The Participle II
1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, find Past Participles and explain the use:
1. In modern societies some authorized body such as a legislature or court makes the law. 2. Ukraine’s declaration of independence, approved by a popular vote in 1991, has become a general rule. 3. The Constitutional Court charged with protecting and interpreting the constitution is the highest court in Ukraine. 4. Civil law used in many countries is based on ancient Roman law. 5. Precedents set by previous cases can be used to adjudicate new disputes. 6. At the annual opening of Parliament the Queen reads out a speech drawn up by the Prime Minister.
2. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example:
Example: We live in the city which was founded more than 1,500 years ago. – We live in the city founded more than 1,500 years ago.
1. Money bills which are concerned with taxation are always introduced by the Commons. 2. The first ten amendments to the Constitution of the USA which are known as the Bill of Rights were adopted in 1791. 3. English medieval law which is administered by courts reflected the “common” traditions and customs of the USA. 4. The civil law which is found in continental Europe can be contrasted to the common-law system. 5. The jury which is selected from local citizens applies the law to reach a verdict. 6. The interpretation of law which is made by appellate courts forms the precedents that govern future cases7. The evidence that was already fixed on the paper proved his innocence. 8. Financial losses which were covered by the defendant were considerably high.
3. Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian paying attention to the use of Participle II:
A. a solved problem; a retired judge; the proposed action; the highly-qualified lawyers; the given powers; the required qualifications; unwritten law; the alleged right; an undefended divorce; a prescribed law;
B. any accused person; any imprisoned citizen; any elected representative; any detailed rule; any examined witness; any revealed crime; any charged fine; any imprisoned citizen;
C. the individual involved; the area concerned; the terminology used; the courts organized; the decision taken; the recommendations made;
D. the courts organized by the local landowners; an action based on principles; the meaning dictated by Parliament; the members selected by the Prime Minister.
4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:
1. The fine paid amounted to three hundred dollars. 2. The executor is the person appointed to ‘execute’ the will. 3. There are several wishes expressed in the will. 4. Unfortunatuly, the stolen money has never been found. 5. The document corrected cannot be accepted. 6. The mentioned questions were of no importance. 7. Physical damage suffered by the plaintiff was terrible.
5. Choose the correct word:
1. The Congressman was satisfying/ satisfied with the results of the election.
2. Are you interesting/ interested in politics?
3. They were/ disappointing/ disappointed with the Justice’s decision.
4. It’s sometimes embarrassed/ embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.
5. Why does he always look so boring/ bored? Is his work really so bored/ boring?
6. Most of the policemen have a really impressive/ impressed experience in searching for criminals.
7. Our aim is to create a law- governing/ law-governed state.
8. It was not surprised/ surprising that he did not want to take part in the planned crime.
6. Translate the following sentences into English using Participle II:
1. Кожен заарештований чи затриманий повинен бути поінформований щодо причини його арешту чи затримання 2. Кожен затриманий має право оскаржити (to challenge)в суді своє затримання. 3. Родичі заарештованої чи затриманої особи повинні бути поінформовані негайно про його чи її арешт. 4. Затримана чи арештована особа повинна бути звільнена відразу, якщо не було відповідного рішення суду. 5. Акти президента України, видані в межах його повноважень, підписуються також прем’єр-міністром України. 6. Письмові статути, складені (to draft) законодавчими органами, є основою для вирішення справ за системою цивільного права.