Translating by Means of Semantic Analogies

Despite the differences in economic, social, political, cultural

.mil in many cases also geographical/environmental conditions, un­der which the nation of the source language and that of the target language lives and develops some peculiar notions in both the lan­guages may be identical or similar/analogous in their meaning and functioning. It happens due to the existence of common routine or habitual actions, common occupations, social services, food, etc., in tin'so two contrasted language communities.

The appearance of analogous units in the national layer of lexi­con of different languages may also be the result of bilateral or multi­lateral contacts and influences, to which the nations may have been oxposed for centuries. Consequently, similar/analogous national no-lions in different languages may appear as a result of direct or indirect (tluough an intermediary language) borrowings. No wonder, that analo-QOi is units of national lexicon directly correlate in the source language and in the target language in their denotative meaning and mostly in the common sphere of their functioning - social, cultural, political, etc. Though far from all the analogies ever possess an absolute com-l iloxity of meanings inherent in the source language units. The conno-l.ilivo divergences and sometimes the spheres of use may not always fully coincide in the target language, as can be seen from the follow-ii x | low examples. English:the City/Town Board of Education міський ІІдділ освіти; pop corn кукурудзяні баранці; gingerbread імбирний пряник, коврижка; shop-steward цеховий староста (голова профкому); stewed fruit узвар/компот; Well done! Well done! (spoils) Мо-лод-ці! Мо-лод-ці!; come! come! Вгамуйся, заспокойся/ цить, цить, не плач. Ukrainian:залік preliminary/qualifying test/examina­tion; дипломна робота graduation essay/project; курсова робота term/yearly essay/project; доцент principal lecturer/reader, associ­ate professor; курси вдосконалення refresher course; підвищення кваліфікації in-service training course; кватирка hinged window pane/ pilot window; консультація tutorial.

No doubt some of the English /Ukrainian units mentioned above are mainly functionally approximate analogies (cf. доцент principal loader/lecturer reader, associate professor, кватирка hinged win­dow pane). Their complete denotative meaning can naturally be un­derstood only from a larger context. Functionally analogous are also some nouns in the forms of address in both the languages as can be seen below,:

Sir, she, being his wife will not, Пане, їй, як дружині, згідно
according to custom, mention звичаю не можна називати ім'я
his name. (M.R.Anand) свого чоловіка.


teach them the three R's. (P.Abrahams) 14. The lady looked some­what surprised. His Lordship arrived first escorting Mrs. Mallaby. (A.Christie) 15. Down Whitehall, under the grey easterly sky, the tow­ers of Westminster came for a second in view. 16. And, removing their hats, they passed the Cenotaph. (J.Galsworthy) 17. She was busy loading the table with high tea. 18. He was afraid that as K.C.he would get no work. (S.Maugham) 19. Mr. Huges was on the Bench. (Gor­don) 20.1 can get you a seat in the Distinguished Strangers' Gallery. (J.Galsworthy)