Exercise II. Translating the sentences below, be careful to choose for each common English root word in bold type a semantically corresponding Ukrainian equivalent.

Exercise I. Each block of sentences below contains a polysemantic noun, verb or adjective in bold type. Offer a cor­responding Ukrainian equivalent - word, word-group or sen­tence to substitute them semantically and then translate each block of sentences into Ukrainian.

1. I'm going to put upthe notice on Saturday. (S.Maugham) Praed comes in from the inner room putting uphis handkerchief which he has been using. (B.Shaw) I mustn't be upset. It will put upmy temperature. (D.Defoe) What did it cost to put upthose columns. (J.Galsworthy) 2. Lawrence Hadley ranthe photographic department. (A. Cronin) In her mind were runningscenes of the play. (T. Dreiser) After a few minutes he settled himself at his desk to run throughthe rest of his mail. (A.Cronin) Although she kept her head down she felt the blood run intoher face. (Ibid.) «I happened to run intotheir Mr. Smith the other day.» (Ibid.) «I thought I'd run downfor an hour. Am I a nuisance?» (Ibid.) I decided to give up runningfor governor. (Mark Twain) The Board is no more run as before (K.Post) 3. Listen, chil­dren, I'm going out. If you finish your work, carry onwith exercises I gave you. (P.Abrahams) Only fancy if he has a dear little boy to carrythe family on.(J.Galsworthy) Well, all through the circus they did the most astonishing things, and all the time that clown carried onso. (Mark Twain) 4. She realized that hers (life) was not to be a roundpleasure. (T. Dreiser) The fact that work of any kind was offered after so rude a roundof experience was gratifying. Her imagination trod a very narrow round.It would be an exceedingly gloomy round,living with these people. (Ibid.) 5. «Is that all you're worrying about? About what's on my mind?»(M.Wilson) Here he was with only a casual acquaintance to keep his mindfrom himself. «No, I've changed my mind,I'm the paragon of husbandry again. She clearly had no idea how outstanding a mindshe really had.» (M.Wilson) The thoughtful serious state of mindin which Mary found herself had been unclouded in her by a conversation she had with her father the evening before. (S. Anderson) 6. He forgot the presence of the farmer and his mindracked back over his life as a married man. (Ibid.) 7. «Who's speak­ing?» he asked mildly conscious of error on his part.(T.Dreiser) Some noise was heard, but no one entered the library for the best partof an

hour. (W.Scott) She was part and parcelof his soul. This to him (Drouet) represented in part high life- a fair sample of what the whole life must be. (T.Dreiser) 8. Too much of a thingis good for nothing. (Proverb) «You know there's one thingI thoroughly believe in,» she said, «but I never eat more than one thingfor luncheon». Then a terrible thinghappened. (S. Maugham) «Well, John, how are things?»(A.Bennett) He was satisfied with the most things,and above all other things,with himself. (C. Dickens) «.. .what a wonder­ful thingthat I am here.» (Ibid.) It is one thingto show a man that he is in an error and another to put him in possession of truth. (J.Locke) All thingscome round to him who will but wait. (H.Longfellow) 9. Keeping his backturned, he left the doorway and straddled a chair in a corner of the kitchen. If Uncle Dave will live here, we could build another room on the back.They shook hands, with Jim Nelson's backturned to the room. (J.Galsworthy) 10. Keepthese two books as long as you wish. (S.Leacock) I shall always keepthis dollar. «Well,» said the doctor, «I want you to keep very quiet.»(Ibid.) In the winter it should be keptin a warm place, where it can hatch out its young. (Mark Twain) This didn't keepthe neighbours from talking plainly among themselves. (K.Porter) «You needn't keep onsaying it round,» said Mr. Whipple. (Ibid.) June keeps after meall the time to tell her about what Uncle Dave is like. He kept his eyes fixedon his father's face. There was no medal for the Nelsons to keep,only a reddish-brown photograph taken in London. (J.Galsworthy) 11. Alice, having fully consideredthe matter, thought it most prudent to write to Lady M. You ought not to considerpoverty a crime.(Ch. Bronte) Con­siderour hands! They are strong hands. (P.Jones) You consideryour own affairs, and don't know so much about other people's. (D. La­wrence) 12. Fox introduced Erik to French and Larkin, two other as­sistants who had withdrawn toa corner to talk shop. The March night madehim withdrawhis overcoat. She wanted to withdrawfrom the people around her. Erik took advantage of this opportunity to withdraw fromthe project for the while. At last one third of those who had once been willing to sign the petition to the Board of Trust­ees now asked that their names be withdrawn.(M. Wilson) 13. Davon had said that he was recaptured and as he lay on the ground Adair hit him with a club.(F. News) The game is played with a ball the size of a tennis ball and a clubthat's a little shorter than for ice-hockey and a slightly bent at the end. (Sports News) The chess


