My Future Profession
1. It is very important for us to make the right choice of profession.
2. Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers.
3. But it is not easy to choose profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world.
4. As for me I have made choice long ago.
5. I decided to enter the Vinnitsa polytechnical college.
6. The reason for it is that I like technics (chemistry).
7. I should confess that I want to be a (technician, mechanic, manager, operator of the computer, a specialist in fats, a specialist in electrician, a commercial clerk).
8. Now I am the first-year (third-year) student of the technical (commercial, automatic, mechanic, technology of fats) department.
9. We study many special subjects, such as hydraulic, heat technics, repair of the heat and hydraulic machinery and so on (building of automobiles, technical service, automobiles and engines; management, commerce, audit, economy; internet, informatics; dietology, technology of fats; electricity, tools repair).
10. My future profession is noble and important.
11. But at the same time it is also very difficult and responsible job.
12. I shall try to do my best to master my profession as well as possible.
8. Complete the dialogues with can, may, could, can’t, mustn't:
1. — ... I watch TV a little longer today, Mum?
I’m sorry, you ... . Little children ... watch TV late at night.
2. — ... I talk with the manager, please?
One moment, please. Sorry, the manager is out at the moment but you ... leave a message for him.
3. — ... I use your camera, Dad?
Of course, you .... But be careful with it.
4. — ... I see your passport, please?
Here you are. ... I go now?
Yes, please. Good luck.
5. — You ... smoke here. There is a special sign.
Excuse me, please.
6. — ... I ride a bike after dinner?
Of course you ... But you ... ride too fast because it’s very dangerous.
7. — Excuse me. ... I make a call from your phone, please?
Sorry you .... The line is engaged at the moment.
Unit 12
Applying for а job
1. Learn new words and word-combinations:
applying-звертання, пошук
success - успіх interview - інтерв’ю
employer - наймач,
to find out - виявити
kind of person - тип людини experience - досвід
an appointment- зустріч
review - перевірити
wrote( мин.час від write ) - писати
application form - бланк для
resume- резюме
previous job - попередня робота
experience - досвід
be prepared- бути готовим
to explain - пояснювати
skills- навички
abilities - можливості
specifically- докладно
alone - на одинці
plan to arrive- заплануйте прибути
the appointment time- вказаний час
wear appropriate clothing - одягати відповідний одяг
neat appearance - охайний вигляд
impression - враження
during- під час
directly - прямо
hours- години(роботи)
salary or job benefits - заробітна плата чи прибуток
clear understanding- повне розуміння
aspects - аспекти, деталі
аt the close- під кінець
to hire- наймати
applicants- претенденти
2. Read and translate the text:
Getting the job you want can sometimes depend on a success of the job interview. During the interview the employer will try to find out what kind of person you are, what experience you have, and how you can fit into the job situation.
After you have got an appointment, review the information that you wrote on your application form and resume. Practice talking about your education and previous job experience. Be preparedto explain your skills and abilities specifically.
Go to the interview alone; do not take your friends or children with you. Plan to arrive about ten minutes before the appointment time. Wearappropriate clothing; a neatappearance will make a good impression.
During the interview look directly at the interviewer and answer all of her(or his) questions as specifically as you can. Ask any questions that you have about the job, such as hours, salary or job benefits. Write down these questions before you go to the interview. Before you leave, there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job.
At the close of interview, express your thanks and be sure that the interviewer knows how to contact you if she wants to hire you.
3. Complete the sentences:
1. The job interview is important because ………………….
a) All the applicants for a single position have to have interviews
b) The applicants must show that she or he is capable
c) The applicants must be on time
2. When an applicant smiles during an interview, it is considered…....
a) polite and friendly
b) funny
c) a mistake
3. Job hunters read books and take courses…………………………
a) After they have successful job interviews
b) If they are well-prepared
c) To prepare themselves for their job interviews
4. It is important to be punctual for a job interview because………………..
a) Even women shake hands
b) It is considered impolite to be late
c) Job applicants should always be neat and clean
5. It is a good idea to talk about your skills and abilities during
the interview, but it not a good idea to……………..
a) talk proudly
b) look directly into the eyes of the interviewer
c) lie
4. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. У світі багато професій.
