Ex.19. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.

Ex.17. Read and translate the sentences. Write out the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous.


Ex. 16. Translate the dialogue into English.

- Энн, я не бачила тебе вже сто років. Де ти пропадала весь цей час?

- Я була в довгостроковому (тривалому) відрядженні в Торонто (to be on a business trip). Я щойно приїхала звідти.

- Торонто? Я була там двічі. Гарне місто.

- Розповідай, де ти живеш, працюєш! Як життя?

- Працюю я в канадській фірмі у відділі маркетингу і реклами. Ось уже рік, як я там працюю. Нещодавно я вийшла заміж.

- Дійсно? А хто він?

- Ти його не знаєш. Це Гері Кларк з нашої фірми.

- Він іноземець?

- Так, мій чоловік з Канади. Але мешкає і працює тут вже кілька років. Досить гарно спілкується українською.

- Ви мешкаєте з батьками чи окремо (on your own)?

- У нас невелика квартира неподалік від центру міста. А як ти?

1. Mr. Grace has been teaching at the University of Leeds for ten years.

2. The professor has been explaining this math problem for an hour and the students still can’t understand it.

3. In 1956, the first fully automatic mobile phone system was developed by Ericson and was commercially released in Sweden. Since that time people have been using mobile phones.

4. They have been developing two new software programmes since the beginning of the year.

5. What have you been doing since I last saw you?

6. We have been advertising these products for six months.

7. Sorry, I haven’t finished typing. I’ve been dealing with customers all day.

8. The streets are all wet. It has been raining all night.

9. Tom and Mary have been going out together since Christmas.

10. Andrea and Laura haven’t been working together for long.

11. What’s the matter, Hannah? Your eyes are red. You’ve been crying, haven’t you? – No, I’m fine. I’ve just been watching a sad film, that’s all.


Ex.18. Write and read the he/she/it forms. Make other necessary changes.

1. I’ve been phoning Maggie all day, but there’s never a reply. – He __________.

2. I’ve been learning Chinese for three years, but I still can’t speak. – My friend _______________________________________________________________.

3. You have been coming back home late every day for the last month. – Mathew _______________________________________________________________.

4. You know thatI have been working overtime lately. – You know that he _________________.

5. Philip’s parents have been waiting all week for the news from their son. – Philip’s mother __________________________________________________.

6. They have been building this bridge for ages. – This construction company ______________________________________.

7. I’ve been sorting out the mess on my desk all day. – Bill ______________________________________________________.

8. I’m tired. I have been ironing all day. – Natalie _________________________.

9. I have you been using this coffee machine for three years. – She ________________.

10. I’ve been packing our things all morning. – Monica______________________.


1. Tracy (talk) _______________ on the phone for about twenty minutes.

2. They (interview) _______________ the candidates for over twohours.

3. George says that their company is likely to change the management structure. They (plan) _______________ this for a long time.

4. Hi, Jack. Where have you been? We (look for) _______________ you all morning.

5. You (wear) _______________ this jacket for years. It’s old. I think we must buy a new one for you.

6. I (live) _______________ here since last year, but my neighbour Bill (live) _______________ in the house all his life.

7. Paul, you (smoke) _______________ too much recently. You should cut down on smoking.

8. Everything is white outside. It (snow) _______________ all night.

9. It smells delicious in here. _______________ you (bake) something?

10. Sorry, I’m a bit late. – That’s all right. I (not, wait) _______________ long.