Ex.1. Complete the sentences, using the following expressions.
Ex.26. Identify the mistakes and correct them. One sentence is correct.
1. I’m not sure but perhaps they are visiting us next week.
2. I won’t speak to him until he will apologize.
3. By the end of this month, she will be teaching for twenty years.
4. I’ve come out without any money. – Never mind, I am going to lend you some. How much do you want?
5. Cathy doesn’t study enough. – I know. I’m afraid she won’t have passed the exam.
6. She won’t have complete the balance sheet by Friday.
7. Any suggestions? What shall we do tonight? – I don’t know. Will we go to the coffee house we enjoyed last time?
8. The workers will have had finished the repairs by Friday.
9. Will you use the photocopier for long? – No, this page only. Do you have something urgent?
10. Don’t lend him your car – he’ll crash it. I know him.
11. If I’ll finish before you, I will wait for you.
12. I want to call Simon. – Well, don’t call him before ten. He will sleep anyway.
13. Nicole can type these letters as soon as she will come back from her lunch break.
14. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you go anywhere this summer?
Ex.27. Translate into English. You may need the following words and expressions: sort out something; turn on the heating; meet with an accident; apply to the University; delay a flight; move to a new flat; land
1. Не хвилюйся так! Я впевнена, ти складеш іспит.
2. Поквапся, за кілька хвилин починається урок.
3. Що ті збираєшся робити з усіма цими паперами?
4. Тобі допомогти їх розсортувати?
5. У кімнаті доволі прохолодно. Ти не включиш опалення?
6. Обережно! Ти ж потрапиш в аварію.
7. Не думаю, що вони складуть контракт до кінця дня.
8. У майбутньому, можливо буде лише одна валюта і зовсім не буде банків.
9. Тобі потрібна буде машина сьогодні ввечері? - Ні, а що? - Можна, я візьму машину на кілька годин?
10. Подумай тільки, завтра у цей час ми будемо плавати у морі.
11. Можливо, через погану погоду буде затримка рейсу.
12. Батько говорить, що в жовтні буде 10 років, як він працює в цьому банку.
13. Дженіфер збирається стати адвокатом. Цього року вона буде вступатиме до університету. Сподіваюсь, вона поступить.
14. Наступного тижня ми нарешті переїзжаємо на нову квартиру.
15. За кілька хвилин літак сідатиме.
Be careful! Haveagoodjourney/holiday! Help! Hurry up! Look out! Sleep well. Come in. Don’t forget… Don’t worry. Follow me. Have some (more)… Make yourself at home. Sit down. Wait for me!
1. I’m going to bed. – Good night! ______________________________________
2. Could I see Mr.Smith, please? I have an appointment for 3 o’clock. – Of course, sir. ___________________________, please.
3. ____________________. – Thanks. I’ll phone you as soon as I get to the place.
4. ________________________! It’s so slippery here!
5. ________________________. We are going to be late!
6. ________________________I can’t swim!
7. _________________________ I can’t catch up with you!
8. ____________________ coffee. – No, thanks, I don’t drink more than one cup.
9. I’ll be home late tonight. – OK. ________________________ your keys then.
10. Hello. _____________ and __________________, please. ______________ .
11. Jane hasn’t called yet! – . __________________, she will if she has promised.
Ex.2. Use adverbs always and neverin the following imperative sentences.
1. Add salt to potatoes when you cook them.
2. Check the tyres before you drive a car.
3. Cook chicken when it's frozen.
4. Wait more than fifteen minutes for somebody who's late.
5. Unplug electrical appliances before repairing them.
6. Count your change after buying something.
7. Put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
8. Say “'I will love you for ever”.
9. Pay bills the day you get them.
10. Apologise for things that are not your fault.