clubalso meets once a week after school and is run by a teacher who is very keen on chess (Ibid.) They clubbedat Kain's who re­sided at the Statler Hilton Hotel, to talk on politics, to settle their affairs. (F. News) 14. Erik couldn't remove his eyes from Haveland's fair head.Erik turned: a fair slight girlin black suit stood next to him. He realized that he was greatly unfair.«It wasn't fairof you,» said Haveland. «But no one could say he hadn't been fair,»he in­sisted angrily. (M.Wilson) Fair playmust be observed not only at the All-European level. (K.Post) 15. So long asMary lived beside that monstrous man, and in that monstrous house he realised that he would never be at rest. She could endure anything so long ashe took her to him in the end. A long silenceensued, then the sound re­turned swelling in from the distant hills more loudly. No matter what happened she must live for Denis in the long run. Long agoshe had realized with a crushing finality that she was chained to a man of domineering injustice. (A. Cronin)

1.1 couldn't take the chance of letting it be known that there was doubt.2. There used to be some doubtabout sensitization tests. 3. He took her hand gently, his anger dissolving, only a vague, disquieting sense of doubtremained. 4. In her voice there was a trace of doubt.5. «What do you propose to do about Brian's bill?» «I doubtwe can do anything». 6. O'Donnel had no doubtsthat Rufus would have facts to back up a complaint like this. 7. «That's good news,» O'Donnel decided to shelve his earlier doubts.8. One always has doubtsin such cases. 9. He was a doubtingThomas without faith or hope in humanity and without any particular affection for anybody. (Dreiser) «I agree with the original diagnosis of a perfo­rated ulcer». «No doubtat all?». (A.Huxley) 10. «The baby died, Joe, I thinkyou heard.» «I thinkI know what you want to say.» «Don't you thinkthings are going pretty poor round here?» «By the way, do you know Dr. Gringer?» «I have no influence with him» «But you have - he thinks the worldof you.» (A.Cronin) She did not thinkmuch of his plan. (London) «You thinkall your geese are swans ... never met a painter who didn't.» (Galsworthy) She thinks small beerof painters. (Thackeray). 11. The driver turned once or twice with the intention of venturing a remark, but thoughtbetter of

it. (Ibid.) 12.... the old people minded the day when he was thought littleof. (E.Yates) 13. You kept from thinkingand it was all mar­velous. (E.Hemingway) 14. Think todayand speak tomorrow. (Prov­erb) 15. «I reckon you want to think twicebefore leaving my house.» (Cronin) He wondered,if the amputation to be performed tomorrow was necessary or not. «By the way, Doctor, the baby's umbilical cord has been cut short. I wondered,if you knew that or not.» He wonderedif the older man was right or wrong. And so I became their wonderboy. (M.Wilson) 16. It was a nine days' wonderin the club. (Dreiser) 17. For a wonderhe was not sea-sick. (C. Reade) 18. He ties his white neckcloth to a wonder.(Thackeray) 19. The seven wondersof the world. (Proverb) 20. «Areyou sure aboutthis date?» 21. «I'm not sure,I can explain, Mike.» 22. «I'm not sureI like the way we're doing this.» 23. Vivian was not quite surewhat was happening. 24. «As sureas a gun - this is he.» H.Fielding) 25. «Well, I'm sure!»said Becky; and that was all she said. (Thackeray) 26. «Don't know, I'm sure.»(Ibid.) 27. They'll make for the camp as sureas fate». (A.Doyle) 28. «Bill,» he answered, nod­ding his head. «Sure,Pete, and no other.» (London) 29. Then I slipped down to the ground and crawled in among the trees, and, sure enough,there was Tom Sawyer waiting for me. (Mark Twain) 30. «I'm going to have a fight with Dad, sureas certain.» (D.Carter)