The choice of the way of approach to expressing the denotative meanings of the units of specifically national lexicon is strictly predetermined by some definite factors, which may be both of a lingual and extralingual nature. To these belong first of all the semantic and structural complexity (or similarity) of the units of the culturally biased
specific national lexicon of the source language. As a result, the methods of translating may also be predetermined by the specific notion being new and not yet quite known as well as by its long tradition of usage in the target language. The choice of the method of translating may partly be influenced by the sphere of circulation of the specific notion in the source language. Last but not least this choice can also depend on the translator himself and upon the aim or purpose of translating/interpreting. Hence, one may consequently assume the existence of several ways of conveying the lexical meanings of the culturally biased units of national lexicon. Each of these ways can be considered quite reliable, if it provides the faithful expression of the main and specific sense of the source language unit in the target language. Since the nature, the structure, the sphere of employment and the denotative meaning of different culturally biased units of national lexicon are rarely of the same semantic «extension», their methods of translating can not be uniform either. Taking into account or rather depending on the afore-mentioned factors, the following methods of conveying the meaning of specifically national units of lexicon can be recognized as quite reliable:
I. By Transcription or Transliteration ExclusivelyThe units of the nationally specific lexicon, whose meanings are rendered at the phonological level, usually belong to genuine internationalisms and comprise social and political units of lexicon in the main (cf. lord, lady, mister, shilling, kozak, hryvnia, etc.). This can also be observed on the following examples:
New classified rates per word for Нові тарифи на рекламу в ads in hryvnias in the Kyiv Post, гривнях за слово в газеті «Київ
«It's a poor coloured woman's place and you are a grand gentleman from Cape Town.» (P.Abrahams) «You're a supercilious half-baked snob.» (Cronin) Andrew put out some bottled beer and asked Christine to prepare sandwiches. (Ibid.) |
Це кімната для бідної
кольорової жінки, а ти ж
великий джентльмен із
Ти насправді зарозумілий і
обмежений сноб.
Ендрю дістав кілька пляшок
пива і попросив Крістін
приготувати йому сандвічі.