Ex.20. Scan the text below and give headlines to each paragraph.
Ex.17. Answer the following questions.
Ex. 15. Write a brief summary (25-30 sentences) of Text A.
Ex.14. Write a plan for a summary of Text A.
Ex.12. Answer the following questions.
1. How can you answer the question “What is economics?”
2. What is the central concept of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations?
3. What is the difference between a good and a service?
4. Which factors of production are there?
5. What does land represent?
6. What kind of work do labourers perform?
7. Who can be called an entrepreneur?
8. What is capital?
9. Why is economics sometimes called the study of scarcity?
10. What is the cost of any choice?
11. What is the task of economics in the situation of scarce resources and unlimited human needs?
12. Name the main problem in economics.
13. What are the main branches of economics?
14. Explain the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.
15. What does economics teach, provide and help to understand?
Ex. 13. Make a presentation of the topic “What is economics”.
Ex. 16. Write an essay (100 – 150 words) about:
- the problem of scarcity and opportunity cost.
1. What is economics?
2. What is scarcity? Give some examples of rich people and poor people facing scarcity.
3. Why does scarcity force us to make choices?
4. Why do we care about what goods and services are produced? Give some examples of goods that you value highly and goods on which you place a low value.
5. Why do we care about how goods and services are produced? (Think about cost.)
6. Why do we care about when or where goods and services are produced?
7. Why do we care about who gets the goods and services that are produced?
8. What do we mean by the related ideas of trade-off and opportunity cost? Give some examples of trade-offs that you have made today and of opportunity costs that you have incurred.
9. Explain why for the economy, as a whole, expenditure equals income and the value of production.
10. Why does unemployment occur? Is all unemployment a problem?
Ex.18. Name as many famous economists as you know.Explain their role in the development of economic science.
Ex.19. Economics has been called “the study of scarcity and choice”. How does this relate to your budget for the week? How does this relate to your nation’s budget?
Text B: what economics isn't
Let's start with what economics isn't. Economics isn't a meal ticket to make lots of money in the stock market, although economics helps you understand how stock markets and other markets work. Economics also isn't a business degree, although economics teaches important business skills. (1) ____________.As such, economics helps to explain the mysteries of how people and society operate.
Economics is defined as the study of how people choose to use their scarce resources in an attempt to satisfy their unlimited wants. (2) ____________.Think, for example, why you don't own a Ferrari or a Porsche (if you do, congratulations). You probably can't afford to purchase these expensive automobiles, or even if you can, this is not the best use of your money. You may want a Ferrari, and in fact there is no prohibition against your buying a Ferrari. But you don't have the resources - namely, money - to buy a Ferrari.
Take this one step further. Why don't you go to the movies every night, or go out dancing until 2 AM every evening? You may want to, even prefer to, but you can't because you have homework, or a job, or both. Even if you could financially afford this lifestyle, your time is a scarce resource. (3) ____________.
Economics builds scientific models to explain why people behave the way they do. And economists use these models, in conjunction with their observations of the world, to analyze and explain why things happen the way they do.
Does this sound boring? It shouldn't. (4) ____________.Even more, economics is about finding the truth, even if the truth may go counter to what you, and most people, may intuitively believe. As one economist put it, economics is about paradoxes, about providing answers to riddles that are contrary to accepted opinion yet are true. Think about a few such paradoxes:
Supermodels and athletes may be better off bypassing college for professional work than by attending college. Why? The potential income they forego by attending school is greater than the benefit a college degree brings to a supermodel or star athlete. This is not to say that education is bad, or supermodels can't afford college; rather, it simply says that the allocation of time is better spent working than by attending school.
(5) ____________.Traffic jams seem to be a necessary evil, right? What if drivers needed to pay a toll, say $1, during busy rush hours. This would certainly prevent some drivers who didn't need to drive from driving during rush hour, and traffic congestion would lessen. In economics, driving is a want and freeways, time, and money are resources. If we could better allocate these resources, then we could lessen traffic.
This is what economics is all about - finding answers to problems that are not always as they seem to be.
Why major in economics? Economics teaches valuable skills and problem-solving techniques that will help you solve the mysteries life presents. But there's another reason. (6) ____________.In addition to academia and government, economists work in all facets of the business world, including manufacturing, mining, banking, insurance, and retailing. Not to mention sports, recreation, entertainment, and technology.
Why do businesses need economists? First, economists are trained to think analytically and critically to solve complex problems. Second, and relatedly, (7) ____________, and as such economists are trained to recognize human behaviour in relation to work, production, distribution and consumption, the fundamental operations of most businesses.
Businesses began to hire economists in increasing numbers shortly after World War II, and the economics profession has grown rapidly ever since. Both large and small firms hire economists. Large firms tend to have whole divisions dedicated to economic research, with a number of economists addressing specialized areas. Smaller firms, on the other hand, tend to hire only one or two economists to address a number of general areas: planning, forecasting, finance, and other duties.
(8) ____________.Economists analyze data and provide information; the manager uses this information to make decisions. The public profile may not be there, but the power of the information is great. This may explain why so many corporate CEOs rose to their positions through the economics division.