Exercise 5
Exercise 7
Exercise 6
Translate into Russian:
Descending to FL 150 to DN.
Estimating ZM 47.
Leaving FL 220.
Request VMC descent.
Leaving FL 140 for altitude 6000ft to DN.
Estimating LH 48, information Delta.
Descending to FL 130, will report reaching.
Leaving FL 160 for FL 120, request straight-in ILS approach.
Leaving FL 150 for FL 110 to FU.
NDB approach RW 17, then RW 23.
Leaving FL 130, descending to FL 110.
Translate into English:
Снижайтесь до ЭП 140.
Снижайтесь до ЭП 140, чтобы занять над ТН.
Доложите занятие ЭП 130.
Доложите прохождение ЭП 120.
Ускорьте снижение до ЭП 120..
Отверните вправо на курс 030 до прохождения ЭП 130.
Ожидайте захода по РМС на ВПП 12.
Ожидайте захода с прямой на ВПП 07.
Задержка не ожидается.
Ожидайте захода по приводам на ВПП 25.
Доложите, когда увидите землю.
Доложите начало стандартного разворота.
Доложите пролет ND на линии пути приближения.
Ожидайте заход по РМС ВПП 25, затем следуйте по кругу на ВПП 29.
Доложите пролет RK на линии пути удаления.
Разрешаю снижение в визуальных метеоусловиях.
Study the following information and then listen to an example of an ATIS for arriving flights:
REMEMBER: ATIS (Aerodrome Terminal Information Service) usually includes the following information: - aerodrome name; - aerodrome code; - observation time; - type of approach expected; - runway-in-use number, braking action/coefficient; - runway condition if necessary; - delay and holding procedure if necessary; - transition level; - other essential aerodrome information; - surface wind direction and speed; - visibility and RVR (runway visual range) if necessary; - cloud base or vertical visibility, cumulonimbus or towering cumulus if necessary; - temperature; - dew point; - altimeter setting/settings; - significant meteorological information if necessary. |
Newtown International Information Kilo at 1500 hours UTC. Expect ILS approach runway-in-use 18 left, wet, braking action good, no delay expected, transition level 110. Runway 18 right closed due maintenance.
Wind calm, visibility 1500 metres, broken 1400 metres Cumulonimbus, temperature 21, dewpoint 13, QNH 988, nosig.
Acknowledge information Kilo.
MINI-TEST (p. 210, 4.4)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:
1) What is the actual time over TF?
a) 22; b) 32;
c) 30; d) 20.
2) What flight level is LOT 345 maintaining?
a) FL 280; b) FL 170;
c) FL 150; d) FL 180.
3) What beacon is the pilot going to cross at 46?
a) LA; b) EL;
c) AL; d) EA.
4) What is the position of the aircraft identified by the controller?
a) 10 km east of TF; b) 20 km east of TF;
c) 10 km west of TF; d) 10 km east of FT.
5) What ATIS is the pilot listening to?
a) Kilo; b) Tango;
c) Delta; d) Foktzot.
6) What flight level does the controller instruct LOT 345 to descend to?
a) FL 130; b) FL 160;
c) FL 150; d) FL 140.