cardboard | [7ka:dbO:d] | картон |
continuos | [kEn7tinjEs] | непрерывный |
controlled airspace | [kEn7trEuld7BEspeis] | контролируемое воздуш- ное пространство |
deal with | [7di:l6wi9] | иметь дело с |
file | [fail] | регистрировать |
flight progress | [7prEugris] | лист хода полета |
handle | [7handl] | управлять, регулировать |
hold (held) | [hEuld] [held] | держать |
jurisdiction | [6d3uEris7dikSEn] | юрисдикция |
mount | [maunt] | устанавливать, помещать |
Operation Room | [6EpE7reiSn] | пункт управления, командный пункт |
particular | [pE7tikjulE] | определенный, особый, отдельный |
pass | [pa:s] | передавать |
plastic holder | [7plXstik7hEuldE] | пластмассовый держатель |
[print] | печатать | |
rapid | [7rXpid] | быстрый, стремительный, скорый |
reduce | [ri7dju:s] | уменьшать |
shift | [Sift] | смена |
take place | происходить | |
total | [7tEutl] | общее число/количество |
various | [7vBEriEs] | разный, различный |
Class ‘A’ controlled airspace consists mainly of corridors of protected space (known as airways) which enable public transport aircraft to route across the country with the benefit of a continuous control service' usually aided by radar, in which ground controllers assume responsibility for the safe separation of the various flights within the region. The controllers issue instructions by radio telephone to the pilots of aircraft inside the airways and those instructions have the force of law. Aircraft are not permitted to enter controlled airspace unless they are provided with certain navigational and identification facilities. Prior permission to fly in controlled airspace is also a requirement; this is normally achieved by informing the ATC authorities of the intentions of the flight by means of a Flight Plan.
Airspace around London Heathrow and Manchester is also Class ‘A’ airspace.
Class ‘B’ airspace consists of airspace other than airways or TMAs in which pilots are required to comply with certain rules. Class ‘B’ airspace in the UK covers all airspace above FL245, (approximately 24,500ft) in which aircraft are subject to a full and mandatory control service.
achieve | [E7tji:v] | достигать |
aid | [6eid] | помогать |
airway | [6Bewei] | воздушная трасса |
approximately | [EprOksimitli] | приблизительно |
assume | [E7sju:m] | принимать на себя |
ATC authorities | [O:7QOritiz] | руководство УВД |
benefit | [7beniSit] | выгода, польза |
comply with | [kEm7plai] | подчиняться правилам |
consist of | [kEn7sist] | состоять из |
control service | [kEn7trEul 7sE:vis] | обслуживание управлением |
certain rules | [sE:tEn7ru:lz] | определенные правила |
cover | [7kVvE] | покрывать |
enable | [i7neibl] | давать возможность |
facilities | [SE7silitiz] | оборудование, средство обслуживания |
force of law | [7SO:s] [lO:] | сила закона |
intention | [in7tenSn] | намерение |
issue | [7iSu:] [7isju:] | издавать, выдавать |
mainly | [7meinli] | главным образом, боль-шей частью |
mandatory | [7mXndEtEri] | обязательный |
by means of | [mi:nz] | посредством |
normally | [7nO:mEli] | обычно |
permit | [pE7mit] | разрешать, позволять |
prior permission | [praiE pE7miSn] | предварительное разре-шение |
public | [7pVblik] | общественный, государственный |
region | [7ri:d3En] | район |
require | [ri7kwaiE] | требовать |
requirement | [ri7kwaiEment] | требование |
responsibility | [ris6pOnsE7biliti] | ответственнность |
route | [ru:t] | направлять по определен- ному маршруту |
safe | [seif] | безопасный |
separation | [6sepE7reiSn] | отделение, разделение, интервал, эшелонирование |
subject to | [sEb7d3ekt] | подчинять |
TMA (terminal control area) | контрольная зона аэро-дрома | |
unless | [En7les] | если не |
Class ‘D’ airspace around airfields comprises Control Zones which extend from the surface to a specified upper level, usually at a radius of five nautical miles centred on the airfield, and Control Areas which extend from a specified lower level to a specified upper, and form an area of protected airspace around the airfield.
The extent and dimensions of Class ‘D’ Airspace for airfields is detailed in the appropriate section of UK Aeronautical Information Publications for each particular airfield.
The specific rules may vary in detail, but in most cases pilots are not permitted to enter unless they are able to comply with the following requirements:
- call air traffic control at the airfield on the radio frequency in use, with the aircraft position, level and proposed track;
- obtain permission from ATC for continuing the flight in the Control Zone or Control Area;
- keep a listening watch on the radio frequency in use;
- obey all instructions from ATC.