2. Моя професія почесна та важлива.
3. Важливо зробити правильний вибір професії.
4. Журнали для підлітків пропонують опитування.
5. Я хочу бути бізнесменом.
6. Світ професій багатий та вражаючий.
7. Я намагаюсь робити все найкраще, щоб стати гарним спеціалістом.
5. Make up a dialogue using the following words and word-combinations:
Hallo, to be glad to see, thanks fine, to leave school, to be going to do smth., what kind a profession, I like it because, it was my parents’ advice, it takes many times, it’s difficult to be a you are right, see you later, byе.
6. Circle the correct item:
1) You can/could buy the present yesterday. 2) I think we could/ will be able to buy the tickets beforehand. 3) Eddy must/had to return me this book yesterday. 4) The pupils must/mustn’t make a noise in the classroom. 5) The children may/will be allowed to play in the park today. 6) My mother may not/won’t allow me to take her camera. 7) Your cousin can/may play the guitar very well. 8) All the students had to/will have to pass the exams at the end of the year. 9) Last year Ben could/couldn’t speak English, but now he can/can’tspeak English rather well. 10) I think they can/will be able to take part in this festival next year.
7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets:
1)Jane ... play the violin a year ago, but now she ... play well. She ... play in the concert in two months.(can, could, be able to)
2)You ... watch this film yesterday. I ... you to go for a walk when you finish your homework. Your friend ... visit you today. (may, might, will allow)
3) Oscar ... take aspirin an hour ago. He ... go to bed right now. He ... visit the doctor in three days. (must, had to, will have to)
4) My friend ... speak French very well. He ... speak French when he was twelve. I think he ... go to university in France in his future, (can, could, will be able to)
5) We ... clean the flat now. We ... clean the flat yesterday, but we had a lot of homework to do. We ... go shopping tomorrow evening. (must, had to, will be able to) 6) Tony and Den ... go to the cinema yesterday. If they have already had dinner, they ... play computer games. Their parents ... the boys to go to the river next Saturday.(may, might, will allow)
8. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:
1) Henry can play volleyball very well.
2) We could help you with house chores yesterday.
3) Dolly must look after her little cousin.
4) They may go fishing with Bob.
5) Alex could return me this disc yesterday.
6) He may give you sweets after dinner.
7) Mary must translate this text.
8) I can make a cup of tea for them.
9) You must take care of your sister.
10) The doctor can examine you.
11) Nick could ski last winter.
9.Complete the sentences using modal verbs and words in brackets as in the example:
Example: Ron can play football but (to play basketball )
Ron can play football but he can't play basketball.
Sue must learn the poem but (to write an essay ?) Sue must learn the poem
but must she write an essay?
1. Jack and Paul may ride bikes but (to ride fast -)
2. Amy could skate last year but (to ski ?)
3. You may watch the cartoon but (to watch the film -)
Unit 13
The Career Ladder
1. Learn the words and phrases:
to apply for a job- подавати заяву на роботу
a trainee - практикант, стажер
to earn- заробляти, отримувати прибуток
prospects - плани на майбутнє
pay rise - підвищення заробітної платні
to promote- підвищувати в званні
in charge of =
responsible for- відповідальний за що-небудь
employee - найманий працівник
to resign - залишати посаду, звільнятися
to involve-включати в себе
to quit - звільнятися
give the sack - звільнити кого-небудь
to dismiss- звільняти (for; from); звільняти від обов’язків
unemployed - безробітний
a part-time job- неповна зайнятість
а stall - ларьок, палатка
to retire - звільнятися
2. Read and translate: