Exercise I. Analyse the underlined English sense units and offer ways of their explicit transformation in Ukrainian translation of the sentences.
1. He was not slow, however, in perceiving that he had now his excuse for going home. 2. «Here you are then, Soames,» she said, «I am not so bad now.» 3. «I don't dislike you, Mr. Mont, but Fleur is everything to me.» (Galsworthy) 4. «No, I don't believe I don't remember the name.» (K.Mansfield) 5. «Did this nigger boy set fire to Mr. Feakens's old yellow house?» «No more than you did.» (Saroyan) 6. It was not unknown for small boys to enter a monastery. (Ken Follet)
7. It was no uncommon sight to see Gadge drooping across the waiting room with a prescription in his hand. 8. «Doctor», she said in her brisk way, «my husband is not well». 9. «Well, I did take it. And it was not an unconsidered act.» 10. «I think we are not doing too badly.» 11. It was not unnatural to take it (illness) back into his own hands. (Cronin)
12. «I didn't care a hang whether the soap was in or whether it wasn't.»
13. «Girls, also, don't look half bad in a boat, if prettily dressed.»
14. The first thing that they thought was the boat was not clean. (J.K. Jerome) 15. Miss Bingley was by no means unwilling to preside at his table. (I. Austen) 16. He could not be unaware that every one regarded him as a bit a hero. (Cusack) 17. In this case widowhood (of Mary Stewart) was not unwelcome, as she was a girl of eighteen, and her husband a prematurely aged sick man of fifty-three. 18. He (Prince of Wales) was not infrequently the companion of his father on some of his journeys into the country. (Jerrold) 19. «You don't mind my being frank, do you?». 20. They were not handsome creatures. (London) 21. It was not till the dawn crept into the room, ghostlike and silent, that he fell asleep. (Maugham) 22. «I didn't have much lunch. Doctor.»
23. «You aren't going to have anything to do with that feller, Doctor?»
24. The sound, not unlike the rat-a-tat-tat of parade drums, heralded Hickock's arrival. (Capote) 25. «And that's your final word?» «It could not be more final.» 26. «The public are not slow in the matter of sifting evidence and arriving at a verdict.» 26. «Don't you think you might be able to use me when you get back?» 27. «I dislike these bastards». (Hemingway) 28. Frank Cowperwood cared nothing for books. (Dreiser)
In many a case transformations of sense units are performed for the sake of achieving a fuller expressiveness. Thus, in the sentence «Just remember you are working for Doctor Page.» (Cronin) the underlined part may have two semantically equivalent variants: 1. «Jo. ж пам'ятайте», що ви працюєте на лікаря Пейджа» or «He забувайте, що ви працюєте на лікаря Пейджа». The second variant, however, is somewhat stronger since it implies threat. To achieve more expressiveness, the translator may change the outer and inner form of the sense unit in the target language, as in the sentence «We have stacked piles of brickbats under the corners of the piano box to keep the floor of it dry.» (Caldwell) 1. Щоб утримувати підлогу сухою, ми попідкладали битої цегли під кути ящика з-під піаніно; The latter
variant is certainly more concrete here.
Stylistically/subjectively predetermined is always the choice of the inner (content) form of a sense unit in the target language. Cf.: I feel well. (Hemingway) Я почуваюся непогано (добре). A shell fell close. (Ibid.) Неподалік/поруч вибухнув снаряд. In reality, however, any transformation is aimed at a more exact (and more faithful) rendering of the source language units into the target language.