Imagine that you have a guest from abroad.Tell him about Ukrainian folk art.
Unit 15
Festivals and Celebrations in Ukraine
1. Learn the words and phrases:
a custom-традиція
to hate-ненавидіти
to pull up one`s roots-зриватися з місця
especially rich-особливо багатий
а rite-обряд
an omen-ознака,прикмета
a forecast-прогноз
to commemorate-відзначати
to be widely observed-широко
either… or…- чи то…чи то…
early hours-ранні години
to decorate-прикрашати
to strike-бити
religious origin-релігійного походження
to exchange- обмінюватись
to congratulate-вітати
Christ’s rising from the dead-Воскресіння Христа із мертвих
Easter egg-Пасхальне яйце
an everlasting life-вічне життя
a fascist invader-фашистський загарбник
a tomb-могила
a firework-фейерверк
2. Read and translate the text:
Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. What is the difference between an American and Ukrainian really?
The Americans love to change the way of their life, but in our country there are people who have lived in the same house and been in the same job for twenty, thirty, forty years and who would hate to pull up their roots and change to something new.
Late autumn is named the period which is especially rich in traditions and rites. Ukrainians believe in omens.
November 21 is the day in many regions of Ukraine when “summer turns into winter.” and many omens and forecasts are connected with this day.
Holidays are especially rich in old traditions in Ukraine. On the 24th of August, 1991 Ukraine became a sovereign state. That is why people celebrate this day as the greatest national holiday. There are a lot of concerts and dances in the streets of Kyiv. This holiday commemorates the freedom Ukrainian people.
New Year Holiday is widely observed in Ukraine. The most common type of celebration is the New Year party, either a family party or one arranged by a group of young people. This usually begins at 9 o’clock and goes on till the early hours of the morning. But the main thing is that the New Year is the holiday of expectation. The children decorate the New Year tree with toys and colored lights. When the clock strikes 12, everybody drinks champagne and says to each other: “Happy New Year!"
Christmas Day is observed on the 7lh of January. You know, this holiday is of religious origin. Most people observe the tradition of going to church and having a tasty dinner. But in Ukraine people do not exchange presents on this holiday as it is in the case of Great Britain and many other countries.
On the 8th of March we celebrate Women’s Day. It is a nice spring holiday when men give presents and flowers to their wives, sweethearts, girl-friends, sisters and daughters. Children congratulate their mothers on this holiday, or send them a holiday card with the best wishes.
Shevchenko Days are also very popular in Ukraine .They are celebrated in March every year.
Another great national holiday is Easter. The holiday of celebrating Christ’s rising from the dead. Ii is a time of giving and receiving presents which traditionally took the form of an Easter egg. The Easter egg is the most popular emblem of this religious holiday, it means the everlasting life of a person.
April Fool's day is celebrated on April the lst. People enjoy joking and laughing on this holiday.
The 9th of May is Victory Day, the holiday of victory over fascist invaders. People lay flowers to the war memorials, to the tombs of the people who died in the war. War veterans are greeted and there is a salute and fireworks in the evening.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the difference between an American and Ukrainian really?
2. What do Ukrainian people celebrate on the 24th of August?
3. What do children decorate when New Year comes?
4. What does Christmas Day origin of?,
5. What holiday do we celebrate in spring?
6. What does the Easter egg mean?
7. What is the funniest day in the year?
8. What do you know about Victory Day?
4. Truth or false?
1. On April the Ist - is New Year.
2. Ukrainian people like to change their ways of life very often.
3. Women congratulate men on March the 8th.
4. When the clock strikes 12, everybody drinks champagne.
5. But in Ukraine people exchange presents on this holiday as it is in the case of Great Britain and many other countries.
6. The children decorate the New Year tree with flowers.
7. People enjoy joking and laughing on May the 9.
5. What word is incorrect?
ü festival, celebration, joke, holiday
ü sweetheart, hated, beloved
ü to commemorate, to arrange, to celebrate
ü expectation, moving, waiting
ü easter, Christmas Day, New Year, The Day of Computer
ü laughable, funny, sad
ü August, spring, April, May
ü week, year, number, day, month
ü state, city, town
ü to include, discovery, to put
ü what, where, how, maybe, when
ü outstanding, forgotten, famous
6. Correct the mistake:
1. There is many outstanding people in our country. \
2. He celebrate this holiday in May.
3. Easter usually are in December.
4. She do not like this holiday.
5. On the other hand, it am a very good idea.
7. Complete the sentence:
1. American love to change the way of…………..
2. On the 24th of August, 1991 Ukraine became……………
3. The children decorate the New Year…………. with toys and colored lights.
4. On………….we celebrate Women’s Day.
5. It is a nice spring holiday when…………give presents and flowers to their wives,
sweethearts, girl-friends, sisters and daughters.
6. The Easter……….. is the most popular emblem of the religious holiday.
7. The ……………the holiday of victory over fascist invaders.
8. Make up sentences:
1. Can, ritual festivals, two groups, be divided, into.
2. Is rich, this period, in traditions, and rites.
3. Have, our own, we, holidays and festivals.
4. Usually, it, at, begins, 9o’clock.
5. New Year, the most, is, beautiful, party.
6. Congratulate, children, on this holiday, their mothers.
7. Decorate, tree, the New Year, people, with toys.
8. We, joking, enjoy, and laughing, holiday, on this.
9. Great, another, is Easter, holiday, national.
9. Make up the dialogue using the next words and word-combinations:
Festivals and celebrations, national, in Ukraine, to celebrate, to have a party, to be glad to meet, my favourite, the most important, New Year Holiday, tree, drink champagne, expectation, to go on, the early hours of the morning, family, to get a present.
10. Make up as many questions to the sentences as you can:
ü Shevchenko Days are also very popular in Ukraine.
ü There are a lot of concerts and dances in the streets of Kyiv.
ü People enjoy joking and laughing on this holiday.
Unit 16
Customs and Traditions
1. Learn the words and phrases:
deceased-покійний, мертвий
sense of humour-почуття гумору
craftsman-майстер, ремісник
mastery-майстерність, мистецтво
wood-carving-різьблення по дереву
skill-майстерність, уміння
diligence-старанність, ретельність
soil-грунт, земля
to possess-володіти
to plough- орати
to sow-сіяти