Tell your groupmates about the traits of Ukrainian character.

Unit 17

Television: Benefits and Danger

1. Learn the words and phrases:


known as- відомий як…

а world-світ



commonplace-загальне місце


a vehicle- рушійний засіб


a source of entertainment-джерело розваг

broadening one's horizon-розширення чийого-небудь горизонту

to be aware of-бути інформованим

to face-показувати

to improve-покращувати

vivid-видимий, явний



drowning - (to draw)- тягнути,затягувати

instead of-замість

to queue up for-стояти в чергу за…

a crowded event-переповнений натовпом захід

to influence-впливати

famous -відомий

to appreciate-цінувати

gifts offered-дари, що надаються


a great impact-вагомий вплив



immature mind-незрілий мозок (розум)

rape, theft and even murder-насилля,пограбування або навіть вбивство

a menace-загроза

a gap-прогалина

broadcasting - мовлення



2. Read and translate the text:

Television is one of the greatest achievements of the twentieth century. It is known as a window to the outside world. It is the most popular part of mass media. People all over the world spend their free time watching a small box sitting in their rooms. Television has changed our lives in many ways.

The television set has become commonplace in homes, a vehicle for advertising,a source of entertainment and news.

There are many benefits and dangers of television.

Television is a way of broadening one's horizon through mass media. It informs us of the happenings in other parts of the world. We also get to know about the culture of different countries. It improves our skills by watching discovery programs.

After a hard day, it brings us minutes of relaxation. We can also watch the Olympic games live instead of having to queue up for tickets at a crowded event. Exclusive movies influence our lives positively by famous personalities. Nature that we see in discovery programmes help to appreciate the giftsoffered by Mother Nature.

The negative sides of the television are movies based on violence which have a great impact on youngsters. They have the tendency to imitate those violence scenes which leads to rape, theft and even murder. It often becomes a menace to culture and this leaves a gap between the old and young generation.


3. Answer the questions:

1. What is the most popular part of mass media?

2. How do people all over the world spend their free time?

3. Where has the television set become commonplace?

4. What are the benefits of television?

5. What are the dangers of television?

4. Now divide into groups and find benefits and dangers of television:

Benefits of television Dangers  

1. Television helps us to learn more about the world and to know and see many new


2. Television can make us passive. We don’t have to think and our brains become lazy.

3. It has increased the popularity of sports and arts.

4. It takes time away from activities such аs reading, conversation, and games.

5. It is an enjoyable way to relax.

6. It encourages us to buy things that we don’t need, and can make us unhappy with our own lives.

7. It has made us aware of our global responsibilities. In 1985, for example, 1.5 billion people in 147 countries watched TV pop concert and helped to collect more than $100 million for people in Africa.


5. Read the passage about future of television and complete the text with the words from the box: