Ex. 4. Read the words in the groups below. Pay attention to the word stress.
Ex.3. The letters in bold are silent in the following words. Read the words accurately.
A. Reading drills
1. Think of two or three things that you spend your money on every day. Do you spend it on the same things?
2. When you go shopping, how do you pay for goods: in cash or by credit card?
3. Have you ever put your money in a piggy-bank?
4. Some people put their money on deposit in a bank; others invest it in companies by buying their shares? What else do people do with their money?
5. Do you think that in time people will live in a cashless society?
Ex.1. Revise the reading rules of the following letter combinations ir / ur/ er; ow/ ou; ee /ea and read the words:
firm, thirdly, circle, circulate; return, further, furthermore, purchase; serve, service, transfer, convert, emergence; decree, redeem, irredeemable; easily, cheap, means; nowadays, powerful, countable, amount, account, cowrie
Ex. 2. Practice reading the words with qu.
qu [kw] quarter, quota, quote, quotation, quit, quarrel, liquidity, acquisition;
[k] technique,unique,cheque,picturesque, grotesque, queue
Require, qualified, questionable, unique,liquid,queue, quality, quantity, technique
p /breceipt, psychology, debt, plumber, doubt, climb
kbefore n:know, knowledge, known, knee, knight, knit, knob, knock
gbefore n at the beginning or at the end of a word:
sign, resign, design, reign,gnat
toften after s: fasten, castle, listen, bristle, glisten, whistle, rustling
hhonour, honourable, honest, hour, hourly
gh after i, au, ou and before t:sigh,sightseeing, brightly, highlight;
taught, caught; brought, sought, thought
but at the beginning of a word, these letters are read as [g]:
ghost, ghosting, ghetto, ghastly
wwholesale,wholly, whose, answer, wrap, wreck, wrong, written
Debtor, highlighter, reign, honesty, soften, doubting, listening, answerphone, well-known, hustle, firefighter, whistle, Knightsbridge, walk, ghostwriter, climbing, knot, sight, bought, ghastly, knees, fought, resign, sigh, island, iron, government.
a) words with the stress on the first syllable:
ancient, attribute, asset, barter, constitute, counterfeit, cumbersome, diamond, dominant, effort, iron, medium, measure, mechanism, origin, output, perishable, precious, privacy, purchase, relatively, standard;
b) words with the stress on the second syllable:
coincidence, commodity, convenient, convertible, criterion, decree, determine, divisible, economy, economist, effect, emergence, essential, millennium, occur, percentage, possess, society, simplicity, spontaneous, withstand;
c) polysyllabic words with the main and secondary stress:
characteristic, electronically, evolutionary, introduction, independently, irredeemable, organization, representative.