Exercise IV. Identify the meaning of the verb should in the sentences below and then translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
Exercise III. Identify the meaning of the verb would in the sentences below and then translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. «Would you rather put it off for a few days?» I asked. 2. «Well, this would interest you. It wouldn't take much of your time.»
3. You wouldn't have to do any business with the Nolfsheim. (B.Shaw)
4. «I wouldn't look like Giraffe not for even so.» 5. «How would you like to spank somebody?» 6. «I wouldn't drink that water because I'd know you said it was bad». 7. «I wouldn't look like Zebra», said the Leopard.
8. «Then great Mr. Lloyds would come with a wire and drag him home».
9. "But Balkis talked to a butterfly as a man would talk to a man». (Kipling) 10. «I would willingly offer up my political life on the altar of my dear state's wheel and I would be glad and grateful to do it». 11. «Would you ever imagine what is a human volcano?» «I would not». (M.Twain) 12. «You'd like some tea, would you?» (B.Shaw) 13. Without hope the heart would break. (Saying) 14. «I don't know about things like that. I wouldn't know what to do». 15. «I would remember it only as a day that was rather funny». (Trevor) 16. «Reporters came, television and all, but I wouldn't see them». (D.Garnett) 17. «William... William...» he would have to look back to find the surname. (L.P.Hartley) 18. «I wouldn't have her now, not if she asked me on her bended knee». (W.W.Jackobs)
19. «I don't talk about such things: whatever would they think of us».
20. «She is not like my mother; the same treatment wouldn't do for both cases». 21. «So that was why he would not touch the money». (B.Shaw) 22. «The honour would be entirely Gatsby's... if you would attend his «little party» that night». (Fitzgerald) 23. «When would you like them to come over?» (Galsworthy)
1. You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. (Saying) 2. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 3. «Why should she not (see her)?» (B.Shaw) 4. He knew what he should do.
5. He should get down soon on to the white road. (Macken) 6. «I do
not know what we should do without the pulpit.» (M.Twain) 7. «I should
very much like to see it done.» 8. «Why should I not go too?»
9. «How would you like to spank somebody - but I should not like it at
all.» 10. «I should like it very much indeed.» 11. «I should call it Arma
dillo... and I should leave it alone.» (Kipling) 12. «You should be more
careful.» (J.London) 13. «You should go to a healthy spot.» (M. Spark)
11. «Well, for God's sake, get him attended to, Margo.» «You think I
should?» (Trevor) 15. «Why shouldn't you pass (the examination)
then?» (D.Lessing) 16. «People should know their place and stick to
it.» 17. «You should be saying these things to him.» 18. «Are you
sorry you didn't do it?» «I should have been a perfect fool if I had.»
(Maugham) 19. «That's what you should have done.» 20. «Why
shouldn't you marry me?» 21. «Why should I have done it?» 22. «There
shouldn't be better opportunities for women». (B.Shaw) 23. «You should go back and finish grammar school.» (London) 24. «I don't see why we shouldn't get on very well together.» (B.Shaw) 25. «I shouldn't be sorry if you thought ill of me.» (Maugham) 26. «Well, we'd better telephone for an axe.» 27. «You'd better try and sit quiet till morning.» (Fitzgerald) 28. «I think we'd better draw a picture of them.» 29. «You'd better get off there,» Charlie said. (D.Lessing) 30. «May be I'd better sell it somewhere else.» (Macken)