don’t understand much of the content.
Cartoons and many children’s shows are filled with images of violence. Many children’s shows are animated versions of adult action films. Research shows that watching this type of programming increases the risk of aggressive behaviour and desensitizes children and teenagers to violence.
Many teenagers use TV more and more as a way to keep themselves entertained and happy.It takes a strong will and dedication to avoid the easy route provided by this free and easy yet sometimes dangerous friend. Time spent watching television is time taken away from more healthful activities that nurture growth and development.
Children and teenagers who watch a lot of television are at risk for poor social development, and aggressive behaviour. According to a study by Yale Family Television Research, teachers characterized children who watched excessive television as less cooperative, less imaginative, less enthusiastic about learning, and less happy than those who watched little or no TV.
You may have noticed that all of these points demonstrate the negative aspects of children watching TV, and you’re wondering if there are any positives. There are a few, but let’s be honest: we have to be very creative to come up with this list, since published research doesn’t demonstrate many good points for putting a young child in front of a television. But we need to be realistic and acknowledge that most of us aren’t going to put our TVs in the closet or get rid of them at all.
10. Find the words in the story to talk about:
1. The effects of television on children’s lives
2. Watching TV by teenagers
3. Characteristics of children who watch a lot of television
11. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions:
1. What kind of research has been done recently?
2. What do experts suspect?
3. Do babies understand much of the content while watching TV?
4. Why does watching TV increase the risk of aggressive behaviour in the teenagers?
5. What are the bad aspects of watching TV? What problems do they cause?
6. Are there any good points in watching TV?
12. Choose the correct item to complete the sentences:
1. Much of television programming for young children appears to be………
a) emotional
b) educational
c) energetic
2. Experts suspect that babies younger than two years old view TV as……………..
a) an interesting cartoon
b) a confusing array of colours, images, and noises
c) a box full of films, cartoons, pictures
3. Cartoons and many children’s shows are filled with………….
a) humour
b) kindness
c) violence
4. Many children’s shows almost are animated versions of ……………..
a) fairy tales
b) adult action films
c) funny stories
5. Research shows that watching this type of programming increases…………….
a) the risk of heart attacks
b) the risk of aggressive behaviour
c) the viewers’ interest
13. Change from direct into indirect speech:
1. The pupils said: “We study English.”
2. The girl said:“I learned French at school.”
3. The man said: “I am an engineer.”
4. My aunt said:“I’ll be at home at seven o’clock.”
5. Mary said: “I was there with my parents.”
6. The boy said: “I have done my work.”
7. His father said: “I don’t speak Spanish.”
8. The doctor said:“I’ll come again in the morning.”
9. The woman said: “I did not see Helen there.”
10. The children said:“We had lunch at school.”
11. The woman said :“I have three children.”
12. Ann said: “I didn’t buy anything at that shop.”
13. The boy said:“I am not hungry at all.”
14. The teacher said: “Nick does not know the rule.”
15. My friend said:“I didn’t recognize him.”