Ex.27. Translate into English.

Ex.26. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

Ex.25. Choose the correct variant.

Ex.24. Give answers to the questions. Put the nouns in brackets into Possessive Case.

Ex.23. Put the nouns from the brackets into Possessive Case.

1. When is ____________(your mother / birthday)?

2. Do you like ____________(your father / car)?

3. What is ____________(telephone number / Helena)?

4. ____________is near the city centre. (the flat / my friend).

5. ____________is very good. (Silvia / knowledge / history).

6. The ____________(report / Research Director) was very positive.

7. We hope that all _________(customers / our company) will like the new product.

8. We think it will meet ____________(needs / our customers).

9. I agree with ____________(opinion / our Sales Manager).

10. With this new product ___________(performance / next year) will be very good.


1. Whose bag is this? (my brother)

2. Whose daughter lives in L’viv? (my neighbour)

3. Whose book is on the desk? (my friend)

4. Whose marks are good? (their son)

5. Whose name is Vanessa? (my sister)

6. Whose car is this? (his father)

7. Whose is this umbrella? (Trinity)

8. Whose is this idea? (Michael)

9. Whose are these clothes? (his brother)

10. Whose poetry do you like best? (Byron)

11. Whose are these uniforms? (the soldiers)

12. Whose is this pen? (her friend).

1. I stepped on (the tail of the dog, the dog’s tail).

2. (The test of Maria, Maria’s test) was written without mistakes.

3. (The leaves of the trees, Trees’ leaves) are green.

4. Have you seen (the newspapers of yesterday, yesterday’s newspapers)?

5. Where is (the cat’s food, the food of the cat)?

6. When is (the doctor’s visit, the visit of the doctor) arranged?

7. Be careful, (the back of the car, the car’s back) is very close to the building.

8. The students have (two months’ holidays, holidays of two months) in summer.

9. Where did you last see (the glasses of your mother, your mother’s glasses)?

10. Is that (his father’s car, the car of his father) over there?

11. (The house’s roof, The roof of the house) is red.

12. (The sun’s rays, The rays of the sun) are very hot at the equator.

1. Always forgive your enemys, but never forget their names. (R. Kennedy)

2. The only place where success come before work is in a dictionary. (Vidal Sassoon)

3. Manycomplainoftheirlooks, butnoneof their brains. (Yiddish proverb)

4. Wise men don't need advices. Fools won't take it. (Benjamin Franklin)

5. There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, employ someone, or forbid your childrens to do it. (Monta Crane)

6. The USA are a superpower with highly developed industry and agriculture.

7. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle).

8. The best man for a job is a women.

9. Heat the oil in the pan and fry the onion and garlics for about two minutes.

10. I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheeps lead by a lion than an army of 100 lions lead by a sheep. (Talleyrand)

1. Чоловік вашої подруги добре говорить англійською?

2. Це зошити наших студентів.

3. Ви знаєте дітей ваших сусідів?

4. Дружина нашого сусіда – вчителька.

5. Як називається книжка твого брата?

6. Волосся моєї сестри темного кольору.

7. Здобуті в університеті знання допомогли йому отримати хорошу роботу.

8. Племінниця герцога не вірила тим пліткам, що розповідали про її нареченого.

9. Ці новини були опубліковані у вчорашній газеті.

10. Влітку ми споживаємо набагато більше фруктів і овочів, ніж взимку.

11. Його поради допомагають мені в роботі.

12. На відміну від лева, левиця не має гриви (mane).

13. Поліція шукає злодіїв, які обікрали будинок спадкоємиці графа.

14. Одяг мого брата був розкиданий по всій кімнаті.

15. Ці макарони несмачні. Я не буду їх їсти.